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Everything posted by Blue&Bonnie

  1. Has any one noticed that Irma is 8 days late on her period. I was not up today to see if she put on a pad but last night she did't have a pad on.When Ilona and Irma took a bath together Irma and Ilona put in tampon to keep there pussy dry while taking a bath that was all to that. My be this is why she was crying last night
  2. Megan just started a new puzzle. Why did't she do this last night so Lola and Anne could spend time with one another with out her in the room
  3. If RLC keep doing what they been doing over the past 3 week then we might get a show out of Anna and Lola on Wednesday. It seem nothing happen with the girl but ever 6 day
  4. LMAO. Lola and Anna done the same thing in the kitchen yesterday. Tune in tomorrow and you see the same thing.
  5. Ok i think that BTR has proved himself. He said there going to do away with the viewer few and bonuses for certain view. I think Ilona Irma & poly are still getting viewer fee and bonuses but i think that it will be gone when I & I &P are gone and apt 1# is going to be like apt 2#. I can see clear as day That apt 2# has no viewer fee and no bonuses. Also i think RLC come up with thing for them to do for the viewer and they only get pay for what RLC won't them to do now.
  6. Ilona has a business. She get girls modeling work & other job to for these girls to make money. Ilona has to have clients so she can call them to see if they need a girl. Ilona goes out to a club & just so happen one of the guys book events for club & she chooses that guys to have sex with. Why it another clients that beneficial for her business. He got what he wanted & Ilona got what she wanted a new clients & Ilona get a percentage of what the girls make & i think Irma is helping Ilona get clients
  7. Some of the guys on here has a fantasy that these girls are sugar & spice & ever thing nice. I GOT NEWS FOR YOU IF THEY ARE SO INNOCENT THEN WHY ARE THEY ON RLC. Sweet & innocent girl would not come on RLC so yes some of these girls could be doing some thing out side the apt. Get real & come back to reality Also these girl don't have BF there they have FUCK Buddies that they hang out with & have sex and when they go home then they get a BF that they see all most ever day
  8. Stella went to the beach by her self. Polya went of with her male friend and Ilona and Irma went to the beach.
  9. Sorry Benfold there no hard feeling. We just can't see eye to eye so i put you on my ignore list and i do have to say it work good. i now will never no what you say. No hard feeling i still like you
  10. There on my ignore list now and i going to start using it more and i also added some other people
  11. If you been watching then you no if she going to the shopping or to the beach . I try to stay nice but you won't to be a ass and try to prove to ever one on here you smarter then ever body else. DAM i did't no you was a women. I going to bed. Good night
  12. I guess you see tomorrow. If she goes out then what are you going to come up with and she can go out any time of the day. it just don't have to be at night O forgot people don't have sex during the day. Right
  13. Well it look like Anna has change. I hope she don't keep this up or it not going to look good for the out come of the apt
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