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Everything posted by Maturin

  1. Over at RLC there is a preview of one apartment having sex, Julia is in a flimsy gown with no underwear with a very real chance that she's gonna masturbate within the next 2 or 3 hours, (on the freecam, what great advertising huh?!) Linda and TIbor are having a regular day playing board games (not fake just a regular couple doing regular things, much better than the fake camgirl shit apartments at VH anyway) - for example. Has VH actually slipped behind RLC? It is looking that way. P.S. VV have a call out on their page for new tenants they say that the wage is 1,000pm plus bonus.
  2. "Interesting," is of course subjective. One person might find people that wake up at 12pm their time and sit around for the rest of the day on a sofa, speaking a language that they don't understand interesting but I'd wager that the majority of non-Russian speakers that are here do not. There are a couple of points that VH needs to make compulsory for them to consider offering a "voyeur type" experience and being clothed all day and having sex only when it's part of some type of well planned out and advertised "event" is not it. Freeloading was mentioned above, and there are so many freeloaders living in the apartments that it is ridiculous to expect people to pay to watch them. I'm not unique and I got fed up of waiting for the once a month "party" for something "interesting" to happen, I'm sure many others are at the same stage as well. Nudity and sex or the the very real possibility of sex is all that's "interesting" to someone that doesn't speak Russian or else it's just like watching someone play a shit version of the Sims (but with photo realistic graphics). I'm looking at the preview bar now, there are human beings in only one of the panes, David and Carrie in the bedroom, in black and white. Is that going to make me or anyone else resubscribe? Of course it isn't. There are complaints about how boring or fake the majority of tenants are all over the forums, you're very active here so I'm sure you are aware of all of them. Edit: One pane has someone asleep on the sofa at 17:16 their time in Bree and Drew and there is someone not naked in Nina and Alan's = wow, shut up and take my money!
  3. Completely agree. Have stopped subscribing because I feel like a complete mug paying for the rent and food of strangers I don't know that don't do anything interesting in return. VH has really fucked themselves up and this has been after a few months with plenty of warnings from us that this was going to happen if they carried on down this route. What is the point of having so many apartments and paying the wages and rent for so many people to do nothing interesting? Voyeur Villa pays their tenants 1,000 bucks per month, I bet VH pays more than that - what an incredible waste of money. And don't get me started on the fucking camgirl apartments making this site as shit as Camarads. You may well be a freeloader but I actually would respect your opinion a lot more than anyone that continues to pay for this bollocks as they are being willingly ripped off. RIP VH.
  4. I think you'll find that Sweden and Norway (Anders Brevik committed his massacre in Norway) have very strict gun control laws, that are in line with other European countries. The difference between a hunting rifle and a semi-automatic/fully-automatic weapon of war are clearly defined. It is illegal to carry a gun in public unless you are licensed to have one and you are transporting it to carry out the activity for which you are licensed for. The hunting exam in Sweden (I am English but took the exam a few years after coming to Sweden) is massively strict and took a few weeks of study with my father-in-law's hunting group. I'm not saying Swedish or European people are better but you'll also note the massive difference in the total number of mass-shootings compared between here and the US. I think if you totaled up the number of mass-shootings in Scandinavia (all four countries) over the past 40 years the number would still be less than what happens in the US in one month - and that is obviously taking into account that per-capita Sweden welcomes more refugees than most other countries yet still does not see the huge crime rates that right-wing fantasists like to tell themselves is going on over here. Maybe as you wrote it was a better time back then, who knows for sure what the difference in comparison between now and then across the countries is - but there is one undeniable fact in all of this - when people in Europe lose their shit for whatever reason, they do not have easy access to weapons of war that allow them to kill 20 people instead of 3 or 4 before they are taken down.
  5. I wonder what lies the Trump Zombies will tell themselves once he does actually go down. I mean, we have been saying this for ages yet they have been lying to themselves or believing the convenient lies of others for so long that they arent going to stop now, I wonder what their lie will be to convince themselves that Trump is innocent.
  6. They must have enough on him by now. With so many key people that have flipped then if they had nothing on him they would have dropped the case by now. Trump is going down.
  7. No I couldn't, your politicians are all corrupt as fuck and treat you like you are all stupid. But thanks.
  8. It'll be the generation that is currently being murdered in their classrooms that will fix this when they achieve voting age because currently, as this thread exemplifies, their parents and grandparents generations continue to fail them.
  9. I hope so too, it's heartbreaking to see what these children have to go through because of something that has an obvious fix.
  10. We do not allow easy access guns. It is quite simple really. Of course like any other country every now and then someone gets hold of something that will kill a lot of people quickly and there is a mass murder but we are talking timescales of years. In the US, only for schools, that timescale is weeks/days. Only counting schools.
  11. Mate, you have deleted your "same as the UK" comment but you can quite clearly see that you asked that question because it is showing as a quote from you where I first asked you to explain what you were on about. Never mind, it's obviously not going anywhere.
  12. Not sure what you mean by "same as UK?" the thread is about the number of mass murders in US schools, so what is the UK doing the same?
  13. The UK has had to 20 odd school shootings in the last 2 months?
  14. Fucking Americans weighing up the pros and cons of the death penalty on a thread dedicated to the victims of, what is it the 20th(?), school shooting in that country this year? Engaged in what they believe is a civilised conversation about the death penalty and whipping criminals as if they are anything other than a morally bankrupt failing state. Pathetic.
  15. I don't hate the US, simply like the majority of people around the world I'm fed up hearing about all the shit from your failing nation every week. Just die quietly.
  16. This. Here is the prime example of why America has fucked itself up. I'm sure some of the far right people that have been commenting in this thread read the above and thought, "Yeah, Spying gets it. He really has a handle on this situation." And that kind of thinking is why your country is so fucked. You did this to yourselves too, aint got no one to blame but yourselves (oh and Mexicans and non white people even though mass shootings in schools and other places is a particularly white male past time). You were a decent country once but by playing to the lowest common denominator, people like Spying, you have fucked up massively. Your only hope now is that the next generation (the kids whose have witnessed their friends being shot in their classrooms) will reject everything you stand for and actually work to make America great again on proper decent principles that you people think are for snowflakes or commies. Blinkered, uncultured and criminally negligent fools that you are, the rest of the world is just hoping that you get on with fucking yourselves up quietly and sooner rather than later so we can stop hearing about your bullshit every week. Fuck off USA, literally, please just fuck off.
  17. Because everywhere else on Earth cultures do not need to arm their teachers or post armed guards to protect children in school. Do you realise how fucked up you sound (again). Actually I´m not 100% sure about nowhere else on Earth having to post armed guards - here's a quick exercise for you, find me two countries where they also have armed guards to protect children in school. Whichever ones you find = that is the level that the USA is at right now.
  18. Dr. Maturin suggests alcohol and pornography, Patty don't need no man!
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