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Everything posted by letsdothis

  1. HAHAHA! I'd say you're right on the money!! LMAO
  2. Can you spot the difference? In In the first pic he's pregnant. In the second, he's already given birth.
  3. Thanks, Moos. Since she's usually the subject of the photo sessions, I thought the number applied to Linda.
  4. Do the big "3s" on the window indicate Linda's age?? She sure doesn't look like she's 33!!
  5. Some caps from the previous vid. (Image Content No Longer Available)
  6. I'm not sure it would be any easier for the poster, as you still need to upload them to a third-party host before you can post them here. Don't quote me, but it might have to do with the code you choose to post, be it the bbcode or something else. Henri uses gfycat.com to post the video, instead of the link, in the thread. They might be of more help than me. Good luck.
  7. I wish she would let them "breathe" more often when she's close to a free cam.
  8. At first, I thought you had flipped the pics horizontally, but the window and the bed are still in the right positions. I guess the "love" balloon just got flipped around. Does that mean the opposite of "love"?
  9. What a beautiful woman, IMHO. The front, the back and everything in-between.
  10. Zoifan, I have often found you to be one of the voices of reason on these boards and this comment is no exception. It is well thought out and very considerate. And, you piqued my interest in sex during pregnancy. During my reading, I found that sex, even intense sex, is not only good and fun for both partners, it's very good for both mother and baby in several ways. Check out this article. 9 Reasons You Should Have Sex While Pregnant by Stefani Ruper I also found a very interesting tidbit. Although rare, it is possible to become pregnant while you're already pregnant. It's called superfetation. Medical Definition of Superfetation Superfetation: An extremely rare situation in which a pregnant woman becomes pregnant a second time with another (younger) fetus. Superfetation is characterized by the fertilization and the implantation of a second oocyte in a uterus already containing the product of a previous conception. Superfetation is different from the process of twinning or multiple gestations and involves the conception of an additional fetus during an established pregnancy. With superfetation, the two fetuses have different gestational ages and due dates. Superfetation can occur in some animals but is so rare in humans that fewer than 10 cases have been reported in the medical literature.
  11. Crazy or not, let's have more like her, please!!!
  12. I don't get it, either. This guy seems to have taken up residence here and no matter where the girls are or how they're dressed...or undressed...he's right in the middle of them. In the pics above, the girl with the pigtail braids is rubbing her tits in his face...literally, he has his hand on the girl in the pink like they're a couple and the girl on the left doesn't seem to give a shit how she's dressed when he's around. I don't know who this fucking guy is, but he needs to go, soon. IMHO. Do any of these people actually live at Hotel Barcelona?
  13. Hey, guys and gals. This post marks the very first time I've ever had double-digit "likes" for a VHTV post. So, here's a HUGE, HEARTFELT THANK YOU to all those who reacted to this post and to all who downloaded them. It is much appreciated!!!
  14. @waldi, so you're the culprit!!! You're the one responsible for giving me "like" number 1000!!! Thank you very much for the milestone!!!
  15. It's a real shame there's no cam looking over Sam's shoulder from behind him. Es una verdadera lástima que no haya una cámara mirando por encima del hombro de Sam detrás de él.
  16. Everybody has a job to do. Ginger is fucking the one guy in the ass with a strap-on, while they both take turns jacking him off, while Stella plays videographer recording the event for posterity, while Stephen takes care of the other girl's pussy. Ginger has a cute tat of a kitten on her back.
  17. Nick, I've never seen that little orange square with the arrows. Where does it come from?
  18. Clara's a little freak! Nice! She likes a little of everything.
  19. If you haven't seen it, check out Braven. It's kind of predictable, but it has Jason Momoa...as a family man. He's a logger who runs up against a band of drug runners.
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