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Everything posted by woodworker

  1. I appreciate your sentiments,.. I really do.
  2. I am not here to spit in the faces of those that had jumped on a soap box in order to castigate someone whom I know to be a decent person. I'm not trying to start a range war between those that jump to certain conclusions or that might try to make themselves feel better by attacking someone for having the courage to speak his own mind. I would only hope that you would hold that same sort of contempt towards those black comedians that use that very same word constantly, for the mere sake of drawing upon themselves a cheap laugh, or towards those very uplifting, and morally sound, rappers, that have done so much good in the community by instilling a sense of self-worth to so many young and susceptible white girls. And just to be fair about this, You yourself have used stereotyping comments towards them. Dancing? Big dicks? Is that all that a black man should be noted for. Of course not, and I realize that you were merely trying to defend them, or you would have mentioned, car jacking, armed robbery, drive by shootings, rape, murder, or burning down cities, or leaving behind so many fatherless children. But to your credit, you didn't. So why do a lot of otherwise decent white folks fear Blacks? I don't know? And unfortunately we no longer have Nichol Simpson to be able to ask that very poignant question. But maybe it's because they have good memories, or are more willing to face the truth about certain things, when it's been demonstrated so many times before in the past.
  3. That was just what I needed,.. Thanks TBG.
  4. I don't watch ABC, CBS, NBC or CNN. I refuse to let those despicable, deceitful so called journalist feed me the same line of crap that they feed their loyal, liberal viewers. The fucking evil people that control or own these major so called news stations, don't give a fucking damn about your freedoms, or this country, or the very constitution that allows them so much free rein in what they may report or say. So after they had helped our enemies destroy this country, lets see how much they prefer working under the strict control and censorship of the Muslim caliphate, or that of their communist friends instead.
  5. Well, no doubt you've heard what those Muslim bastards have done, in killing those eighty men because they would not convert over to Islam, and then abducting their wives and children afterwards. We have got to get rid of these incompetent, inept, liberals that now hold the reins of power, if we are ever to be able to protect ourselves from these despicable Muslim cocksuckers! Barack Hussein Obama! You can hardly even say that name without needing to spit afterwards.
  6. (The Video link associated with this comment is no longer accessible and has been removed). It does not work...what a pity! I'm very curious about this thin and big footed guy :D Would it help if I described it for you? My pictorial descriptions of things is pretty good, and it will probably get you hard. :o
  7. Yes. She would make a dutiful and responsible wife. She must keep Efim's strength up.
  8. No enticement there. No wonder they're keeping her under wraps.
  9. Why don't you blow it out of your ass, you fucking idiot. Of course he's not twenty five! But your so wanting to act like an RLC cop cadet with such common sense dribble about their rules that you don't even have a sense of humor. You un-paid, freeloading piece of shit here at CC. I can't believe I even bothered to acknowledge your stupidity! Was it the little divvy about the little pee pee that set you off? Did I hit a nerve with you about that?
  10. Yeah I know. If it were given to me to launch, I would have had a naked picture of them flashing up on the screen periodically, you know, one of those subliminal things, while you were watching some of the others at the time as an enticement of sorts. With a banner flashing: Go Premium! Go Premium! Go Premium! With maybe even some sounds of heavy breathing, and panting going on along side with this. Now that's called marketing. ;)
  11. Not being able to even see the couple before you take the plunge, is literally like buying a pig with a poke. At the very least, as an enticement to others, they should have had a still shot of them both smiling and waving at us. Maybe with the caption: "Hope to see you soon." They just aren't very good at marketing I guess.
  12. Sorry, I don't understand what was just said to me?
  13. The 'boy' as he has been referred to is probably twenty five years old in reality. But that just show's you some of the negative affects Chernobyl has had on some of the nearby residence there. Stunted growth, hairless body, little pee pee. And yes, that is probably a toupee' he is wearing. Yet people still insist on having their little weekend picnics there, despite all the warnings.
  14. RLC must have given up on me altogether. I don't even see this new couple show up on their apartment menu. And I wouldn't have even known about them at all, if others hadn't written some post about this. Are you sure they really exist, and aren't just some type of mirage or something?
  15. RLC must have given up on me altogether. I don't even see Martha and David show up on their apartment menu for some reason. I never would have known that they existed if it weren't for some others posting about it.
  16. If your talking about Joe Biden and Obama,.. Obama is Joe Biden's shadow. He's always there right beside him. That makes me wonder. When Obama was running for president against Hillary Clinton the first time, did that make him the dark horse?
  17. You talk about danger! Do you realize that a strange man could make his way into that apartment while Paul was away at camp one day, throw a pillow case over that poor girls head and rape her, and not a one of us could even serve as a good witness, though thousands had been watching the whole thing. Police asking me to describe the assailant: "How the fuck should I know what he looked like, it would be like trying to read a newspaper under water, with that fucked up camera they have there!" "Oh wait officer, maybe this will help." "He was sort of fuzzy looking, you know,.. with all of his features like his nose and his eyes and his mouth just sort of blending and melding together while swirling about, kind of like a marble cake batter appears like when your mixing it up in a bowl." "Does that help you?" "Sorry I wasn't more of a help to you officer,.. But I did once see the face of Mohamed grimacing on a slice of buttered toast once a few days back." "It was quite unsettling, and unnerved me a lot!"
  18. I'm glad your enjoying it. But it's all just one big annoying blur to me, thanks to that cheap surveillance camera they probably stole off of some Seven/Eleven parking lot a few years back in order for them to save a few bucks. Like I've said before,.. We have clearer images of men walking on the moon some 238,000 miles away from 1969.
  19. Van is so right. And I deeply appreciate others like our good friend Ozi, as well those others who see this growing menace as the legitimate threat that it is. I only wish that I could show these gung-ho jihadist what my idea of fighting a war actually means. You wouldn't have to worry yourself about those fucking bastards for very long. I promise you. As it sits, we can only hope that someone will come along with the guts and the brains to finally save this world from them.
  20. You are our canon sir. So long as there are people such as you, we will prevail.
  21. Can you imagine what the Constitution would read like, had the Democrats of today had founded this once great country? Herein lies but a few excerpts from it. You lowly peasants that now grovel about our feet like our own dogs about our hearths. We declare that you will surrender to the state 75% of all you acquire through your own sweat and toil each year for the greater good of the chosen elite that heads up our illustrious party. We will also confiscate half of whatever you may leave behind when you die. For our lust for power and control over you must be fed, and this is a costly business of ours. We also declare that you will hand over the charge of your children to us, as we know best what is proper and good for them. You will wear these chains we place around your ankles and the yokes we place upon your necks proudly, or you will be interned in our death camps and made to suffer until you are finally broken or die. Herein Signed: Your Masters, of the Democrat Party.
  22. There is another mountain of sorts, a veritable dung heap of smoldering shit, where certain notable Democrats like Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi, along with many Hollywood personalities like Sean Penn and the like are also to be seen figured prominently. But it is called Traitor's mountain. A place where many Democrats all hold hands and dance around by the light of the moon as they offer their ritual sacrifices of the freedoms and liberties that the Constitution once held for the real Americans of this country to their heathen deity Obama. Even before the smell of this place hits your nose, you can hear their far oft chanting as they worship him. Obaaba Obaaba Obaaba Obaaba
  23. I can tell you thing or two about Hines Park. I am smiling now as I write this.
  24. Yeah,.. I went from the east side to the west side. Which was like night and day at the time. When we moved to the west side it was very close to Livonia. Are you familiar with Joy road and Telegraph. Or Warren Ave.?
  25. What in the hell has happened to this world? Will someone please tell me!!! And as far as the pregnant Barbie doll goes,.. I'm surprised they didn't make the baby a mullato. "Introducing the new 'Free and Easy' Barbie." "A total slut that everyone can enjoy playing with." Or maybe they can have a motorized Barbie twerking. Wouldn't that be nice. And what's with the baby doll with pubic hair? Are they fucking nuts? I can just see a little girl now,.. "Take this back mommy, it has mold growing on it." And a Lego concentration camp!!! Oh yeah, that would have gone over real big in New York. I never thought I would see the day when Santa Clause would become a figure of dread to a child. But then, I never thought that this world would have turned into the shit it has become. Hey, that's an idea,.. How about Play Dough coming up with a toy mold of the world where the kids can now have fun putting their own shit into it? Complete with handy little towelette packets.
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