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Everything posted by Kkru394

  1. I get a good laugh at those who get upset at guys coming over. I look at it the other way. I get to see girls like Aria or Jasmin who I never thought I’d get to see have sex get some. It’s too bad Candy lost so much weight or I’d have more of an interest. As long as they don’t stay more than a week I don’t see what the big deal is. Thats a big suitcase he brought. Perhaps they move to B3.
  2. There’s a couple cats who come from the neighboring houses that roam outside. They visit the girls and if a door is left open they walk in to the house. I’ve seen Anita and Karol even give the cats some milk.
  3. To me the issue isn't having a box at that angle, it's the size of that box. Just too big. If they took just a sliver off the left side and some off the top so the entire tub is seen and maybe their heads if they sit down that would be better
  4. Her cases are on the floor in her bedroom. They are just out of camera shot for 2.1 and 2.2. You can see one on 2.5. I don’t think she unpacked because the room wasn’t cleaned. Malina wiped down the shelves before. She hasn’t finished unpacking
  5. Eva must have went to a doctor. Her wrist has a wrap on it, her finger on her other hand has a splint and the spray they used on her scrapes have brightened her arm red
  6. They couldn’t call this girl and tell her they would send the maid over to clean her room?
  7. New pair getting frisky in the living room. BJ time. Already a huge improvement over Adriana and Daniel.
  8. They are all cleaning. Oh no is the maid sick? I’d nurse her back to health. Are they cleaning for a visitor? Putin jr?
  9. Around 24 hours in and no sign of Julio. Nobody slept there last night. Why bother turning them on if they aren’t going to be there?
  10. Last night was probably better but someone here ruined that
  11. This is the second time I and many other members lost a whole evening of parties and sex in an apartment over drugs. It's really getting tiresome. I'm tired of not getting content I paid for because there are tattletale posters out there with a bug up their asses about drugs. Again, we aren't their policeman. When they leave we'll never see them again. W'e're not their parents. Leave them alone
  12. first guest.. Maybe we get a party from them today?
  13. In Adriana and Daniel’s apartment. 2 New Terrace cams, living room cam angle, bathroom angle. Emma looks a bit like Nicole
  14. I live in America and I don't own a gun. I however support the second amendment (My grandfather was a police chief) and don't think we should be penalizing good gun owners for poor mishandling by criminals . We have plenty of gun laws but they aren't enforced properly . Today was an instance where that kid's dad should have locked up his guns. Parkland was a fuck up by law enforcement and the FBI and a misuse of Obama's well -intentioned plan to keep young mostly black kids from being put in jail too early. My feeling is the Twitterization and Youtubeization of America has led to many of youth thinking they all need their own 15 minutes of fame and many days these youth spend their days playing Call of Duty and other shooting games wondering how to be noticed . Being ignored on Snapchat or Instagram or Twitter or somewhere else (like school) leads them to calling out for attention anyway they can get it, including shooting your classmates. . There's more softening of values in these kids where everyone gets a participation trophy. The criminals and robbers in the past that might have killed one guy in a back alley has graduated to mass murder of schoolkids as a result of what they have been taught in their lives. I believe all these schools need to consolidate the number of entrances to the schools and use metal detectors and hire more security officers to guard the entrances . If you notice almost all of these shootings happen in a suburban school setting and not a school like in NYC. Why? Because those NYC schools all have metal detectors. No one thinks of bringing weapons there. The decay of morality i see isn't going away so i think we have to take drastic steps in other at security, even if it seems unseemly in a suburban setting. You could stop future AR-15 sales (which had nothing to do with today) but I'd stop at the idea of taking them away from legal gun owners who haven't broken any laws.
  15. Well the first interesting thing in a while. Stella and Stephan have a female guest
  16. Yes the maid. Even in the cleaning outfit she might have a sexier body than half the girls in B4 right now
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