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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Maybe the fair way to do it would be to title the archive "Moscow Penthouse", and put no ones name in the title.
  2. Bullshit. Kristy and her friends caused the problem by coming into the apartment late one night to party while Kami was trying to sleep. They were making a lot of noise in the kitchen which was close to Kami's bedroom, so Kami went into the kitchen and asked them if they could be less loud. Kristy and her friends took exception to that and from there on the relationship became very cold.
  3. For current apartment thread that is fine, but doesn't need to be that way for archive thread. Archive is for the whole history of the apartment, not just last residents.
  4. Without the Kamila/Kristy combination there would have been no Moscow apartment.
  5. Can't change titles for the archives? Probably 90% of the info in that archive is about Kaley, Kristy, Kami and Heidi; but Kami, Kaley and Heidis' names are not in the title. Like I said before, to any sane person, that is a travesty and a joke.
  6. With as much time as they spent in the apartment their names deserve to be in the title. They were residents of the apartment for much longer than any of the Angels.
  7. This comment has nothing to do with this apartment, but since Kristy is back on RLC I'll make the comment here. The CC archive for the Moscow apartment covers the period of Feb. 3, 2016 thru June 19, 2019, but Kamila, Kaley and Heidis' names appear no where in the archive title for the apartment. To me that is a travesty and a sad joke.
  8. RLC trying to recreate the original K and K? Sorry, but that magic is gone forever.
  9. Kristy conspired with RLC behind Kami and Kaleys' backs in Moscow to replace them with the Angels. She even went so far as to go on vacation while Kaley and Kami were moving out so that they would not know she was not leaving the apartment. Sorry, but I don't have a very high opinion of Kristy anymore because of that.
  10. Probably the same as she behaved in Moscow, as soon as she finds a new big dick in Barcelona to replace the ones she had in Moscow. Then she can put on another show for everyone.
  11. Thestarider suspended me for using this blonde's name several months ago even though here is a CC sanctioned thread with her name in the title. LMAO
  12. And all the so called brilliant economists said Donald Trump would destroy the U.S. economy.
  13. When is the U.S. Senate going to investigate the four Democrat Senators who sent a letter to the leaders of Ukraine threatening to withhold U.S. financial aid if their government did not cooperate with the Mueller investigation of Paul Manafort when Manafort was part of Trump's presidential campaign? Sounds like Quid Pro Quo to me.
  14. Maybe British workers want Brexit because they are tired of supporting lazy freeloaders in Greece, Spain and Italy.
  15. The Democrats will definitely not give your grandchildren a better life than is out there now. The socialist, Marxist Democrats will destroy this country. There is no way in hell American taxpayers can pay for all the things Democrats are promising to do. Nothing more than pie in the sky utopian pipe dreams. If someone like Bernie Sanders is elected president, I guarantee you that the next day the stock market will crash and the country will go into a deep recession.
  16. I've got a life, little boy, and I support myself. When are mommy and daddy going to stop supporting you? My ideas about politics and economics predate Trump by many years. The Democrats have become so insane that if the 2020 presidential election were a choice between the Democrat candidate and Mickey Mouse, I would vote for Mickey Mouse with no hesitation.
  17. You are a very shallow and empty person. I hope your golf game is better than your thinking ability.
  18. The reason you haven't heard enough is because you have heard no Trump parroting from me, just my original thoughts. You must think like Joe Biden and "believe in truth and not facts."
  19. "Actual hero like McCain"? You mean the same John McCain that people like you, the liberal/progressive Democrats and news media called a racist when he ran for president against Obama in 2008? You and your group are such hypocrites and phonies.
  20. If there was no Republican healthcare plan what did John McCain vote against? Like I said, you are incapable of one original thought. You sound like a typical brain dead liberal/progressive college student. Mommy and Daddy still pay all your bills, little golfer boy?
  21. I'm able to go to church, school, driving, & shopping without fear of being shot to death; but that is because I don't live in a city which has been run by Democrats for the last 75 years.
  22. They had a healthcare plan, but it died in the Senate because of the asshole John McCain who was willing to screw the American people just to spite President Trump. And if Obamacare is so great why do we need to do anything to improve healthcare? You are the wall. Never heard one original thought from you, just typical liberal/progressive bullshit talking points. You are a walking lie. Time for you to go back to your room in the basement of your mommy and daddys' home, and don't miss your next Antifa meeting.
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