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Everything posted by letsdothis

  1. YouYou, either the videos you've uploaded to free.fr are being taken down by RLC almost as soon as you upload them or they don't allow adult content and free.fr is deleting them. Either way, I haven't been able to download a single video of yours from free.fr and I check all the video topics at least twice a day. Would it be possible for you to upload them to mab.to? Thank you if you can, thank you for trying if you can't.
  2. To anyone out there, I have just three questions (this time). 😊😊 Who is the girl with the cup - Salma? Who is the girl with the soap? Who is the hot, crazy, exhibitionist girl? Thanks.
  3. Now, we get to see (above) what Amira was looking at in this picture. 😊
  4. I'm a bit late, Hope, but I wanted to say CONGRATULATIONS on your 150,000th "like"!!! What a milestone and a SUPER PERSON!!!
  5. I'm sure she was great, but I'm not allowed in the bedrooms, so I didn't see it.
  6. OMG!!! Funny as hell!!! Definitely one for VH Funnies!!! 🤣🤣🤣
  7. I didn't mean to imply otherwise. It just looked so funny with his dick in her mouth while she was texting away, or whatever she was doing.
  8. But, Golfer, don't you see? That's precisely my point. You make the same comments over and over "...about the hypocritical statements made over & over" (your words), made by other people. It doesn't matter if they're hypocritical statements. It doesn't even matter what they're about. Both you and the people you're complaining about are doing the exact same thing; posting the same comments over and over again. You tell them to stop posting the same comments over and over, by posting the same comments over and over. That's the very definition of hypocritical. I didn't actually count the posts, but it was significant. Enough for me to notice there was a pattern of making the same comments about the same comments, over and over again. Clearly, that is not and will not quell the situation, because the people you're complaining about see you doing the same thing they're doing and they think, even if it's subconsciously, "Well, he's doing it, so it must be OK for me to do it, too." But, you said it yourself, "1 or 2 times reading the same shit about the same people from the same people should be more than enough to make the point." Probably a reasonable rule of thumb. About the lack of humor, I remember when you said that before. So, just to be funny and to try and inject a little laughter into the forum, I told you a joke. I guess you didn't think it was funny. But, the really funny thing about it is, I told someone else that same joke and she took it to her favorite watering hole and won their funniest joke contest...with my joke. How's that for funny?
  9. I remember their apt. Didn't watch them much. Didn't know she/they came from Z & T. Wasn't Leon the one nicknamed, the Caveman?
  10. I don't recall a Linds. Brought her into their apt or as a tenant into VHTV?
  11. I guess I missed that part. I never liked Zoi & Tim and only watched them long enough to know I didn't want to watch them, which was all of about 30 seconds. Sweaty guy sounds about right, though.
  12. I never have figured out what that emoji is or what it means, but I did think it was strange how you, of all people, could possibly have missed that. Thanks. ☺️
  13. 🎵 🎶 Oh, Piper, you're so fine You're so fine you blow my mind, Hey Piper, hey Piper 🎵 🎶 A very old song loooong before your time, Piper, called, Hey Mickey, but adapted for you.
  14. It was many, many months ago and it was behind Stas' back. He got super pissed about it when he found out. Even left the apt. But, like JJ said, all evidence of it was erased from the archive and the forum. Although, I'm sure there's still plenty of evidence out there, if you know who to ask.
  15. Great caps and LOVED the video!! Thanks.
  16. Golfer, I mean no offense or disrespect, but here's something to think about. You protest about people who make the same complaint about the same people or things, ad infinitum. And, I can understand that. It can sometimes get a little annoying. Yet, by making that complaint over and over yourself, you're propagating exactly what you're complaining about: People making the same complaints about the same things, over and over. You also make the same types of sarcastic complaints about "true voyeurs" over and over. Again, promoting the same type of unacceptable situation you complained about above.
  17. Always! I resemble that remark. Have you read my signature? Although, in this case, I knew some of it before I looked it up. ☺️
  18. Nice caps, but I don't think that last one is Sina. The hair color is wrong.
  19. It is a little strange to go from Kate to Kathy this far in, but both are short forms of Katherine or Catherine. Also called diminutives, others include Katie, Katy, Kathe, Kath, Kay, Kat, Katya, Katyusha, Kitty, Kit and Kasia.
  20. Hey, Nic, this should probably go in Ruby & Calvin's topic. This topic has been archived and it's from R & C's apt, anyway. ☺️
  21. This would be a great GIF or even vid clip, so we could hear her, as well. ☺️
  22. Damn, guys, thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!! You're the BEST!!! But, my most HEARTFELT, THANK YOU goes to you, Piper. Thank you so much for overcoming your fear and being more relaxed with us. You are a GEM!!! My favorite on VHTV.
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