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Everything posted by letsdothis

  1. It only took three years , but someone finally got the joke. Thanks @sebi2212. Glad you liked it.
  2. It looks like there might be something missing here. There's lots of blank space and no funny GIF.
  3. A day or two ago, I was watching a news video. The guest on the show was a conservative who used to work for faux news, THE BULLSHIT FACTORY, I don't recall his name. He was lambasting faux news for their disinformation campaign about Covid-19 and the vaccines. He also said that of all the people dying in this country right now, 99.2% of them are unvaccinated. That is an extremely telling statistic. Here's a thought. Apparently, the majority of these unvaccinated folk are qtrumplicans, magats, qanons, right-wings, etc. If they choose to be so stupid as to risk a life of negative health issues and even death, maybe we should just let them live—or not—with that choice. I don't want anyone to die, but there's only so much you can do to convince someone to do the right thing in their own best interest. If they choose to ignore everything, then we just have to let them suffer the consequences.
  4. Hey @sturmchaser. Have you ever driven away from a dock with the forklift operator still in your trailer? If so, how far did you get before you realized it? Can't imagine the situation that caused this sign to exist at Costco.
  5. Friend of Masha's RLC interrupted blowjob (No. More. BLUE!) (Content No Longer Available)
  6. Mirror, mirror on the wall...oops.
  7. If you give him a mention, like this, @moonlight89, he might answer you a little sooner because he'll get a notification that you're talking to him.
  8. You said you didn't think you would renew if the archive wasn't available. If something like this were implemented, how many people do you think would join VHTV. The archive is a major drawing point for buying a sub. If I could buy a sub, I would never join without full access to the archive.
  9. The Best DMCA Ignored Countries: Our Top Picks The Netherlands – Its staunch support of free speech and user privacy makes it a safe haven for both DMCA content and politically motivated websites. Luxembourg – The US-based DMCA has no effect here, and many hosting companies vow to always keep your content online. Bulgaria – Companies that choose to offer DMCA ignored hosting enjoy the Bulgarian government’s very lenient approach to copyright law. Russia – Communism might have taken a hit, but American copyright laws are about as irrelevant today as they’ve ever been. Hong Kong – Local markets are filled with bootleg copies of copyrighted works, and the same leniency is shown towards hosting companies. Singapore – The hosting capital of Southeast Asia is home to many offshore and DMCA ignored hosts, operating almost worry-free. Malaysia – Personal details aren’t required, payments can be made entirely in bitcoin, and the local copyright system has nothing to do with the DMCA.
  10. Love that jiggle 2021-07-18 06-50-33 (Content No Longer Available)
  11. Hey, Sturm. Haven't seen you posting for ages. Where ya been? Everything OK? Welcome back.
  12. NOW I recognize her. That's definitely Faye.
  13. Faye is the blonde? I would never have recognized her.
  14. And she didn't even have on heels.
  15. From what I understand, who could lose with Lyla.
  16. You're quite welcome. Just doing my civic duty.
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