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Everything posted by letsdothis

  1. Depends on how they got the dick. If he was born with it, he's a guy. If it was surgically added, she's a chick.
  2. She does get the shitty end of the stick from a lot of people.
  3. This is absolutely hilarious!! Yesterday, at a superspreader in Alabama, the psychopath told his magats to, "Take the vaccine," and THEY BOOED HIM!!!!!! They're too brainwashed and off the rails even for him.
  4. Every time I see a picture of this fool (TC), he always has this stupid, WTF-is-he-talking-about look on his face. Just like he doesn't have a single clue what's happening. But, when you think about it, that's a good look for him because he actually doesn't have a clue.
  5. You lay off my cats, now, or I might just have to paddle across the pond and borrow Dave's Claymores.
  6. I thought there was something wrong with my pedometer app. It thought there was something wrong with me. It asked me if I had died.
  7. My teenage son asked me if I ever fell in love with a high school teacher. "In fact, I did. She was gorgeous! I couldn't take my eyes off of her... I dreamt of a life together with her day and night." "Wow! What happened with that, dad?" he excitedly asked. "Your mom moved you to another school."
  8. I started a new workout routine this week, doing crunches twice a day... I do Cap'n in the morning and Nestle's in the afternoon.
  9. Leora-Fan, you have me stumped. I don't think I've ever seen an RLC video, here. I've seen plenty of VH videos posted here, but most of them are posted in the premium members only video topic. Where did you see any RLC videos?
  10. In all the years I've been a member, it's never notified me once that my sub has expired. I never know until I realize I can't do certain things, or I notice that "Premium Member" is no longer under my avatar.
  11. You guys have it all wrong. You're letting your imaginations run wild, letting them run away with you. There's no mystery, here. No hiding, no sex, no hanky-panky in the backyard. They took a couple of pillows out to the darkest part of the lot, so they could lay down in the cool, soft grass and gaze up at the stars and watch the meteor shower. That's all that's happening, here. It's perfectly innocent.
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