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Everything posted by letsdothis

  1. To quote a post from one topic, e.g. a video topic, and move it to another topic, e.g. a comment topic, click the '+' under the post. Go to the second topic and click on 'Quote 1 Post' in the bottom right of the screen. Then type your comment. If you don't see that button, refresh the page, it will show up. This is called multi-quoting and you can carry over as many posts as you need, to a second topic. The number on the button will reflect the number of posts you multi-quoted. I hope that's helpful.
  2. For four decades, Rush Limbaugh had the biggest media megaphone through which he spit poison every day straight into the ears of 20 million Americans. He lied and lied, and he lied and lied. If there were no Limbaugh, there would be no President Trump, who himself told more than 30,500 lies, falsehoods and misleading claims during four years. Their canon of lies included lies about the covid pandemic, culminating in a death toll now exceeding half a million. Their repertoire of lies included lies about the election, culminating in the worst attack on our government since September 11, 2001. Their stockpile of lies included The Big One (that IQ45 won) repeated Sunday by three GOP senators and one GOP House leader to the detriment of millions of television viewers. How does a republic deal with a party that lies nonstop? Whatever it is, it's not "civility and grace" alone, because they alone do not work. Full article. https://www.alternet.org/2021/02/journalism-lies/?utm_source=&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=6629&recip_id=533204&list_id=2
  3. Thanks much for the compliment. To each his own, as you say. 👍
  4. Thanks a lot! No, it's really Nelly. She and Bogdan used to live in B5. Sorry you don't like her. She's hot. Everyone is asking for the video of her and Martina getting it on. They are quite the item. I wish I could find the video.
  5. Much appreciated. Try to remember to post comments in this topic. New rule. Just click the '+' under the post in the video topic, then come here and click on 'Quote 1 Post' in the bottom right corner of the screen. If you don't see the 'Quote 1 Post' button, just refresh the page, it'll show up.
  6. Those are harder to come by. Even if the thumbnail is visible, usually the video itself has been deleted. if I find any, I'll see if I can get them. Remember, though, they have to be posted in the old apt topic. Also, try to remember to post comments in this topic, instead of the video topic. New rule. Just click the '+' under the post in the video topic, then come here and click on 'Quote 1 Post' in the bottom right corner of the screen. If you don't see the 'Quote 1 Post' button, just refresh the page, it'll show up.
  7. Megan and Holly relax naked in bed and Holly gently stroke her body (Content No Longer Available)
  8. Leora make naked exercises (Content No Longer Available)
  9. Nelly has sex with Bogdan and is licked by him when she gives him a blowjob (Content No Longer Available)
  10. Radislava relaxes and shows us her ass ready to be fucked (Content No Longer Available)
  11. Masha hot pussy masturbation (Content No Longer Available)
  12. She could easily do this without him, IMNSHO. Kick his ass to the curb. Have him locked up. Anything, but what she's going through, now.
  13. That's fucking awful. She needs to get the fuck away from this asshole. Sabrina, call the cops and lock his ass up!!! You don't need to be a human punching bag. 😠
  14. I like Faye, but she has a hard time playing well with others, apparently. From what I've read in the forum, she seems to have an irascible, iracundulous personality. I could be wrong. Maybe it's the other people. I only have what you guys write to go by. I do wish she could find a more permanent spot in the project.
  15. You're welcome. I don't have an RLC sub, so I only know what they in the videos. Check B4 videos, there's another one of her 'bating in that topic.
  16. (Johns) Hopkins, on Monday, reported that the worldwide death count from COVID-19 is more than 2.4 million and that the U.S. continues to lead the world in COVID-19 fatalities. The U.S., according to Hopkins, has more deaths from COVID-19 than two other coronavirus hotspots, Mexico and Brazil, combined. Total deaths from COVID-19 are likely to be much higher than current official counts. Once the virus has receded, experts will be able to dig through the data and develop a more complete picture of the disease's impact, and the death toll is expected to be revised upward.
  17. Nelly toybate and anal dildo fuck (Content No Longer Available)
  18. Gina want dick and hot riding her friend (Content No Longer Available)
  19. Martina and Alberto quick sex in bedroom (Content No Longer Available)
  20. Martina and Alberto sex in bedroom (Content No Longer Available)
  21. Alberto and Martina suck and fuck in bedroom (Content No Longer Available)
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