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Everything posted by woodworker

  1. I too feel the same as Squirrel in this. Obama is not a dreamer,.. He is a schemer.
  2. I often wondered over the stupidity of France raising the tax rate to 75% on the productive job creators. But as the more conservative job creators all run for the door, it leaves that country with no one left to even fight or contest the liberal bastards anymore, as they continue to devour and to destroy all of what others have built before them, kind of like termites. So I suppose they're not so stupid after all, just very devious. Gentlemen,.. I propose we kill them all.
  3. As far as the Soviets and the United States becoming a blend of each other. Just what party do you think is most responsible for that? How can you say there is very little difference between the parties, when none of the Republicans voted for Obama care. And when it was the Republicans who were trying to lower the taxes on the middle class, or do away with the death tax, (A form of picking a dead man's pockets) all the while the Democrats were yelling and screaming, Hell No!, We need to raise taxes even higher. We need to drive big business out of this country in order to help weaken the economy and our own growth here. Our real purpose here is to dismantle this country and turn it into a socialist state controlled by us Democrats. Actually they're not that honest to just come out and speak that way, but that is their true intent. The Democrats don't give a damn about the Constitution, or your rights. And have been working hard to do away with it by bits and pieces. "What nerve!,.. You say you want the right to protect your own wife and family?" "Who said you have our permission to do so?" The Democrats are for a weak and depleted military, the Republicans the exact opposite. And on pretty much every issue you can think of they are at odds with each other, or else you wouldn't have such in-fighting going on between them. And there wouldn't be such a need to spend millions on trying to get your own party members elected in order to take control of the house and senate if they were so similar. You hear some imbecile say something like that, and then you hear another just parrot it without even really thinking somehow, because to a non-thinker it just sounds good. Yes, It's true a lot of the Republicans are afraid to be as conservative as say Ronald Reagan once was, because of the liberal bias in the media, and the effect that they might have over certain uneducated, ill informed voters. But even so, the difference between the two parties is like night and day. Hell, Just ask any ten or eleven year old girl who tries to open up a lemon-aide stand anymore if there is a difference between the two parties. Or how about all those kids now at school, who are being told that they have to eat this slop that even Michele (Fuck your parents! We're your new parents now) Obama wouldn't touch. They can't even have their own mothers fix them a lunch anymore! (Rights,.. What rights?) Fucking Democrats,.. I detest them all!
  4. I'm not picking on you,.. Your entitled to your own opinion. But don't you think your comment about the conservatives or Republicans don't sell well because they are "Old white men" is pretty stupid? Albert Einstein was an old white man, for one. And so was John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Monroe, and lets not forget Benjamin Franklin. Should we not give a listen to those great men, just because your prejudice against "Old white men"? Is it now a situation due to idiot television, that people are now prone to vote for certain candidates in the same way they would for someone on American Idol? "Oh I think he should be our next president. Sure he's dumber than shit, but he's soooo cute." God help us!
  5. Yeah, but she's got that hideous tattoo, and that's not an easy thing to overcome. I know it turns me cold. It's kinda like having a rebuilt classic muscle car or a fancy high dollar sports car that has a dent on one side.bring's down the value of it. :( Your exactly right! Good analogy.
  6. Images of this girl prior to her disfigurement would be like having certain rare baseball cards. They could become something of a collectors item. "Oh look,.. I've got a Maya picture here before she became delusional and ruined herself."
  7. Yeah, but she's got that hideous tattoo, and that's not an easy thing to overcome. I know it turns me cold.
  8. Yeah, Your probably right. Look,.. I've got no kids, or grand kids to worry about. And I guess I could just say fuck it, what do I care anymore. But for some reason I still do. Maybe it's because of the great respect that I have always had for the founding fathers of this country, or maybe it's because of all those brave young men that fought during the second world war. I don't know. But sometimes when you watch an old time movie, and you see the way that this country used to be, it just sickens me to no end to see what the Democrats have done to it over the past fifty or sixty years. They are no longer the party of Truman. They're more in line with the socialist, communist, party than anything else. And it irritates me to see them sometimes at certain events wrapped in the American flag as if they were somehow true patriots of this country, when in truth they're nothing more than lying, deceitful, treasonous pigs, with nothing other than contempt for the so called little people. I fucking despise them!
  9. This nice song I dedicate to NL. He'll understand why at the end. Nice touch, and a better name than calling her Columbia, or Detutsche Grammophon I suppose.
  10. Fuck it. I suppose what I had to say was a little too honest or gutsy for some. So how about a nice chorus of "We are the World" instead. Another twenty years or so, if we continue on in this way, and America ought to be ripe for the picking. I can just see it now. "If you've got only one vote left to cast, why not make a difference." "Vote for Ma Ying Jeou Jr. A Democrat with a difference." It couldn't be any worse than the shit we've got now. At least he would believe in industry. Or how bout a vote for Hugo Chavez son, for our Spanish speaking friends. Either way. The Democrat party is the party of change. Now where did I hear that before?
  11. It must be code. Ah,.. I figured it out. We, (My wife and I) admire you both greatly, and when we were both young we were the same as you, but without Allen Funt. I must be part Osage.
  12. I'm sure it's lodged somewhere in the back of his poor twisted mind.
  13. And have you ever thought of what the night sky would look like if we ever got around to nuking that region of the world with all of that sand turning into glass? It would be like a wonderful strobe light as the sun's rays reflected off of it. And while it's night time here for us, it would be like a beacon of sorts, just shining off into space. Kind of pretty when you think of it.
  14. That's the kind of news reporting that CC needs for those of us who might have missed some things. Especially now that there aren't any pictures anymore to tell the story. Only for you guy. ;) but you won't see anything... (The Image associated with this comment is no longer accessible and has been removed). I think you should be in charge as the chief editor of the Camcaps Gazette.
  15. A while back I made an inference in a post about Jack the Ripper. But now it's time to take a serious look at this legendary killer. Sure, I've heard all the theories, from the Queen's henchmen to protect some high born prince from having a child born out of wedlock from a prostitute, to the authorities later thinking to blame the ghastly crime on an American doctor. But upon a closer inspection of it all you will clearly see that it bears all the markings of it being the work of an irate Muslim. Yes,.. You heard me,.. A Muslim. Why?, We may never know. Perhaps it was because those women refused to wear a burka. Or perhaps because he couldn't resist secretly wanting to fuck them, and took his hatred out on them for that of his own inner weakness. Or perhaps it's just because he felt that he was entitled to a freebee and the women there just laughed in his face. Or perhaps one of them gave him a case of the Clap. We can only speculate as to why? But at the end of the day I'm pretty sure that you will come to same conclusion as I have in that Jack the Ripper was probably in all likelihood the great, great, grandfather of either Omar Shit Mohamed, or perhaps even that of Osama Bin Laden. It just makes sense to me.
  16. That's the kind of news reporting that CC needs for those of us who might have missed some things. Especially now that there aren't any pictures anymore to tell the story.
  17. LOL,.. I know. The very idea if it were ever 'normalized', or accepted by society would spawn a whole new series of Wild Kingdom, or National Geographic shows. I can almost see it playing out now. Announcer: "We're here in the lush jungles of Kilimanjaro where our guest Mr. Jones will be attempting to make love to a full grown lioness." "This could be exciting folks, and a wee bit risky I would venture." Lioness: Roaaaar! Translation: (You mother fucker!) Chomp chomp chomp. The blood curdling screams of Mr. Jones: "Aaaaaaaaah" Announcer: "Quick!,.. Cut to commercial!" Announcer upon his return from break: "Sorry about that folks, and remember, next week we'll be having Mr. Mountjoy as he explores the sexual mysteries of a female hippopotamus." "You won't want to miss that."
  18. No, But about eight months ago they had a couple living on a farm, and the guy actually fucked a mule there. Sorry you missed it. I know, 'A day late, and a dollar short',.. Right?
  19. I think some of these fuckers may have gotten a little too close to Chernobyl. I'm sure it's an interesting place to have a picnic and all, but I think it's beginning to have an effect on some of population over there. You see it everywhere you look! From rats the size of possums, to taking harmless little kids like Efim and turning them into baby faced Jack the Rippers.
  20. When he's through with that banana, being a Russian, he can send it on it's way to the White House as a goodwill or friendship token. I'm sure Obama would appreciate this gesture. You know, kind of a, "From Russia with Love", sort of thing. Something far more practical than that bust of Sir Winston Churchill ever was to him,.. Don't you think?
  21. As far as the cameras go, we have clearer images of men walking on the moon from 1969.
  22. I can't tell you how many times Paul has humped that very same leg before.
  23. Perhaps Efim may have been Jacques Cousteau in another life.
  24. Looking for an insightful or interesting comment from some of you Newbies is like searching for life on other planets at times. And some of you actually act like your just twelve years old. You never would have made it in my crowd, that's for sure.
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