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Everything posted by woodworker

  1. "I'z feelz like I'z gots a dark cloud hanging over me." He's about the only fucker I know of who can go out in the rain without an umbrella and never get wet.
  2. No animals in this one, but it's kinda nice too.
  3. Here's another party favorite. After the first couple of stanzas it gets pretty interesting. You'll begin to hear sounds like wild pigs, or possibly a water buffalo or something oft in the distance. Sort of romantically spooky. I like it. I think he's got an album of his greatest hits coming out soon.
  4. Now if you ever wondered just how stupid the people of New York City are,.. Here's your answer for you.
  5. Muslims. Though it's bound to leave you with an upset tummy when your done. "Does anyone want any more of this deep fried jihadist here?"
  6. Such a simple song. But oh how it causes one's thoughts to think back. To me, it was just a better time and a nicer world back then. The drive-in theaters, those summer nights. They even tried to capture those moments in a couple of movies here and there. Which reminds me,.. Have you ever noticed how the movie "Pleasantville" didn't have any Blacks in it? Oops,.. Didn't mean foister any unpleasant thoughts or ruin the mood here. Just wondered, that's all. ???
  7. Definitely,.. Sign me up! Just to be around like minded people as you and others, would make for a good day for me.
  8. That's all i got also Woody. Don't need all that other crap. CC is enough. I have neither also. No FaceBook bullshit, no faggy assed Twatter crap either. Aside from my car discussion boards, this is my limitation. And... "A man's gotta know his limitations". About a hundred and fifty yards with a good rifle. ;)
  9. No, This isn't Madonna or Lady Caca, or that Kardashian pig. These were classy, conservative women that our culture use to embrace. They were well spoken, intelligent, and were the type of women that many young girls used to admire and look up to. In short, they were not liberals! Fat chance on seeing their likes today, with the people now in control over the entertainment business.
  10. I hope your right. But I'm even more concerned over the level of stupidity that now permeates throughout this land. The gullible young, and single woman voter. With exceptions noted. But as far as I'm concern, we have to abolish these institutions of higher indoctrination here in this country, and replace them with something a wee bit more patriotic than these despicable professors we currently now have, or else all else won't even matter anymore. The moral relativism. The celebration of the town idiot, through MTV. And all that has led to a terrible decay within our country. What these fools now clamor around and idolize, are the type of scum that when I was young would have been laughed out of town. But now they are Stars, and celebrities. Now they are college professors, and imbecilic news casters that down deep inside hate this country, and are doing all that they can within the liberal media, along with their good friends out there in the Golden Ghetto (Hollywood) to destroy it. It's those type of things that worries me. Those type of things that makes for an ignorant, gullible society.
  11. That's all i got also Woody. Don't need all that other crap. CC is enough. It's more than enough on a bad day.
  12. For a couple of British gents I've met here on this site. The great lady herself. Vera Lynn My kind of woman. Cheerio guys! Pip pip, and all that kind of stuff.
  13. Oh they want me to sign up pretty badly. They keep sending me these inquiries, like, "Do you know this old prostitute?" Or, "How bout this ex-convict." That kind of shit. But I have my memories now, and a few new friends here that suit me just fine.
  14. After all these years, and I still don't have a face book account, and I don't tweet either. Just this crazy thing here, that's all.
  15. Oh I don't know. That one girl did a pretty good job of polishing that chair.
  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9xnL3SYHHM4 ;)
  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TpayU61ROKQ
  18. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XjEssXilEgk
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