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Everything posted by Blue&Bonnie

  1. euromike69 It would only cost me $300 to find out where you live. My be i come and say hello. LOL
  2. You don't have to worry about me Posting or pm this kind of information. And the only reason why we done it to see what kind of area they live in and with blue being paralyzed i don't think he going to be doing no stalking. And also we did it just to see if we could find it and it give us some thing to do and pass the time
  3. I understand what you are saying but i can go on google & start a street view & look at all the building and if i see the building the camera is looking at then i no the location of the apt. The street view and the design of the building and a few other thing to go with that i was able to find apt one. This is a wrap around balcony and it open & it has handrail on it so the only place to put camera on the balcony is to put them above the door then you will be able to see the other building & if they put up poll & put camera on them facing the apt then the neighbor would be asking question
  4. RlC wanted me to to relay a message to you guys. They said ( I Beg Your pardon I Never Promised You A Rose Garden ) LOL
  5. It not a close in balcony so if they put one up they you be able to see the other surrounding building and it could give away there location
  6. Some women do have dry pussy and it can be very painful when you have sex. What you think Irma a virgin. Also i noted the Irma only put them pill up her pussy 6 time and nothing else. You saw what you saw and i saw what i saw. Blue in a bed and glued to a 60 inch TV watching RLC and that all he watched and we do have 2 ,23 inch computers here and 4 screens on the TV and one screen up on the other computer. So it not hard to keep a eye on ever thing
  7. One more thing i am a WOMEN so i no more about Pussy then you guy ever will so i do no what she doing because i had to use them to and i had infection so i no the procedure for this to
  8. @Thestarider Sorry you can make all the comment and joke you won't. But if you pay attention to what the girl do and look up names on boxes then you no what in the hell is going on. But your to busy trying to find pussy to look.That a difference between a man and a woman. YOU see and think with your DICK. Make all the comment you won't i not replying to any of them This is my last comment on this subject and also why don't you get off your ass and look it up.
  9. Ok i going to clear up some thing. The most of us seen Irma put a pill Up her pussy and you think she got a infection.Well sorry she don't have a infection. What they are is lubrication pill and there for strictly for sex. We look up the name on the box that they come out of. If you notice she don't do one ever night. If she had a infection then she be putting one in ever night like Kamila. She put one in last night and now she going out. The nurse said them kind of pill you put in the night before and the nurse seen the pill and box and new what it was. Polya has been doing the same thing and Irma is the one that show her the pill.
  10. Irma in the down stairs bath room putting on make up. Well she going to be gone a while or my be she going to do like Ilona and stay gone all night. I think the only time we going to see the girls do any thing is on ever wednesday.There will never be any thing between Polya and Irma not even a massage.All Irma has on her mind is running up and down the road.
  11. eric Can you see a change in RLC since July. Talking about what going on in the apt and how the girls act now form when it was back then
  12. You heard that Ilona has a different visa then the other girls and she can stay there a lot longer and Irma only has 22 day left and and You take 5 or 6 day out for her period. My be they put Stella in Ilona room so she could have a place to unpack her stuff. You seen girl move from one room to another so Stella my be in there temporarily. We are no going to no who going to leave till they start packing.
  13. Don't forget that Anna like to give massages and remember she like playing with Irma nipples when then were on the couch so i wonder if Lola going to let her play with her nipples. This is going to be real interesting to see how Anna and Lola get along. And you guys are forgetting it almost time for Irma to start her period and Ilona no Irma and Anna history so do you think Ilona going to give Irma and Anna alone time. NO So i don't think it going to be the reunion you hope for unless Ilona take a trip. Remember Ilona took a trip when that night happen
  14. Hello maxfactor I been waiting on you to get here tonight. You said that better then i could have said it. Thank you
  15. Irma went to the entryway and stood there a min or 2 then Went out the door for about 4 min then came back in and went to her room and put some in her big purse in the closet
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