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Everything posted by clivebb

  1. i don't know what the game play vika actually,she suck cucumber and now she stop,this girl is a teaser i think
  2. one think is sure,voro is the most attractive appartment,the others are dead specialy tver
  3. i hope kami spend a good time actually in boyfriend 's appartment without cameras !
  4. bon début mais finalement encore tout sous la couette çà devient chiant,c'est lui qui veut tout cacher,il est comme demid, ce couple sera interessant dans 6 mois ou 1 an le temps qu'ils oublient les cameras un peu comme suzan/hector enfin je l'espere
  5. alex have left or what? there is new guy here now with anna
  6. j'en connais un qui va se faire bannir par rlc très bientôt ! y-a la totale sur cette photo (id+watermark) i know someone will be banned by rlc very soon ! there is all on this photo (id+watermark)
  7. ok,good news,i'm not sure if some members had not contacted rlc support for signaled the situation,the blonde come today for take the cat, well the cat is safe now but i don't change my opinion with this couple,they are just super weird and immature,my opinion
  8. i don't know what's happened whith his arm,he have tried fisting anna and that was too hot inside,lol
  9. ok,it's a sad experience,she was more relax and happy this afternoon,now we have to wait a new couple but in how many time? i'm sad for anna too,personaly i have never see her nazi tatoo because i'm not pay members and this polemic not interest me,now she's gone
  10. ok the preview thumbails don't work very good but anna is here ok,what time eva/bf have left the appartment with bags(local time)?
  11. left this morning,are you sure? i have watching this afternoon a little around 4 pm local time and they was here on the couch but actually at 2 am there is nobody in voro
  12. certes les guests chez kami sont jolies aussi mais j'ai une forte attirance avec yulia,je sais pas pourquoi,c'est vraiment le style de fille que j'aime après chacun c'est préférence,pour te dire je regarde même pas irma car j'aime pas du tout malgré qu'elle a des gros seins
  13. heureusement que yulia est là pour sauver la mise,c'est bien pour çà que c'est ma guest favorite surtout pour son jolie corps,son visage et son naturel, c'est de loin la plus attractive pour moi entre toutes les habitantes et guests inclus
  14. ok mais l'image qu'elle donne ici est l'image d'une fille sale,j'appelle pas çà se laver quand on fait juste le dessous des bras et les pieds, ellle attend surement d'être à l'exterieur pour se laver,c'est juste super énérvant de voir une aussi jolie fille passé son temps à cacher ses parties intimes, tout le monde attend d'en voir plus avec elle mais elle lache rien,c'est très frustrant
  15. i think he was tired with the brunet because she was not very open for doing sex on cameras,i prefer yulia for that and i love her big boobs but if the brunet want join the party i'm ok
  16. this is good see yulia back here,i missed her,i like the other brunet too but yulia is more hot than her and yulia hide nothing and very relax with the cameras
  17. let's waiting 1 or 2 days more but if nobody come home for the cat,we will start send email to complain about this situation, i'm not really surprise if this couple have decided go in vacation for 2 weeks and leave the cat here alone,this couple is fucking weird and immature specialy her,they have never really investigate the appartment for live here,they live in other world when they are here
  18. demid is super weird,i watch this appartment only for the guests,demid make me too tired with this fucking blanket all the time,i don't waste my time more with this couple, rlc will not remove this couple for now,maybe in three years if we are lucky
  19. this guest girl is so dirty,it's always the same scenario with her,exept her hair she wash nothing more,never shower here, she put always the cover on her on the couch for be sure we see nothing,we could have 40 degres in the appartment,she will continue sleeping with the cover and stay one week without shower,she readdy for anything for show nothing here,it's just crazy,i can't wait the moment when this appartment will be offline for good,see a freeloader guest like her all the time here and spend her time for hide everything make me angry,i know she's not the tenants here but if she's not agree with the cameras she have to sleep in other place,not here
  20. how is possible sleeping with kamila during the week-end with no kiss,no touching and just sleeping,it's just incredible,probably by the cameras fault one more time ! that will finish again like the last night,kamila go in living for masturbating,kami don't take the initiative too for have some fun here, i think it's deal they have take now,no more sex here or touching
  21. clivebb

    Tver - Split 4

    i agree,petra have make her time here and jacky is useless here too,i don't like this girl, the time is coming to refresh all tver for present two new couples here,i have stopped watching tver after the departure of sonya/ivo, there is just voro and a little bit sonya keep my attractivity on vv
  22. on vacation till 25 june,nothing really new it's already 2 months they are on vacation here,this appartment is just a big fail
  23. what a retarded guy you are euromike,i think i'm gonna leave the forum very soon, i don't want stay more longer with handicaped guy like him on the forum and the inaction of the mods with him,it's probably my last public message here until i see a courageous mod kick the ass out of this crazy euromike here,if someone want continue talk with me,it's in PM NOW.
  24. we will have soon a porn forum with this all bullshit pics from euromike,is it the future of camcaps?
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