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Everything posted by woodworker

  1. Because I think he's got a worse case of sexual obsession than her. That's all. I don't think any girl is safe for very long with that guy around. Not that I blame him all that much for having that kind of drive, or for having those types of desires. I was pretty spirited too when I was young.
  2. Her punching herself in the head during sex is all a part of her therapy, to help break her from this obsessive sexual addiction she has. (It seemed to work for me) Though she probably should be punching Efim instead. It's either that, or she's just frustrated with herself for not being able to reach an orgasm very easily. Kind of like when a jockey whips a horse across the finish line. One or the other.
  3. I agree with Van. But you do realize of course that there is a great silent rivalry brewing between Leora and Diana. Lets hope for Leora's sake the two never meet, as I have visions of Diana putting Leora in a scissor lock with those muscular legs of hers. I couldn't bear to watch it.
  4. Probably in court, with RLC arguing on their behave. They were probably served with a cease and desist notice from their neighbors. Just my guess.
  5. I found it funny how hated that poor plant had become. If I were Leora, I would have rubbed that plant all up and down my pussy, until I ended up squirting all over it with my own special love juices. That would get everyone buzzing over her again. A real encore performance. Sort of like,.. "Take that Diana!"
  6. Be thankful she hasn't converted over to Islam. It wouldn't be much fun anymore watching her prance around all day in a burka. And as far as that little stunt with the bullshit plant goes,.. She was probably just upset at all the attention that Diana was receiving from everyone lately, and she just wanted to punish all you fickle ingrates for not still worshiping her as you once had done. When Shakespeare had said the world was a stage, she took that as her que, and she'll be damned if she's going to let anyone upstage her, especially this little upstart tart called Diana. The girl can't help it, it's in her genes.
  7. Ben Franklin once said you can tell two other persons a secret and keep it safe, as long as they're both dead. ;) Piano is, and always will be my favorite instrument. Mostly classical. But when I was young I use to listen to E. Power Biggs play Bach on the pipe organ. Good stuff! Very gothic and moving.
  8. The late, great, Fred Neil Sometimes it's hard to sleep when you've got a secret to keep.
  9. I think that noise they're making is a part of a pagan fertility ritual that takes place prior to when a wild orgy ensues. It's kind of like Joe Cocker and New Age mixed with a back beat.
  10. No doubt it is to some of her secret admirers. Dear Pepe and Squirrel, I know that when you see me at times caressing Paul that it sometimes distresses you. But you must understand that it is merely my way of avoiding any conflict with Paul. Yet, It is you and you that I secretly dream of and yearn for. And yes I do what I have to in order to survive within my current situation. But surely you both must know that I no longer savor this half baked potato, and want someone who will actually carry me through to some earth shaking orgasm like the ones I have so often read about while twiddling myself. Oh how I have longed for a real man so many times, and I find myself constantly re-reading your lurid thoughts over me, and what you both would do to me, as you savagely ravage the secret crevasses of my moistened womanhood. Someone who will knock the cobwebs from off of my clitoris! Please, Please hurry in your attempt to rescue me from this sorry existence. I await with baited breath and a rope so as to climb down the window with. Till then, I remain your sweet and smoldering Leora
  11. Yeah, I think it's "Little Women" But I couldn't swear to it. But whatever it is, it's plain to see it's got her thinking. ;)
  12. http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/236x/dc/f2/ea/dcf2ead11981a7b81f472a676f4746dc.jpg Nora's dolls from when she was little.
  13. Thanks Squirrel. Lately my mind has been sorely divided, and I don't quite have the heart for this sort of thing as I once had. But I am still every bit a true friend to you as I had been from the start. As you know, there are some pretty good people here. People we both have come to know over time. But now the walls have been breached by a hoard of pre-adolescent barbarians known as the Newbies. A truly terrifying sect. And yet for those of us still on guard, we can only try to limit their annoyance and desecration of these once hallowed halls, as we bravely trod forward within these old corridors with one eye open for their half chewed discarded bubble gum. It's like hell trying to get off of the bottom of ones shoe.
  14. A while back someone used this technique to put a gorilla's head on top of Michele Obama's body. I don't know, the whole thing just seemed like a redundancy to me.
  15. It will usually show up as: "Perverted Pleasures inc."
  16. Yeah, She's a sweet kid. And by virtue of her being there she has kept Efim from becoming a serial rapist.
  17. They shot themselves about a month ago. Don't you remember the ruckus?
  18. Yeah, You tell em Foamy. Tell them to all go fuck themselves.
  19. Who but a blind man would even care to try?
  20. Like a recurring nightmare.
  21. https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQbdw_1B0lMAHBfT2Leq8uzYK1fXu8HdRxi7vhHlhcynSh8l0I Here is one of Obama's little friends. Little Kimmy. If he dreams at all, this is what he dreams of. "Look at me Mommy,.. I ride on big boat." That's right, hold on tight little Kimmy, we wouldn't want you to slip into the drink. You repugnant mother fucker.
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