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Everything posted by letsdothis

  1. “Your underwear is much too tight and very revealing,” I said to my wife. She said, “Well, then wear your own.”
  2. Nelly and Martina kiss and lick their pussies and give us the most beautiful lesbian show (Content No Longer Available)
  3. Happy, I'm not sure what you're going on about here or why. Whenever I quote a source, I put it in quotes. I also usually post the article, Wiki, video, etc. I've never plagiarized anything. This didn't come from an article or any other source. Every word is entirely original. And, what I don't write myself, I wouldn't post unless I believed it to be true. I don't understand why you would think someone else wrote this.
  4. Bruno's a dick wad: 1. For trying to fuck around on Gina and 2. For trying to take advantage of a girl so drunk she could barely stand.
  5. Was she so drunk she peed all over the sofa and floor, thinking she was on the toilet?
  6. I don't think they did, Diz. They may have left out a few things.
  7. I remember that song from way back, but I couldn't hear the lyrics or the melody of it. Those higher frequencies are out of my range of hearing. I could hear the baseline, but it didn't sound like the song as I remember it. Thanks for the memories, though.
  8. Trump is 'an American war criminal in his own country': Carl Bernstein - Alternet.org WWW.ALTERNET.ORG For the past six months Donald Trump has persisted with his reckless and inflammatory "Big Lie" rhetoric that the 2020 presidential election was "rigged" and "stolen" from him. That egomaniacal blather led...
  9. Golfer, you can always copy and paste something from a closed topic to the current one. Like this: Posted yesterday at 01:28 PM You're the enemy. I stand by my words. Or, you could grab the entire post. O_U812 Members 7.5k Posted yesterday at 01:28 PM You're the enemy. I stand by my words. Hint: If you start highlighting from the beginning of the post—the line that starts with "Posted yesterday..."—it will automatically highlight the username, avatar, etc. If you start at the end of the post and highlight backwards, you can control exactly what gets highlighted, including the username, avatar, etc., if you want it.
  10. Fox News host mocked officer with fake trophy. See his response - CNN Video WWW.CNN.COM DC Metropolitan police officer Michael Fanone, who was beaten during the Capitol attack, responds to Fox News host Laura Ingraham after she mocked his testimony on her show.
  11. You need to understand two things. First, I didn't write this. I found it interesting, current and pertinent, so I posted it. Second, I couldn't give a single rat's ass about something that may have happened 40, 50, 60 years ago in the news and I really don't think you do either, except to use it to deny and deflect and point a finger at someone else. I care about what's happening in and to this country RIGHT NOW! And, one of the negative, detrimental and dangerous things happening right now is faux news is spreading their fake, fucking, bullshit propaganda like a rampant wildfire, and it needs to be put out. Anyone who believes a single word that comes out of the mouths of the likes of Tucker Carlson, Shawn Hannity, Laura Ingraham and their ilk, is a complete pushover and would believe ANYTHING they were told. Which is very sad that they could be brainwashed so easily.
  12. Hey, Phil. I know makeup can change a lot of things and cover up stuff, but these two girls don't seem to look much alike to me. Rebecca Volpetti on the right.
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