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Everything posted by moos54

  1. What is your theory now knowing that she is present at the moment in the apartment when she must have been absent all night 😁
  2. Varvara and Fedor were no longer part of rlc, they were replaced by Asya and Artem
  3. In their own way, all the apartments were different but for me it was the right time The couples regularly had parties with their close friends, we could also see the family members of most couples they were often alive and we could not expect anything agreed in advance But at that time, GOV and COV already existed and for me this concept has not really changed. It is true that couples and Roomates apartments like R1 and R2 are really lacking I like GOV and COV girls regardless of the shows they agree to do from time to time and I remain subscribed more out of habit than out of pleasure, I expect a better day I hope that the next exit from the health crisis can be the springboard for something better and to become once again this site that many loved I don't think apartments like GOV and COV allow RLC to go back to what they were, now we have to see if RLC wants to go back to that, and that's another debate with far too many unknowns. for my part I think it might be possible to find apartments in Spain, Italy or Czech Republic like what they had in Russia I would very much like to find the bond between girls like what we had with R1 and R2, where there was no real performance calculation and where they let themselves live in their environment of their everyday life.
  4. yeah it was a big loss Adeline and Markus, Anabel and Efim, Angie and Emily (R2), Asya and Artem, Chloe and Tyler, Eva and Sam, Jane and Dick, Kristy/Maracuya/Alana and Rosalie (R1), Lana and Robert, Leora and Paul, Maya, Nina and Kira, Nelly and Bogdan, Olivia and Nick, Ulyana and Marat and Yulia and Ivan
  5. Si c'était ceux qui avaient fait le plus d'étude qui étaient les plus intelligents, cela se saurait 😁 il ne faut pas confondre connaissance et compétence Je suis fière de mon parcours d'étude, donc je pense avoir un assez bon niveau pour m'exprimer correctement pour pouvoir me faire comprendre de tous il n'y a aucune prétention dans mes propos, je fais juste un constat de la réalité, mais apparemment mon constat à fait mouche ------------------------------------ If it was those who had done the most study who were the smartest, it would be known 😁 do not confuse knowledge and competence I am proud of my study path, so I think I have a good enough level to express myself correctly to be able to make myself understood by everyone there is no pretension in my remarks, I am just making a statement of reality, but apparently my observation has hit the mark
  6. Are these the girls who got arrested in the uae for being naked on the balcony? which is against the laws of this country
  7. So in fact you prove to us that we all have a good reason to need an escape in our life like sites like CC or RLC Thank you for bringing this to light
  8. it's not quite true, if there was no impact on your own life, you wouldn't be on the forum every day
  9. In fact, I don't see any difference between Bogdan's massages at B4 than those he did in Russia with his various guests including his little sister.
  10. but that is and will remain only speculation because she does not work in this kind of thing and there are plenty of women who have their breasts redone and who do not work at all in this kind of field For example, my sister is a simple secretary in a moving company 😁
  11. I have also seen members who have been banned for less disrespect to the moderators than you, because personally I think your words were said directly for this purpose Now that you know this, it's up to you to make the right decisions
  12. unfortunately i think she won't keep them long I saw that she had documents from a plastic surgery clinic so for now, I take advantage of each day that she is still beautiful naturally before she does the unthinkable.
  13. There is a saying that goes "do what I say but not what I do" I think it works great for them
  14. Yes I understood that she really wanted to leave Rome and change air It is true that Barcelona is the ideal destination as she has friends who live there and can easily avoid spending money on a place to stay. But the problem is that she decided this a little at the last moment and especially that she is not alone, which requires adaptation for all
  15. Anyway, considering that she had to go to Egypt, where there is no RLC apartment, it doesn't change much that she finally goes to Barcelona and that she is not in either an RLC apartment I even heard that there were plenty of apartments without a camera in Barcelona, that's crazy information 🤣
  16. it's just that you don't care about all the times they are together For example, before leaving the apartment and before getting dressed, she joined Dantez in the guestroom
  17. le manque de culture fait que les gens mélangent souvent des choses qui n'ont aucun propos, ils font souvent cela par manque d'argument aussi et finisse par insulté les autres comme si c'était comme cela qu'on puisse gagner un débat ou une discussion Par rapport à ses propos, je commence à en avoir marre de voir des posts remplis d'insulte à presque chaque mot qu'il écrit Ce genre de post fait fuir plus de monde qu'il n'en fait venir, donc à un moment donner il faut intervenir et faire comprendre les choses ---------------- the lack of culture means that people often mix things up that have no meaning, they often do this for lack of argument too and end up insulting others as if this is how we can win a debate or a discussion Regarding his words, I'm starting to get tired of seeing posts filled with insult to almost every word he writes. This kind of post scares more people away than it brings, so at some point you have to intervene and make things understood.
  18. Do you need some time outside the forum? Do me a favor, stop wasting hard time on this forum seeing that you don't like anything, RLC doesn't please you, you don't like the participants, you don't like the forum and moderators Do something constructive in your life and apply the advice you try to give to others, you tell them to stop their RLC subscription all the time, so apply that to your personal case and stop coming to this forum please take this into consideration
  19. It is not me who makes the rules, I only apply them, like the other moderators it's just that I am connected at the moment and not the others 😁
  20. they already have a first name within the forum, RLC or VHTV for example, as much continued to use those there, it's as simple as that
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