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Everything posted by Kkru394

  1. They were in each other’s way at the old place. The old place too small. It’s a trademark of an Alex and Lina apartment. Cleo and Axel too small. Clara and Stas too small. Kristin and Steve too small. That old place they dumped Katie and Phil in. Too small. i think the bigger issue is that none of the 3 use the bedroom at all. Becca has been off or sick or something so no sex which doesn’t help. And Jerar could be fun but with no one for him to fuck he’s wasting space right now.
  2. All the missing apartments just came back. Looks like you can replay the missed hours
  3. There’s a guest couple in the guest room currently a bj but may be more
  4. I don't think it's a case of Fresh Girls. We've been getting plenty of them. If Karol or Jessica or Irma or Megan showed up tomorrow there would be a lot of happy people. Not many were too upset when Jasmin and Monica were here. Conversely Lola and Polya or the Twins showing up again would be bad IMO This issue is that RLC hasn't recruited strong choices for B4 lately. IMO after Anita, only Adri was OK. It's about getting the right mix of girls old and new. They had that mix in B4 the past couple months but they've lost it.
  5. I have to say I'm disappointed that Candy dropped so much weight. Good for her if that is what she wanted but I thought the old Candy was hot. They now have 6 girls in B4 that I'm not interested in keeping up with. Adri and Rosie are just OK to me . That's it.
  6. So Blair, Amina, Naomi, Nica, Anita, Adri,Serena, Darina and Aria all in sucession were new girls. We have Candy who was here for a month a year and a half ago and barely looks like she did the first time and we have complaining about recycled girls? Ok makes sense.
  7. Clair. Whitney is in the bathroom and could come out any time
  8. Whitney back without the guy. Now Patrik there
  9. She's out with a different guy today
  10. We did get 2 nice showers from the female guests. The first one stayed back to the cameras then realized she didn’t have a towel. She had a nice body.
  11. To me Patrik and Clair and Whitney are 1 apartment that has been split.. . If they close Whitney, she'll just be living with them on the couch and they'll add her name there.
  12. Can someone explain to me what is with the fifth wheel guy? He’s really bringing down the odds of something happening here tonight
  13. That was a total surprise. They left their jackets on. Aria dropped her pants and bent over the bed and started fucking. That was a quicky
  14. Whitney vacuuming Patrik and Clair’s place while Clair checks out her phone on the couch
  15. OT- solid morning for bathing while B4 was UM- guest at A&E showered, 2 guests at Eva&Sam showered including a new girl. Aria had a bath and Emily showered
  16. My feeling is that VH never perfected things after they added the six top apartments at the bottom of the screen. They no longer need that anymore since you can view all the thumbnails on the apartment list. Remove that and I think a lot of the server and play issues go away.
  17. Not able to cap but Hector is looking at VH.
  18. Yes fixed- shower is overhead of a closed in shower. They will probably have a box over the toliet bowl
  19. This used to be my favorite apartment and pair ..But ever since they moved to this shit apartment and Cleo continually insists on bringing this girl by I've lost interest.
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