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Everything posted by Blue&Bonnie

  1. Off topic. The admin Of CC has took over RLCF and he change the web site. It pretty much like this one now. The admin did say that BTR is still on the staff list and all the mod are still there.
  2. I did not say what they might have been doing all i saying is what i saw & my be some other saw the same thing.Not making nothing up. Also there one more thing. After the bath Anna went to her room & got dress in pants & a long sleeve shirt but she did not keep it on long & she was not a happy camper either when she went back to her room. Lola & Megan stay out of the apt around 18 min & came back with nothing and Megan went straight to bed & Lola done a sexy dance for us then went to bed
  3. Ok when they went out the door i believe that door open up in like a little room and that there a main front door. Ever time they open the door up that you see it away dark when you look out that door and some time i seen them cut on a light then that little room light up. Megan not going out the building dress in her underwear and showing her tits and when Lola took off her jeans the only thing she took out was her keys and then folded her jeans up and put them back in the closet. Part 2 of this chat
  4. Ok I think most of you miss this last night. After the bath Anna went to her room and Megan went back to Lola bath room where she was & said some thing to her then went to the hall way and waited then went back to Lola room & stood there while Lola put on her jeans with no underwear on & just a top then Megan & Lola went out the front door. Megan only had on her underwear & that tank top that show the side of her tits no bra. They took nothing with them but the door key This is Part one of this chat
  5. 15:08 Lola,Megan & Anna left the apt like they were going to the beach but they did not take towels and other thing that you take to the beach, They wash there hair took a bath and put on make up and there bathing suit and put on real nice dress & shoes. So who are they trying to fool. If you was just watching then you would have seen more and you no more what i am talking about
  6. Have you email them. If not please do. The more email they get then the better chance of them calling them to remove the towel. Thank you guys
  7. Ilona and Megan been gone over 8 hour. They was not dress to go shopping or to the beach. Ilona did take that silk bag with her. It had in it a toothbrush and toothpaste a change of underwear her sleep mask ear plug and there was another object in the bottom of the bag that she never revealed. Megan only took her purse and both girls had no make up on
  8. 21:50 Lola and Megan has left the apt and Lola took ever thing that she take to the beach even her bathing suit and her phone charger. They my be going to the other apt 1# we see but Megan did take the wine and the mellon and Megan did put on make up but not Lola
  9. @albacore I going to try to remember what i was going to say to you. If i can remember i will PM you but you my have 2 or 3 PM regarding this issue. If you now how to find what i said that day could you PM it to me please. I am sorry about this
  10. @ albacore I am so sorry about not answering you . I did really try to answer you but at the time i did not no what was going on meaning when i try to post some thing or when i try to PM you when i hit send it would log me out so i give up. Now i found out i can only type out 2 line at a time. Also if you won't proof it in the archives on RLCF and it come from BTR and he tell all about it and (Maxfactor ) comment proves BTR is part owner of RLC
  11. @CowArt Hello my good Friend. How are you doing. Blue and I have miss you so much. Blue is doing ok. We are on a stand by meaning we are waiting on a downer for a leg artery. There going to replace Blue main artery in his heart. He did't not won't one taking out off his leg so that some of the thing going on with him.Also do you remember BTR wanted to add a new feature to RLCF and my be now that he is the owner my be this is what going on
  12. Off the topic. I no most of you don't care But RLCF is a sister station to this web site and RLCF has been offline for 26 hour now.
  13. Thank You Some people just don't get it. We all are hear to share our thought and opinion rather we are right our wrong. Also some people take RLC to serious and they don't realize one day they going to wake up and it all going to be gone then what are they going to do
  14. Sorry but it has been prove. You must not been on here to hear (Maxfactor ) make his comment to prove what BTR said was true and that he is the owner. Now (Thorhart ) i have added you to the ignore list. From now on you will be talking to yourself. Have a good day Bye Bye
  15. Lola & Anna did a massage Monday night so we my not see another show till next week. Lona and Anna masturbate last night so by the way there acting today they there not in a sexy mood now. Polya & Irma are on the rag so we not going to see nothing out of them & Ilona want do nothing with out Irma So tonight my very well be a bust.Sense the owner took away the viewer fee and bonuses for certain view the girl don't have any incentive to do much of any thing in the apt now.
  16. 17:23 Lola,Megan & Anna left the apt my be gone shopping. 17:41 Polya & Stella has left the apt and Polya took her over night bag so she my not be back
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