I remember seeing Kami grab Kristys hand and putting it down her shirt so Kristy could play with her tits while they were laying on the couch together,but some of you get upset when people say they might be lesbians and it was always Kristy and Kami didn't want to do anything WTF
right he has no problem watching the laptop in the bedroom any other time he just sits out there and watches it after suzan goes to bed when red is there and he is a guy so you cant tell me he dosnt know he is cock blocking
here we go again with hector staying out there when red has a guy with her he did it last time too actually got right between them on the couch after he fell asleep with her the night before starting to remind me of Lev and their guest,because he has most definetly been cock blocking when it comes to this girl,like he couldn't watch that laptop in the bedroom like he does after they have sex so what the hell is up with this asshole
considering almost no one speaks the language what do you think they are watching it for you guys crack me up you call real life never making love or showering in the dark
and just what are they getting free rent and paid for then?especialy since most of the people paying for this don't speak the language just what are we paying for then
what the hell is up with Hector and the redhead can you say cock block,he fell asleep with her last night now he has put himself between her and the other guy
let me get this right we cant understand the language but if we speculate on anything some tool like you goes what are you doing you don't know what your talking about ,let me ask you how do you know they are not right
some of you call them actresses they could actually be exhibitionists and could actually be turned on by doing stuff in front of others they are out there after all none of you seem to think of that
just checked in and saw lev in 2 rooms at once,saw the sister in the bathroom went back there right away and she was wearing different clothes and her hair was wet,did she take a shower and they screwed with the cams again,I have seen it before.the last couple that was in this apartment her first shower the cams were all screwed up one cam ended up being about 10 minutes behind the other one this was very much like that