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Everything posted by Maturin

  1. Unfortunately it seems that each political party represent two sides of the same coin. The Democrats and the Republicans seem to be made up of a political class that serves business and moneyed interest first and then the people that voted for them. They differ only in the promises they make to secure election but both exist only to better the interests of their donors through tax breaks and deregulation or turning a religious blind eye. The Democrats could have changed that but they fucked over Bernie Sanders for Clinton so fuck the Dems just as much as fuck the Republicans in general. I've said it before iPirate but it's worth repeating in reply to what you wrote: I don't hate religion or people that are religious. I hate people who use religion to control other people and religious people whose critical thinking and wonder at the universe stops short at the myths offered in a 2,000 year old book - in spite of the evidence of their own eyes. If people who were religious stopped trying to use their unfounded beliefs as authority to dictate how other people should live their lives then I would have no problem with them. And to be honest I recognise that it is only the minority of religious people that are fanatical in this way - I'd class most here as part of that subset though. There is no need to be so fanatical - quoting scripture at people and telling them that they will burn in damnation is no way at all to convince people of your case. Especially to someone like me that went through a Catholic education (thankfully without the pedophilia or sex pests) from the age of 4 right up through university level. I know all about the teachings of Christ, enough to see that people like you have lost your way. "What would Jesus do," has become such a cliche nowadays but if you are remotely religious then you should ask yourself that before typing, acting or speaking. It seems to me that instead of asking themselves what would Jesus say or do, people in this thread must be asking themselves, what would Sean Hannity say, what would Dick Cheney say, what would Trump do? You people talk about world events and flashpoints with such moral authority but please go back and read through all the stuff you ever seem to write on any subject - the courses of action you prescribe are always the shittiest choices; the ones with the most suffering, the ones with the most division, the ones championed by the most immoral people, like Trump. What the Christians here are for: Building walls Banning Muslims (except Muslims from Saudi Arabia - the nation responsible for 9/11) Supporting white men that promote Nazism on US soil Supporting a pedophile for Senate (good news today, well done Alabama) More guns Excusing police brutality Killing people as a means of conflict resolution Believing the money lenders that their lies about tax cuts will help you rather than serve themselves Not questioning the idolatory of Fox News Shouting down and harrassing people that believe in equality/environmental protection/ more fair distribution of wealth The list could go on: You people always choose the shittiest, most uncharitable, most un-Christian positions, so excuse me if I get pissed off by that and it shows in my responses because, more so than the moral authority of a mythical man in the sky, I hate bullshit artists. If you're a Christian then start acting that way, speak to your pastor or priest if you need help with that, seriously.
  2. Dublin isn't part of the UK - apart from that I don' think anyone in the UK would care where the US puts its embassy because the UK is at peace, even in Northern Ireland. Unlike in the Levant where one group of people has illegally taken the lands of another and is daily tightening its implementation of apartheid. Why shouldn't we put the US embassy where the parliament is because... is a typical American response to everything. "Why shouldn't we do whatever we want to give us a short term benefit regardless of the lives that are placed in danger because of our immature, shortsighted actions?" What's most disappointing about all this is that Americans haven't worked out why this is happening now, why this has been chosen to dominate the news cycle. It is a play to focus you all (and of course it has worked) away from matters at home, namely your traitorous President taking Russian brown envelopes and the net that the FBI is pulling taught around him. He would rather invite a massive terrorist attack by announcing this now to destablise Palestine than have his Russian links discussed in your "free" media, This is the man that you "Christians" support. The man that is endorsing a pedophile senate candidate in Alabama because he is not a Democrat - Jesus must be so proud of you all. This thread has been dominated by pious, uninformed religionists that support Donald Trump (!) the irony of that is not lost on the rest of us, it is laughable. What would Jesus do in such a situation, support Donald Trump? Support the Israelis with their social, economic and military apartheid? Have a word with yourselves, you people are about as Christian as the lowest, must inconsequential Al-Qaeda foot soldier. Fundamentalism must be resisted wherever it raises its ugly head, be that from the minority of Middle East Muslims or American fundamentalist capitalist pseudo-Christians.
  3. It is 'kin awful. Muted here too. Funny but her constant dancing has set up a rythm in my head anyway!
  4. Who needs couples counciling when all you needs are a couple of pills!
  5. I'm mean, I'm not saying that they are on all the drugs right now, all I'm saying is damn, the site that has tenants regularly taking drugs (in a safe, fun and consensual way) will definitely get my subscription!!
  6. They do realise that though and have said they find it difficult to recruit people. At least they recognise this fact and are hopefully changing up how that process works. To be honest if I was them I'd just get a few webcam models in on a 3-6 month contract and ask them not to do their camming job and pretend that they are regular tenants (that have a lot of sex and walk around naked 90% of the time). Gotta be careful with that though because no one wants to see fake cam girls doing fake sexy time stuff like on that ridiculous Camarads site. Is that an option @VoyeurVillaNews
  7. Nice to see. I'll cross my fingers and hope I'm right that you should get more subscribers now - just make sure your tenants are active and putting their best foot forward. Good luck!
  8. It's literally just a case of swapping to a decent front camera so that people can see what they are potentially going to subscribe for. Does it take a week to do this, @VoyeurVillaNews are you serious about this project because it is dying on its ass. Who the heck is going to click subscribe because the back of a person's head convinced them?!
  9. Glad to hear it. It's worth trying for at least a couple of months to see if you get an increased rate of subscribers. More subscribers means more tenants and possibly more apartments meaning more subscribers meaning more apartm.... :)
  10. I think there should still be a pause to a subscribe page or it times out after a while - people shouldn't want to get something for nothing but visitors need to see something to make them want to subscribe when that payment page pops up. My theory is that if people can see the tenants doing their thing everyday, on a good quality cam with good angles, then they develop a connection with those tenants and will want to follow them elsewhere around the apartment, so will be happy to pay. In the case of Greenwood and Tula especially, just seeing a headless leg, whose owner may or may not be doing some sexy stuff, is not going to get anyone interested. Unfortunately with VV we've got some tenants that aren't interested in doing any genuine "sexy stuff" but the management says they are working on that and I'm pleased to see that they perhaps agree with me about using the free cams to their best ability. Look at the forum for RLC Barca One, nothing happens there for months like most of RLC but Barca is the most popular forum apart from Leora - the camera angles on the free cams in Barca and Leora apts are excellent, people get drawn in by them and end up paying for more - just last week I read that the twins had convinced someone to resubscribe to RLC (they never do anything but they are captured on the free cams very well).
  11. @VoyeurVillaNews Looks like something interesting going on over at Greenwood but a new subscriber willnot be interested enough because they can't see anything. You gotta make all your free cams offer one of the best viewing angles. You can do what RLC used to do and close the stream after 10 minutes or so but a new user seeing this would be interested for only a short while but move on because they can't see the tenants and make a strong enough connection with them that will make them signup.
  12. Have RLC agreed to abide by the result of your Condom Free Apartment Referendum? Make Bareback Great Again.
  13. Maturin


    I think the replacements don't want to stay because the current people put them off. They all need to go and get some new people in that won't catch the current tenants' lethargy and bullshit attitudes.
  14. I did edit my post as you'll see above as I can see where you're going with this. He also said, that although he doesn't regard himself as an atheist, he does regard himself as a religious non believer. I take that to signify that he was an agnostic and someone that didn't support or condone the horrible things that organised religion has brought to the world. He also stated something along the lines of not believing in any kind of afterlife.
  15. You told us, despite repeatedly stating that you didn't want to talk about your personal circumstances, that you believe God exists. OK, great for you, there's no decent discussion to be had on that because you cannot prove that he does and there is no burden of proof on anyone else to prove that he doesn't. The interesting part of this discussion has been about the consequences, through religion, of people believing in the myth of God and its effects on society. Hoping we can get back to that.
  16. I was going to but I think I can see where you're coming from so no worries.
  17. Have you really, like really studied Einstein mate?
  18. Seriously? I try to entertain what's going on in your mind and you respond by trying to insult me and then accuse me of starting to get personal. What is it that you want? For me to prove that God doesn't exist? That's really the conversation you're after? The burden of proof is on the person making the claim, sorry but that's the way it works. You can't prove that God exists so I'm not pressing you on that. A far more interesting conversation is why is it that religionists resort to personal insults when faced with the resaonable replies of atheists. Or indeed what I was getting at with my replies, Why Do Religionists Feel That Everyone Must Share The Same Beliefs As Them?
  19. Your response is exactly the sort of nonsense that a religionist would come out with. Cheerio.
  20. I didn't offer any bullshit about your personal circumstances, perhaps that was a different conversation. You made the choice to believe, that's fine with me and you'll find that it is fine with most atheists. Where people who have faith run into problems with atheists is when they use their beliefs to try to dictate government policy or social morals using the bible/Qu-ran/Torah as their unquestionable authority. That is absolutely the wrong way to make policy or force people to conform to standards drawn up well over 1,000 years ago. You choose whatever reality you like, only a total dick would be against your freedom to do that but if you were trying to force your reality onto someone else who believes a different thing, then that's when the problems would start. I'd only ask you for a picture of God, or something like his definitive instructions regarding how to deal with a specific problem that society faces, if you were to start saying that everyone should do things the way you tell them because God told you so. I hope you understand that people who don't believe in your God would have no intention of taking your demands seriously unless you were to provide an argument containing testable data and logic with which the majority could discuss. tl:dr The problem lies with religionists dictating to non-religionists or people of different religions that the world should be ordered according to some guy that no one can see hear or question. There is no problem with people being religious, just don't try to foist it onto others - essentially, do unto others as as you would have them do unto you (a maxim that existed for many years before it was credited to Jesus).
  21. I don't doubt anyone's faith and they are welcome to it so long as they don't try to turn their faith or belief into policy and politics that affect people of different faiths and beliefs. Most rational people would argue that theological belief and knowledge are two mutually exclusive terms but there'd be no point making the effort to show the difference in this case.
  22. From Amazon, the blurb from Does God Exist, Hans Kung: Does God exist? Who is God? And can we ultimately trust in any reality? These questions have been among the greatest subjects of human speculation since history began, but not until modern times has the reality of God been so strongly called into doubt. In this monumental study, written for men and women of all faiths (and of none), Hans Kung, the most renowned and controversial theologian in the world today, first traces the rise of modern atheism in the works of such great thinkers as Descartes, Pascal, Feuerbach, Marx, Nietzsche and Freud, and then demonstrates--brilliantly and in terms that make sense to us today--why a ""yes"" to God remains a more reasonable and responsible belief than its alternative, nihilism. Straight away, without even buying the book, from only reading the back cover, it is obvious that he is lying to his audience. Atheism is not nihilism. The difference between these two concepts is very easy to describe and understand: Atheism is the rejection of religious belief. It is the unwillingness to surrender to an authority that is unproven, untested and immutable. Nihilism is the rejection of meaning in existence; nothing matters anyway because we're all gonna die in the end. It is absolutely irresponsible to defer matters that affect our existence to the "teachings" of the Bible or the word of God, a book that is wholly unreasonable in the correct sense of that word. Existence is full of emergent meaning for all of us; family, friends, career, sport, arts, the self, the community etc etc. These meanings are shared by all of us no matter our religious or lack of religious belief. There is no motivation to read this book based on that blurb because I can 99.9% guarantee that it will be filled with the same rehashed pseudoscience and cod-philosophy that people who feel threatened about atheism come out with all the time. I'm willing to accept that I may be wrong about that assumption however, so if you don't mind could you please write a short summary of how he demonstrates that "Yes to God," is the best choice to make?
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