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Everything posted by woodworker

  1. As far as the computer goes. She might have seen the ad Paul posted on 'Vladamir's List' AD: One small pain in the ass dog for sale. In a hurry, and willing to sell cheap. Make offer.
  2. That's right officer. There are so many weird fucking people out there now a days, that I just wanted to follow her around for a bit to make sure that she made it home alright.
  3. http://english.chosun.com/site/data/img_dir/2014/04/04/2014040401712_0.jpg "No,.. It's alright, I'll answer that question. It's because they told me that if I put on my round sunglasses they said that I would look like Frosty the Snow Man. That's why."
  4. Well Ma, she kinda looks like a puddle of vomit. A kaleidoscopic mess. But I like her for her inner qualities. I bet she would look great under a black light. Probably all fragmented, with only pieces of her here and there glowing back at you. It would be like fucking a jig saw puzzle. If someone were to see her lying on the floor, don't tell me that his first reaction wouldn't be to go get a mop. See what you started Ozi.
  5. Oh sometimes I do so miss that old gang of mine. We were like those delightful little sprinkles a-top of a yummy, delicious cupcake. But unfortunately the Detroit police and the FBI didn't quite see it that way. You know if the stupid bitch would have opted for a checker board pattern instead, we could have stripped her down and had a good game of chess at least. Balancing a pawn on one of her tits would have brought me a smile, especially once the nipple action kicked in. Just watching that little pawn first teetering and then go tumbling down the hill, would have soften even the hardest heart, I'm sure.
  6. I admire her modesty. Covering up is important so you can pass unnoticed through life. Still,.. It isn't too extreme. There's nothing wrong with her ears after all. Didn't the Stone's write a song about her? Something about,.. "She comes in colors everywhere,.. She's like a rainbow"
  7. I recently watched that old movie, "Pleasantville" again. The first forty or so minutes of this movie will almost have you in tears. And without a single Black in the movie, it certainly was a pleasant little community. I'm surprised they didn't correct this rather racist oversight, with a sequel,.. "Mo Fuckin Pleasantville in Flames"
  8. As far as singing the National Anthem goes. I think Madonna wanted to take a stab at it at one time, before she parcelled her ass off to England. But she wanted to perform it naked and with an American flag stuck up her cunt. The networks struggled over that one for a while, but decided it was a bit too forward thinking even for them. That surely would have brought tears to any real American watching that. And maybe it would have been the slap across the face that would have finally awaken America up. But then again, who knows anymore?
  9. I think it's a blend of La Cucaracha, and Alexander's Rag Time Band. Sort of runs chills down your spine, doesn't it.
  10. If she were shot on the streets, it would take the doctors three months to find the bullet wound. "Sorry we couldn't save her, we had to wait for a metal detector to arrive, and we were just too late."
  11. I remember. You didn't have wee hour hucksters peddling vacuum cleaners in those days. Whenever you saw that sign pop up on the screen, after the National Anthem, it usually meant,.. "Go to bed you little shit head, we've got nothing left to say to you."
  12. She sort of replaces the old NBC peacock for those of you that might remember. "Now, In living color." I also heard that the so called tattoo artist just bought himself a house in Beverly Hills when he got through with that bitch. That, or she traded sexual favors for Tats instead. Contract: I hereby agree to give you three thousand blow jobs in exchange for a full body mutilation.
  13. "A day that will live.. Well, for a while anyway"
  14. Thanks my old friend. Yes, I am currently being refurbished like an old locomotive, and when I'm done I intend to let out a little steam and come rolling down those tracks. A hundred and seventeen tons of cold rolled steel coming right at all those liberal bastards. They better get off the tracks when they hear my whistle wailin. Good to hear from you TBG.
  15. Thank you, HMFIC. My mind is still divided over how I should be spending my time. But if nothing else, I sure have enjoyed the company of like minded people here, who are both fun, witty, and intelligent.
  16. Thanks Foamy, that means a lot to me coming from you.
  17. When I first went to selling cars, I was thirty years old, and then working at a small dealership called Rodeo Dodge. Well, there were a number of older guys there, who were somewhere in their late fifties or so, but a great bunch of guys. Happily, they seemed to take to me, and one day this one guy named Ben came up to me and said, "Come here ____, I want to show you something." So, I followed him into his office where he then pulled out of his coat pocket, an old, yellowing newspaper article. He then laid it flat on his desk, and began to unfold it and smooth it out rather slowly and lovingly, as he then told me that he once owned a small liquor store. Well, one day he told me that this big black guy came in. He stressed to me that this guy was huge, and took up the entire door when he lumbered in and made his way up to the counter, where he then raised his hand up with a gun in it. Ben had a few guns behind that counter and quickly shot him in the neck. He then said to me that this guy had a neck like a tree stump, and that with any normal guy and that shot would have knocked them on their ass, but with this guy, he just stood there with a dazed look upon his face, and then just as slowly turned around and started walking back toward the door. And that's where he finally dropped, half way in and half way out. I couldn't help but chuckle a little bit,.. I mean, Ben seemed so proud of that old yellow news clipping.
  18. http://matzav.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/rob-store.jpg Hey Michael,.. Pick me up some Swisher Sweets if you go to da sto.
  19. I have one last thing to say. And it's really nothing new, except when you hear such serene and beautiful music such as this, it's hard to imagine that there should be a sect of people known as the Muslims who want to destroy all that is good and worth holding onto in this world. Things of which in art, and in poetry, or in music, or in architecture, or in science, that has lifted mankind up from the rather bleak, and brutal dictates that these insect like creatures do subscribe to. But they have shown that they serve the Devil instead, and cling to this desolate existence that has nothing in any way to do with God or with that of enlightenment. And yet what bothers me even more is that we now have many empty headed kids in college that are so void of any sense of history, that they now believe, thanks to their liberal professors, that America is the greater threat to mankind than these Muslims are. People, who as Karen has said, majored in feelings, and that only parrot what they hear without even thinking. Kids, who with their obnoxious selfies, which is embedded within this childlike selfishness of theirs, and who then stand there before the cameras with this vacant stare and belch out this rubbish, only reveals to me that they have a lack of gratitude for the many who have given their lives in the past just so that they could remain free from what is real tyranny. It's a hard thing for people of my generation to have to look upon or watch. And frankly it makes me want to slap their face. If I had a son or daughter, I can promise you they would have paid a visit there to Arlington cemetery. They would learn from me, what these courageous 'young men' have done for them. So long my friends,.. I truly do appreciate you.
  20. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2WQAl5nJWHs There you go Karen and Ozi.
  21. Thank you. I hold fond wishes for many of the people here that I have enjoyed the company of, even at the great distances that sometimes separates us. There is something else that binds us together. If I should return,.. Then I would have no doubt failed at this. And right now it's something that matters a great deal to me. I am truly glad that there are still people out there such as you Ozi, as well as with all the others here that I have come to know.
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