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Everything posted by Newark52

  1. That's told em, I was going to offer to hold your coat, but you seem to be doing alright on your own, and don't forget to take the gloves off when you've finished
  2. I like the idea, but unfortunately Sasha's also a girls name.
  3. I've looked into the type C visa for when the UK leaves the EU and even that can be extended, all you have to do is go to the right Government Department, job done. I don't think most of us will be tearful if and when she departs we know it's going to happen, and not shafted by RLC
  4. jimbo's got one right Aunty has just arrived, so it'll be interesting to see what happens now
  5. What NO mushrooms, call me a heathen, but as a Northerner breakfast is not breakfast without both black and white pudding.
  6. I like you idea, but as we know RLC don't like spending money, so the first major stumbling block to your dream coming true, is the amount of TAX you lot pay
  7. jimbo, as someone has already pointed out with her timings it looks like she's entertaining America's West Coast where the pay master resides, (she needs a plane ticket home) Australia are fortunate because of time zones they don't have to stay awake until silly o'clock, don't get me wrong like the girl, but like you not enough to stay awake all night. I except she's got her reasons for letting go in the early hours in Prague, but both she and RLC should realise there's a whole paying world between America and Australia (not aimed at you Aussie) that also puts a lot of money into RLC's coffers.
  8. My friend you can be in a city with a population of 10.9 million (Paris) go out every day and still be lonely.
  9. I agree she's changed since she's been in Prague, and I think a lot has to do with a lack of friends (I'm not talking about her voyeur) and to her Prague is not as rosy a picture as she thought it would be, admittedly there's a lot to do and see there, but once you've done all the touristy bits even Prague becomes boring unless you go out drinking every night. I have to agree she's become boring probably because 3 months is a long time doing the same things day in and day out and long gone are the days when she used to dress up for a session. Personally I think it's more than possible that she'll reappear elsewhere, Leora was made for RLC, and regardless of what people think she's still a big asset to them, but not if she stays in one place for months on end.
  10. I agree, destined to remain one of life's little mysteries
  11. I got that time from Replay as I was able to open the balcony picture to full screen. I still believe there was a power outage in the apartment, due to her having to mop all the water up from the defrosted freezer, and these images we can see are probably from the power being temporarily reinstated, before the new final connection being made. As for the microwave switching itself on that could be down to a short circuit within the microwave that made it appear to have switched itself on before blowing all the electrics
  12. You're not wrong found it via Replay, only I couldn't open it to get a full screen image
  13. Unfortunately it is a Power Outage, when she came back from what I suspected wrongly meeting a visitor downstairs, after getting undressed ready to go back to bed she tried putting the lights on and none worked. Place your bets on how long it takes RLC to find someone to locate and reset the breaker. As for the Nuclear War you've given RLC an idea so they can fuck about with her apartment yet again
  14. I could be wrong but it looks like she's expecting a visitor one has to ask is it going to be Paul or her Halloween drinking partner, I suspect the latter
  15. Having just logged on I am surprised to see she's still around, RLC must have found someone who knows what they're doing.
  16. I think it's June 18th all over again, with her stocking the fridge one has to ask did she know at the time RLC were going to end her tenancy. ISP problem is a pathetic excuse, I find it difficult to believe in a city like Prague with a modern up to date infrastructure, so I'll be more surprised if she reappears than if she doesn't for a few months
  17. jimbo, unfortunately I think you're right, there's no images available on Replay from around 02:00 her time and her apartment went under maintenance around 05:00. To comply with her visa she had to leave a few days before the visa expiry date to qualify for another Visitor Visa after 180 days. As you've mentioned before it's going to be a long winter unless she pops up elsewhere
  18. I agree Paul must know what's going on, while he's very clever, he'll never be the sharpest knife in the drawer, although he's not completely lacking, so if he can't see what she's up to via RLC, he can easily find out by looking at the postings about her on CC. I have to ask about dreams is it in her dreams or ours????
  19. Unfortunately this Halloween her drinking partner will be missing, and it won't be the same via Skype.
  20. I agree jimbo, I too think she's got a grand finale planned, but I also won't be at all surprised if one day in the not too distant future I logged onto RLC and found she'd quietly disappeared if only to keep us wanting, if and when she returns.
  21. Personally I think she's put the right amount of bait on the hook, enough to reel in new subscribers for RLC, and keep the rest of us all hanging on regardless.
  22. jimbo, as you know she's very astute, by not doing all the little things people like, she knows they'll keep watching just in case she does again.
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