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Everything posted by Kkru394

  1. Just scanned replay- I don’t think she’s been in the apartment for at least the last week
  2. Go to 3:22:53 cam 10 and you can see the pillow fall and him fucking some other girl
  3. The pillow just fell and there was Will fucking another girl
  4. One couple is having sex in the chillout room. there ‘s a massage for the other couple in Will’s bedroom. The girl in Will’s bed has been running around bottomless for the last fifteen minutes.
  5. Taya and Will’s guests just stole the show tonight Two girls had sex in the chill out room. Four or five guys were around in towels or underwear. One guy did finger the one girl while she was having sex with the other girl. One guy blocked the guest room bedroom cameras
  6. Game over. Moving to twister. The new girls should be topless as they lost but are not probably because of Candy’s boyfriend.
  7. Sofie went to the store. Evie was giving Mike a blowjob in the living room but they quickly stopped when Sofie came back
  8. Showtime is right, too annoying with the screaming. I’d rather watch the other 6 beauties in their underwear and lingerie watching the iPads
  9. Got a 502 bad gateway error. Just came back though
  10. They should have just called this apartment “Ben” . He just might be the male Misty
  11. Watching Malina and Mila side by side is like night and day. I criticized Adri for always seeming to never join the others for nudity. Now she’s amazing. Now maybe Malina could loosen up soon. When Malina takes a bath it’s always facing the window so you can’t see much and when she grabs the towel she covers up with her hand. Yeah they sunbathe topless but it’s always by the pool where you need binoculars to see them. Today they went by the terrace but made sure to never turn over. And a lot of changing away from the camera
  12. It’s amazing that in the Stanley Cup final that we have one city built by greed, lies and corruption versus Las Vegas
  13. Chris had to hug Stephan while both were naked as a dare Record_2018_05_24_05_30_37_589.mp4
  14. Yay. Another apartment to dilute the tenant views but no permanent fixes to the bugs plaguing the system.
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