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Everything posted by letsdothis

  1. I agree, it must have been a different account.
  2. I have to say I'm a little confused. You seem to be saying that if Alt0na uses zupimages, his pics would somehow be different. However, when I compared both images side by side, both fully expanded, I could find no difference, at all. They were both the same size and there was no change in quality. So, I downloaded both images. The only difference I could see is your filesize is slightly smaller than his. Did I misunderstand what you were saying?
  3. Why were her vids removed from the archives?
  4. Just curious. When he cums on the floor - which, I agree, is super weird - who cleans it up?
  5. Sorry, this is after the fact, but look one post above yours. However, it says the last time they were broadcasting was three weeks ago.
  6. I remember seeing one between two girls in the shower at Casahot. It's probably in the archives. Happy hunting. 😊
  7. Yes! A naughty ebook for us perverted kiddies.😁👍
  8. I realize you don't have a lot of posts under your belt, but welcome to the posting community. I hope you have fun. You do realize that one of the people you're yelling at is a moderator, right? And not just any moderator, mind you, but the Forum Admin. Maybe you could give some thought to installing a filter between your brain and your fingers, not just for his sake, but for the benefit of everyone here. I know you've been around since 2013, but possibly you could get the lay of the land, so to speak, before you start yelling at people, issuing commands and making demands. Just some things to think about. All your choice, of course. I almost forgot. All the posts with expired or removed videos and any off-topic comments will be moved to a different topic by the Forum Admin. Something he does fairly regularly. So, they'll all be gone in due time.
  9. They sound great. Those last two words translated to "creeper". Is that right?
  10. Back to back alliterations. Not bad. And, yes, all BF stays should be short.
  11. When I looked at the mirror and saw what I thought was the red wall behind the mirror, I thought the mirror had broken. Then, I realized it was the reflection of the opposite wall. 😁 Good optical illusion.
  12. Good to know who to come to with my tech questions. 😊 But, I'm gonna take a wild guess you meant 1TB SSHD and not 1GB. How much of it is solid state?
  13. Thanks, Rob. 👍 Sorry for your computer misfortunes. I'm glad you got everything sorted. (How about that? An American using British slang. Is that allowed?) 😁 I had to look it up, but I laughed at the example they gave for the definition of "stroppy". I don't think that sounds much like you, but have you ever been that rowdy soccer fan? Just curious. 😊 "The definition of stroppy is a British slang term used to describe someone who is hard to deal with, or who is easily offended. An example of someone who would be described as stroppy is a rowdy soccer fan who can't be controlled and who is yelling and shouting and being somewhat rude."
  14. Come on, Rob, from what I've read, I know you to be better than that. At least I kept what I said, civil and not insulting. And, like you, I have a right to offer my opinion if I so choose. In your first post, when you said, "...at least you can wash the sheets but the mattress no," you indicated the sheet offers some protection to the mattress, regardless of how much. I just didn't happen to agree with that. A sheet is going to offer very little protection to the mattress. Any bodily fluids that get on the sheet are going to get on the mattress long before you wash it or even get it off the bed.
  15. In a nutshell, all I was saying is if a sheet gets wet, the mattress is going to get wet with whatever fluid is on the sheet long before you can get the sheet off the mattress. Those fluids will likely carry with them, any germs, bacteria, etc., that may be in those fluids. So, a sheet offers only partial protection to both the person laying on it and the mattress. And, most things microscopic are going to be able to get through a sheet both ways almost like water would flow through it. Of course, if there's no sheet, there's not even a semi-protective barrier. Whatever is on the mattress is going to be on you.
  16. I agreed with you before. A fitted sheet offers a semi-protective barrier against things that are non-microscopic, like bed bugs. But, they can still crawl out from under the sheet to get to you. Dust mites, while microscopic, feed on dead skin cells, not humans. They are harmless to most people and don't carry diseases. Microscopic things, such as germs, viruses, bacteria, etc., can usually fit through the fibers of a sheet. For example, viruses are so small, it takes an electron microscope to see them with the naked eye.
  17. When you guys said "unhygienic" and "infection", my first thought was of germs and bacteria, which are microscopic. When you said "bugs in the mattress", I think of bed bugs, which are not microscopic - I looked it up. Most things microscopic would be able to slip through the fibers of the sheet. Things that are not microscopic, probably would not fit through the sheet fibers. So, if you're talking about bed bugs, Amy you're probably right, although they can still crawl out from under the sheet to get to that warm body they're looking for. As for things microscopic, a sheet most likely won't offer much protection. For wetness, however, a sheet gives no protection, at all. The mattress is going to get wet, almost guaranteed, unless there's something water- proof under the sheet. And along with the wetness, goes anything micro- scopic.
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