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Everything posted by letsdothis

  1. Her coat seems somewhat thinner and her belly looks bare. From that and the way Stas was carrying her, maybe she had an operation. Just a guess. Maybe Clara can fill us in. I sure hope she's OK.
  2. Not everyone has access to the archive. How about posting the actual video? Thanks.
  3. Yes, you're allowed to post your opinions, as long you don't cross the lines of the rules of this forum, which I believe you did, by miles. There's nothing, however, that says I have to respect or agree with them and I do not. Anyone who can so matter-of-factly spout such heinous insults about someone doesn't deserve anyone's respect. As Naga said, you could have just said she's not your type, but that wouldn't have satisfied your inner Internet troll's need to stir up trouble and provoke people. You had to be rude and insulting. Bean said that everyone in this world is imperfect. I would agree. Some more than others. And, you've proven, by your propensity at being rude, nasty and cutting other people to shreds, that you deserve a spot right at top of that imperfect list.
  4. He said, "advanced user". It says Advanced Member under your username. I'd say that includes you.
  5. I'm fairly sure what your ophthalmologist friend meant is there is no normal or natural way to change eye color for hours and hours and with that I would probably agree. I bow to his expertise. However, we're not dealing with natural or normal. As Lisa said twice, she uses color correction while broadcasting on Chaturbate. Now, I'm not sure if color correction alone can make images look sharper or brighter. I have my doubts, but just about anything is possible these days with computers and technology. Usually, color correction is used to make colors look, well, more correct or to drastically change them from what you expect to see. What I do know, however, is that color correction or color shift, as it's also known, can make colors look different than what you expect them to be. And, sometimes that shift can be very subtle. It wouldn't take much of a shift, for example, to make grey eyes or blueish-grey eyes look blue. And, they would look blue for as long as the color correction is being used. That's why @Mrs.Kitty's eyes look blue for hours and hours while she's on Chaturbate. It's an artificial change, not because of lighting or mood, etc.
  6. That's assuming the girl isn't mad enough that she won't share.
  7. I don't care if you are out west, sonny, that nasty, grungy, sweaty, full-of- dandruff-and-God-only-knows-what-else cowboy hat doesn't belong on the table where people eat or on your head. Grow some manners. Some peoples' kids, I swear.
  8. Put those all together and what do they spell??? New computer. Just kidding, I hope that's not the case. But, if you go through most of those before you find the problem or if you go through most or all of those and still haven't found the problem, you would have been better off buying a new PC. I know that sounds obvious, but it probably doesn't hurt to say it. Good luck.
  9. It's the pheromones released into the air by us aroused humans. You should see Leora's (RLC) dog. She goes batshit crazy every time Leora starts bating. Chews on the throw pillows on the sofa, shakes them like she's trying to rip them apart, humps them like she's fucking them and barks like a banshee. Fucking annoying little mutt.
  10. I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree, because I don't see it that way and I'm not going to argue with you.
  11. How, on God's green Earth, could anything I said be anywhere close to being hypocritical??? This is the definition of hypocritical. "behaving in a way that suggests one has higher standards or more noble beliefs than is the case." Here's an example of hypocrisy. "We don't go to church and we thought it would be hypocritical to have him christened." Here are a couple more examples: Admonishing someone for doing something, but turning around and doing the same thing yourself. Or, holding someone or a group to a set of rules, then breaking them yourself, believing they don't apply to you. And, just to be clear, when I say "you", I don't mean you, Misc, or anyone else in particular. They were just examples.
  12. Doesn't ask me to save anything. Just gives me this error.
  13. @StnCld316I forgot to say I translated the entire page to English, so yes that is the right button to click. "Just click the Valider et Telecharger le Fichier" button
  14. I've tried to download every video he posted, several of them multiple times. I always get this error.
  15. I'm really sorry you got banned, but they can only ban you once. You may as well reload everything to mab.to, if you want to. 😊
  16. I agree, women are quite capable of being just as big an asshole as any of the guys who have flipped us the finger. In this case, IMO, that wasn't what happened, so no double standard. I didn't see it live, but I didn't see two assholes, saying, "Fuck you!" If that's not what you saw, then maybe it was a double standard for you. IDK. JMO.
  17. I never said it wasn't a double standard, but in this case, I don't think it was. They weren't being mean, idiotic assholes, like some of the guys who have flipped us off.
  18. It may be because most of us are here for the girls and when a visiting guy flips us the finger, it really does feel like he's saying, "Fuck you, assholes," to the entire audience. And, we don't tolerate it, nor should we, because it's disrespectful, rude and insulting, at the very least. But, when a couple of cute girls flip us off in a cute, funny, playful, teasing way, we realize it doesn't have the same connotation as when the guy did it and we allow them more latitude. Some might even say it could mean, "Come fuck us!" JAT.
  19. I never watched a single second after their illegal behavior with that drugged, unconscious girl. I know you're a woman, so I respect your desire for hot guys, although I never looked close enough to know if they were or not, not that I would be any judge of male hotness. I never come to VH or CC or anywhere else, for the guys, but I understand why you would. I won't spout morality to you except to say, the illicit, illegal behavior of these guys FAR outweighs EVERYTHING else they ever did, IMHO. Anyone who comes to replace them would be a 1000% better than these guys and their crony in crime, tattoo dude. Peace right back at ya. ✌️
  20. I tried multiple times with several files. I always got this error. Could never download any of them.
  21. mab.to seems to work the best. The files last three days, which is about as long as we're going to get before RLC has them deleted. And, they have everything deleted.
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