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Everything posted by Maturin

  1. Arggh, it's gone exactly the opposite way from what they made me hope when they did their big announcement about being under new management and were going to improve and make things different. Wow. For the record, I want to subscribe to one of the 4 sites and I was really hoping that after VV's announcement that things would be worth it for this site but really, it hasn't improved to the point of making me want to buy a subscription :(
  2. Precisely!! I'm more bored of all this scripted bullshit everytime tenants decide to have sex. Parties that go on for hours that lead to rubbish drunken sex. Contests that lead to no sex. Flashing lights etc etc. It's gone beyond boring. Silvia and Josh are two regular people who, whilst aware of the cameras, aren't that bothered by them and do their own thing. It works because they are horny people and have lots of sex. It's far more closer to the "voyeur" experience than any of the other apartments and I wish there were more couples the same.
  3. Yes fuck that cunt, Alex too. This poll is a good way to make your opinion heard but will it do anything? Perhaps, but what will definitely have an effect is voting with your wallet. The owners of this site should consider themselves to be put on notice of that fact.
  4. Seriously @VoyeurVillaNews, the archives give people another reason to pay for your site. You should think about it as two income generators - the live video and the archive video. Your archive video selection should be as large as possible because some people might just sign up to view the archives and not be bothered about the current tenants.
  5. Like now is a perfect time ofr her to play with it. He's on his computer for the next hour, she should go for it.
  6. Aha, good reasoning. Although the Barca girls stll do quite regularly. I think they have a 3 month contract and its just been renewed so she isn't bothering to even be naked any more. It's a real shame, she has a nice pussy, just wish she would play with it more.
  7. Maturin


    Yeah, more sex and masturbation is always gonna win points!
  8. Maturin


    Thanks for asking, I'll keep my answer short. For me it was that you led me to believe that this would be a single girl apartment so I was annoyed when he moved in. He actually seems to be alright as a person but surely even you can see that he would be better in his own apartment with a girl. It isn't really working with him and Mona. He's never going to have sex with her so let him have a place with his girlfriend. I got nothing against him, but three people in an apartment is not a recipie for fire!
  9. Haha! Maybe she is reading on here (I doubt it). Julia, if you are reading this please tell your idiot boyfriend to go and play his little computer games, he is spoiling the evening!
  10. Ahh, they're young and seem like a nice couple plus Silvia is generally naked so they definitely in my top 5 current apartments. Just wish she'd finish with the depilation!!
  11. Early on she worked out, or was told, that touching her pussy in a teasing way but never actually doing anything would make the apartment popular. They have probably had their contract renewed for the next 3 months by RLC so now she isn't even bothering to do that. It's a fucking scam!
  12. Silvia has spent the past 2 days depilating her legs! Just like the Golden Gate Bridge once she finishes the leg she's on she'll have to go back and start on the other one because it will need to be redone.
  13. I can see why people taking drugs would not like to be observed (and recorded) doing so. I bet the penalties for doing such are pretty high in Russia. They can do the drugs off cam, or put them in a "magic" bottle, just so long as the off-cam drug taking parts are brief. VH need to impress on their tennants that people are paying to see what they do, actively hiding is not acceptable (although an allowance should be made for brief interludes so the can do whatever drug it is they do).
  14. Great,so long as it's all consensual and people arent fucking up their lives with it then I'd pay to watch the private lives of coke bingers. Julia and Eric did MDMA a few times when they were new and it was much more entertaining than watching them with their noses buried in their phones.
  15. What guarantee is there that having two couples makes things not boring? Unless you speak Russian and can understand what they are talking about perhaps, but as we see time and again 2 couples = awful, scripted misery sex, starts at 10pm, no one makes eye contact and finishes promptly 2 hours later. Apart from that weekly dose of couples misery sex there s nothing for the rest of the week, not even nudity between them. Stop putting couples together, it's not a guaranteed recipie for success. I'd much rather watch these two lovebirds being carefree and nude in their own home than see them skulk around the house all week because there's two other people there that they don't know. I really don't know why the philosophy of these sites is that there has two be a man and a woman in the house together and it would be even better if there were couples because that will equal more excitement. It doesn't and 99% of viewers can't even understand what the people are talking about anyway. @VoyeurVillaNews You really should try an apartment with one single girl or a lesbian apartment - when you are casting all you need to do is question whether the girls like to walk around naked and are fine with masturbating whenever she feels like it. No special script or event or awkward parties will be needed if you just hire some people that are fine with nudity and like to masturbate a lot. Just try it for 1 month with one apartment - when you see what a success it is then you can give me a lifetime free membership for convincing you to try it! :D
  16. Maturin


    I think Mona loves this kind of thing.
  17. Maturin

    Tver - Split 7

    Haha, they aren't that short. Iris has really long legs but I wouldn't say no to either!
  18. Maturin

    Tver - Split 7

    They are both hot.
  19. Maturin

    Tver - Split 7

    Miss VV, it's been going on for a few weeks, a beauty contest over each of the apartments. Iris came 2nd, Sonia 1st.
  20. Maturin

    Tver - Split 7

    Agreed Iris rocks. No panties should be the minimum rule for these types of sites - it isn't but Iris knows the score and always delivers. Wish she had won the VV contest.
  21. Hmm, I reckon they are quite a new couple, they are certainly fucking like it's going out of fashion. Oh to be in my twenties and newly in love again!
  22. Looks like round #47 today is about to start!
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