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Everything posted by letsdothis

  1. Thanks, Stone. That was very helpful. There's an easier way to find out the site name than inspecting the element. Just hover the cursor over the picture and look in the bottom left corner. It will usually show the URL. Back when he posted those pics and I realized how long they had stayed online, I had looked up the site, although I haven't used it, yet. Based on how long his pics have been online, it looks like a very good option. It's too bad they don't accept videos. Thanks again.
  2. Happy New Year, Stone. Since you already know where at least one of the pictures are, could you post a link to save us the trouble of hunting through all those topics and pages? Thanks.
  3. There might be some here, but you need to be a premium CC member to get into the topic.
  4. Same old, same old, here, although we've had an outbreak of Covid. I'm still free of it, fingers crossed, although I had a slight fever about a week ago. They tested me three times over the course of a week, but it came back negative, as far as I know. I guess they'd have told me otherwise. I hope you and the wife are good. And you're right about the VH forum. It's just blah, blah, blah, this and blah, blah, blah, that. Just a load of insults, complaining and crap. I just go for the content, although I did read some of the posts at Charlize's place. One, because I really like her and two, because they had 500 new posts in a single day!!
  5. There's a full-blown SHIT STORM going on in the other forum over VHTV's decision to let them stay. Everyone seems ROYALLY PISSED OFF!! I'm torn because I really like Charlize, but I really hate rape.
  6. A fellow came into a bar and ordered a martini. Before drinking it, he removed the olive and carefully put it into a glass jar. Then he ordered another martini and did the same thing. After an hour, when he was full of martinis and the jar was full of olives, he staggered out. "Well," said a customer, "I never saw anything as peculiar as that!" "What's so peculiar about it?" the bartender said. "His wife sent him out for a jar of olives."
  7. Hey, have you heard about the latest anonymous sperm bank being established by the State of Indiana? It will be called "Hoosier Daddy!"
  8. There are more than 200 posts about it on the other forum. Use this link. https://forum.voyeur-house.tv/t/cooper-charlize/6919/702
  9. That girl has one hell of a pair of tatas.
  10. While that's true, it's also true that they shut those cams down very shortly after they see a naked girl on one of them, especially if she's 'bating or spreading her legs, etc. For example, you didn't get Nana's full 'bate session, from all three cameras, on what you call member's only cams.
  11. I don't understand. The cam you recorded from is also member's only, and I thought you had a sub, anyway.
  12. LOL! From what I've seen of her around guys, I don't think there's ever been a dick in her pussy.
  13. Another excellent catch! Could you please post her 'bate as seen from this camera? Thanks. (Content No Longer Available)
  14. Great catch, Ulysse!! Do you happen to have the same scene from the foot of the bed, also?
  15. Just making sure none of the animals got loose. Oh, wait...
  16. I really liked these shots, so I thought I would spruce them up a bit. Thanks to those who posted them. (Note: These shots are bigger than they look on this page, so view them at actual size.) But, as I worked on this shot, something interesting appeared. You tell me what you think. Normally, unless she has a toy in it, Radislava's pussy lips are closed, as in the shot above. However, in the shot below, her lips are open, and it looks like there's something in her pussy. What do you guys see? (Contents No Longer Available)
  17. That was my bad. I'm so used to posting pics as attachments. Let me see what I can do about that.
  18. Thank you very much, Arkay. You didn't have to go to the trouble of subtitling it. Very much appreciated.
  19. @Arkay2, Kira's Christmas and New Year greeting to everyone including audio. I'm deaf. Could you please tell me what she said? Thank you.
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