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Everything posted by Kkru394

  1. Kamila has 2 girlfriends over- the girlfriend from last weekend and a new blonde girl
  2. I’m thinking not much will happen with the goofy looking guy. He covered the bathroom cam for 7-10 minutes to take a quick bath earlier
  3. I agree.. the issue is Candy’s boyfriend has now well overstayed his welcome and Mom has muted Adri’s input for a few days
  4. Anyone else just get the newsletter for a new English speaking apartment in Miami?
  5. Don’t forget the part where he told us all we’d be saving $2,500 a year
  6. Ana’s boyfriend is here! Just kidding. Looks like they have a guy to look at an issue in Adri’s room- maybe the AC-and now UM
  7. They’ve got 30 apartments. I don’t think lack of tenants is a problem
  8. Kinda ironic to move them here. They probably should have gotten this apartment over Jerar and Whitney in the first place. At least we might get four couples to sleepover and Ben could start shenanigans again.
  9. To be fair after I sent a ticket I think the issue has been a lot better in the last 12 hours. A couple of hiccups that I think was related to the server work they were doing I wrote a pretty harsh email. I didn’t curse at them. I told them not to give me a speed test and just fix it. I got a response that they agreed the server issue was “120%” their fault and agreed that I paid for sex and parties and not spinning circles. They claimed they would focus on their hardware and didn’t ask me to do a speed test.
  10. Yeah check back in 3 years and this might be the last post😀
  11. There’s activities in this apartment? Coulda fooled me
  12. Yeah all of a sudden watching Ben and Whitney there’s no issues.
  13. Just came home to more circles- 4 nights in a row - I just fired off a ticket telling them to fix their servers and don’t ask me for a speed test
  14. I trace it back to when they added the six preview screens. It’s been bad to worse ever since.
  15. Yep the black circle is constant lately. It’s all I’ve seen the last 3 days unless I logout and log back. I’m busy so I don’t have time to be going though the ticket and speed test bs
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