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Everything posted by woodworker

  1. Van had laid out a very accurate history of these devil worshiping Muslims. Now, I must add my own two cents. Not a history so much as a commentary. Believe it or not for a few hundred years the people of the middle east were Christians, and were for the most part a peace loving bunch. They were also a brilliant race of people. They had invented many great things, including the triangular sail, so that boats could travel better on water regardless of which way the wind was blowing, and they had given us our very number system as well. Many, many words such as Algebra, Arithmetic, Astronomy, and so forth are Arabic words. But the Arabs and the Jews never really took to one another, and so along comes this prick Muhammad who besides being jealous of the fame and notoriety of Jesus, said, "Hey, I'll not only ascend to heaven as he did, but I'll do it on my horse as well." But his so called ascent, much like everything else, was a lie, and never really happened. Even the nine year old little girl he was fucking back then, (TRUE) could see he was an enslaver, and a hater. A despicable piece of shit, that had the audacity to wrap himself up as if he were Holy. Jesus once said, "You will know them by their works." And Muhammad was very much an instrument of the devil,.. a deceiver that had turn those people into the shit they now are. I fear that Van is right. That we may never have anyone brave enough to ever truly do what is necessary to finally destroy these bastards, once and for all. Not so long as the liberal media, and the 'Who gives a fuck' world view is so in favor of seeing their own western civilization being destroyed instead.
  2. Aw,.. Don't tease me like that. You almost had me running for my credit card.
  3. Obama is a fermenting pile of shit! I hold my nose for the next two years and then hope for the best.
  4. The only blonde joke I know, is a bitch named Elaine.
  5. Wow!,.. Such a hostile bunch of Newbies we have here at CC nowadays. A sad commentary of the times I suppose. One of them was bitching about how Adriane and Daniel keep fucking on the balcony, and stated that they should put a camera there so that they could see. And I merely suggested that they might also consider putting one on the roof, or in the back seat of their car as well, if they should have one. And oh what an outpouring of anger had then spewed out from that. These Newbies are really passionate about their perversions. One can almost see them, >:( all red faced, and clinching their fist in a fit of rage. Something about being duped, or fleeced out of their money. That sort of thing. And in that, I do sympathize with them, and am glad that I hadn't taken the plunge just yet.
  6. And maybe one on the roof as well, or in the back seat of their car, if they have one. What,.. You never fucked on the roof before?
  7. What ever happened to those good o'l days when men could settle their little disputes amicably by marking off ten paces and then commence to just shooting at each other? Seems so civilized to me.
  8. And it's not just how far you've gone, but where you have been as well. In my case, to hell and back.
  9. The only commercial toys I have envisioned are tiny little replica's of those centering around Kong's cock. The same one he used to piss on the gathering pedestrians down below. Before he started his tumble down.
  10. Negative karma points are nice I suppose. As they do speak volumes as to one's character in many ways. But it's like I've said before. It's not until you start to receive actual death threats that you can truly go to bed feeling satisfied with yourself. People such as TBG and myself, were like a couple of old sea dogs back then, traversing the great unknown and often doing battle with some of the indigenous savages of far off lands. Things I still reminiscence over fondly at times with a lump in my throat. Remember that mysterious Ukrainian bitch, 'Shadow'? Oh what a time that was. Anyway, Whenever you might see from time to time one of those old model ships stuck away inside of an empty Scotch or Vodka bottle my friends, do think kindly upon us. Especially now as my current ship seems to be listing a little bit.
  11. Yeah, She's quite an eyeful isn't she.
  12. Here's a catchy tune I think you guys will enjoy. And where's that fucking friend of mine, TBG?!! Like smelling salts, this ought to bring him around. Time to wake up TBG,.. Time to play spin the vodka bottle.
  13. I must say, from the first time I saw your name, I chuckled, as I never knew that a mere raisin could be so mighty. But you have shown yourself to be a raisin of distinction at times, and that is certainly a praise worthy of note.
  14. Mavado,.. Please, as a favor to me, drop the picture of the girl every time you leave a post. It's just not necessary, and it takes up a lot of space. Thank you.
  15. According to Ozioziozi's assumptions, we must therefore conclude that Efim is a mother fucker! All agreed,.. Good,.. Meeting adjourned.
  16. I'm surprised you never hear of the Aussie's ever riding kangaroos. I mean, you always hear of the high society crowd talking about their horses and their steeple races and such. Belmont and all that crap. Well, what could possibly be better to go about jumping all those fences with than a kangaroo? Bet you never thought of that, did ya? And besides all that, I just think that it would take much more skill to be able to try to control that kind of critter, than just a plain old horse in that way any day.
  17. I too like a good Scotch, Laphroaig. And lately I've been drinking it straight out of the bottle with a straw. I figure that if I should ever get to that point in my elder years to where I can no longer even wipe my own ass anymore, I wouldn't want to have to impede on someone else's patience as I keep asking them to pour me another glass. To me it just makes sense,.. One has to plan ahead, and be prepared.
  18. Boy I don't know what it is about Australia. They have some of the worse snakes, and spiders, and ants that will actually pull you out of your bed down there, and on the coast they have the most poisonous jelly fish in the world, as well as man eating sharks that just circle around and around just looking for their next meal. But Damn if I don't like the people down there! And I know that I've said this all before, but I truly never met an Aussie that I didn't like. It must be that Vegemite stuff near as I can figure. I mean even though it stinks to high heaven and looks a lot like axle grease,.. still there has to be something more to it, or something that's in it, that could make all those people down there, in spite of everything else within that perilous place turn out so cool.
  19. Thanks for the compliment. From you, that means a lot to me.
  20. LOL A fucking lynch mob in the making. "Lets get a rope and hang em!"
  21. Ozioziozi scene in "Gladiator" Black Nubian friend to Ozioziozi: "You have a great name." "He must first destroy your name before he can kill you."
  22. That or Ozioziozi's mother had a stuttering problem when she named him. ???
  23. It's hard to not like a guy who's name is an echo. OZI OZI OZI
  24. They know they're a hit. And they also know that they have RLC over a barrel. They're probably just re-negotiating their contract with them. That or ABC has a slot for them on their television network, to compete with the Kardashians. Whoever thought that being so perverted could be so profitable. I was just born out of time I guess.
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