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Everything posted by woodworker

  1. If they ever put some decent cameras in her apartment, it will be like having your cataracts removed.
  2. At least these people aren't just wasting away their youth, like Nora and Kinko did. Like Nij has said, it's good to see a couple not become slaves to their phones or computers. I know from my own past, you have to create your own excitement and fun at times. Nobody's going to do it for you.
  3. How funny. (Pre-Cum) Sometimes pre-cum has semen in it. LOL. It's all semen. And yes sometimes the pre-ejaculate may contain some sperm in it, but not often. Oh well, your heart was in the right place.
  4. Your alright in my books HMFIC. And I've been trying to figure out what HMFIC stands for. The nearest thing I can figure is, Hey Mother Fuckers,.. I'm Cool. And I noticed that you already have -190 karma points. Good job! But it's not until you start to receive death threats that you can truly go to bed feeling satisfied with yourself.
  5. I'm telling you, it's that lucky horse shoe dick of his.
  6. Yes, And he does everything he can to keep Paul from fucking his true love. Good Doggy.
  7. What do you call a feminist with a broomstick stuck up her ass? A Tootsie Pop. (That ought to piss them off)
  8. It takes a lot to make me laugh at times, but that did it. Good stuff Nick.
  9. Here's one for the "Old Guard" here at CC.
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=rMY0S9rdNZ0#t=0 This song is for you Van. It speaks of friendship. How strange, that I had deleted this site from my computer, and never once missed it. But then felt a strong urge to bring it back, only to discover you mentioning the loss of your mother. I know what heartache is. And my kindest and warmest thoughts go with you Van.
  11. I think that's one of the signs of the apocalypse. The end is near!
  12. Well, he does tend to paw at her like a dog, and I hear that they can be very territorial. If he starts peeing on the walls, then we'll know that that's what the problem must be.
  13. Here's someone who knows how to play a guitar.
  14. What HMFIC had said is correct. For even Jesus once spoke out about this sort of thing, when He said,.. "Woe unto them that would offend one of these little ones, for it would be better for that person if they should have a millstone tied around their necks and be cast into the sea, than the judgment that awaits for them." Yes, like many, I still believe in Him.
  15. Yes, Paul's guitar playing will make a person pretty nauseous at times, but it does help to empty out your bowels some.
  16. While we're at it,.. I wonder how much the Coca Cola company is paying kinko and Nora for their product placement ads? No one leaves an empty plastic coke bottle laying around on the floor for two or three weeks without having some good reason for it. Nora even has a Coca Cola tote bag that she sometimes carries with her when she goes out. Pretty enterprising if you ask me. Now they just need to get in contact with the Campbell soup company, and they will soon have the house of their dreams. But the one thing we do know for sure,.. Trojan isn't paying them very much. Incidentally, for you early Christmas shoppers. A large wall print of Andy Warhol's Campbell soup cans would make a thoughtful gift for these two, if anyone really cares. So would a broom and a mop for that matter.
  17. All I know is that without Leora, RLC would have nothing. She should hire an agent and tell them that since she has acquired a new dog, she has incurred some heavy expenses, such as puppy chow and the like. And that from now on she wants them to start coughing up some real dough her way, or perhaps even throw in a new car or something. Because without her, their whole site would probably go belly up in just a few short months. Nora is sexy, but thanks to that immovable tree stump Kinko, there is nothing exciting or spontaneous ever taking place there concerning this girl. I don't blame her really, because much like in dancing, it is the man who is suppose to take the lead or to show some initiative, or have some imagination in sparking up their situation together. She looks almost as if she has resigned from life itself. And if they do finally ever get around to having sex, it is always prearranged, and always in the same place, and always without passion. Karma Sutra position #98, Dull, and lifeless. I've seen turtles demonstrate more passion. And I don't know much about the new people, but it doesn't seem like they're going to bring in any new subscribers to RLC, from the looks of it.
  18. I got a kick out of what you said my friend,.. But as it turned out the ring never did turn green, and she held on to it for years. She is, and always will be lodged in my heart.
  19. I got hit in the eye twice with this shit. Can you imagine the disappointment as you slip off her panties and this sort of thing pops out at you. It's like discovering a half eaten June bug in the burger you just bit into.
  20. Some of the people that I have known in my life who were the best of people, and who influenced me in profound ways were certain women that I have known. And I did not take offense by what you have posted before. I only felt as though my distain for the hard core feminist was taken to be an all out hatred or attack upon all women in general. It's probably my fault, as I've had very little experience writing for fourth graders, so I probably didn't word this post or the difference between those two groups as well as I could have. But as I've said, there are those of others who both personally, as well as with those to whom I have never met, but that I had always held a deep and lasting respect for. And no, I wasn't seething or gnashing my teeth. LOL And the only time I find an urge to spit is when I hear Obama's name being mentioned on the news. I just think you probably thought I was being mean to all women, which was not my intention at all. By the way,.. Your video left out someone by the name of Boutica. She was a tribal leader who at first helped Rome and even persuaded those of her tribe to trust Rome. She was later betrayed, and her two young daughters were both raped and killed by Roman soldiers. She later in her sorrow and rage, led an attack upon Rome and had a series of spectacular victories, even against some of Rome's greatest generals. She almost succeeded in conquering Rome. And when I first heard that story, it ran chills down my spine, out of the admiration and respect that I held for her. I follow my heart, and my heart has always been true to me. Maybe I said more than I needed to. But as I've once said to someone a long time ago. "You are born alone, and you will die alone. And everyone that you meet in-between remains a stranger to you. And even those that should know you the best, namely that of your own family, know you the least. And in the end, only God knows you for what you truly are and for what you were always meant to be."
  21. Well, I thought I was pretty clear about not hating all women, just the ones that are jealous of us men, or who want to try to cut off our dicks.
  22. Why thank you. ;) I didn't know that you cared. Oh I do,.. Just not that much. LOL From one racist to another,.. I still consider you a friend.
  23. Actually there's a lot of truth to what Burak has said. In short, they want a guy that they can't just wrap around their finger. I've known that since I was fifteen. There was this girl once when I was sitting on my motorcycle and talking to a friend who came up to me smiling and said,.. "Give me a ride." To which I barked back,.. "NO!, What the hell do you take me for, a taxi cab?" And she ran away into her house and cried. My friend who lived two houses down from her later told me that she had a secret crush on me. This one is for my friends Van, Pepe, and of course #6 Oh, and that mean, heartless, racist, TBG. Back then, when I was sixteen or so, it was fashionable I suppose if you were going with a girl to give her a ring. But I noticed that it seemed that whenever a guy gave a girl a ring that they would always end up breaking up about two weeks later. You could almost set a clock to it. But this girl, in her sweet way, just kept nagging me for one. So one day with my friend Joe, I went to this jewelry store. There we were, two hoodlums in our black leather jackets standing in front of this glass counter. But then this kindly woman around fifty or so came up to me and asked me what I wanted, and when I told her she sweetly smiled and started showing me these different rings. But then I said,.. "No, You don't understand, I want something that will turn green in about two weeks." And that removed her sweet smile from her face. But the truth is, of all the girls that I once knew,.. It was that girl more than any other who did in the end truly loved me. I'll see her again.
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