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Everything posted by Kkru394

  1. They took Whitney’s name off of the apartment even though she’s probably not going anywhere
  2. Good morning. It’s a fine Wednesday morning and I see the lovely cleaning lady has made a visit to clean b4. Currently mopping the hall.
  3. I think you missed one issue on this discussion Howard and it's the format and reliability of the websites. RLC has four views you can watch at one time. Furthermore the ability to switch in and out of cameras is very easy. Click on a thumbnail and you are almost instantly loaded to that page all with cameras that are all sharper than VH. VH only has one screen you can view at a time which has made it next to impossible to keep up with more than a couple apartments at a time especially when VH has opened almost 30 apartments . Furthermore they have constant issues with slow loading and freezing cameras, especially over the last couple months. And I've never seen a complete RLC outage the way I have with VH.
  4. Candy's boyfriend is there so nothing will come of this
  5. Is it just me or has the site just sucked all day today.. Apartments taking a long time to load. Cameras cutting out and reloading. Timeline replays loading really slowly
  6. It’s taken months for a large breasted blonde to have sex on camera in this apartment and it’s not even Angie.. Angie and Samantha are listening in. They even snuck up by the door to record the sex sounds. Now the pair are in the shower together and just walked naked through the house. Angie and Sam are laughing in Angie’s bed
  7. There’s a guest blonde about to get fucked in Samantha’s room
  8. she and Ana pretty much planned the party. Only the cake and flowers were a surprise. I won’t settle for anything less than the birthday girl in the pool in her birthday suit as a result
  9. Chloe and Tyler has a guest couple over. And it’s stupid fucking ridiculous I had to create a new topic for a tenant that generated only 39 pages in 5 months
  10. Malina and Ana have returned after 6 hours of grocery shopping. They found Mila, Adri and Serena in the bath so they’ve settled in the kitchen
  11. i know nothing will come of this but guest today
  12. Sure there is . It states Replay subscription on RLC’s website. True you need to buy the premium membership first but you also have the option not to buy the replay subscription just like any other monthly subscription service. The only difference is it’s 10 days or 30 days or 90 days straight usage instead of a month to month like the premium membership or Netflix
  13. Malina and Ana up early and out already. Ana took some kind of cart with her
  14. If you bought a 30 day subscription to Netflix and used Netflix maybe 6 days during that month, do you think you should or would get credit for non used days? . How about Hulu or Amazon or just about any other monthly service? It’s the same concept. I agree that RLC should have made it part of the monthky package but I don’t know why they’d make it Ad-hoc if no other business would.
  15. I totally disagree. I use the single thread to find out what is happening in an apartment when I get home from work and then look through replay. Easy piesey. I chose this forum over RLCF for this very reason. Now I’m going to have to flip through god knows how many topics to find what I’m looking for or the the posters who hate this stop posting and I have nothing to go on. The lack of pictures is why there’s less posts and more topics won’t fix that
  16. Yeah. Malina ran upstairs to put on 5 items including an extra pair of panties..lol
  17. I totally agree. I’m not going to bother creating a topic for a sentence all the while worrying if it will make moderator approval. I hate this now and I will hate this a month from now. More that half of these apartments already have less than 15 pages of general chat since the beginning of the year so I don’t get what extra topics will do. . I really think is just a way for the moderators to frustrate the posters Into using the chat that I don’t want to use.
  18. Ok I'm having a hard time getting into this apartment. Don't get me wrong. Evie and Sofie are attractive girls, But the time difference for me is 11 hours. When I'm up in the morning I see them eat dinner and watch Sofie lounge on the couch like a slug. They go to bed while I'm at work and wake up after I go to bed.
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