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Everything posted by Newark52

  1. I could be wrong, but I don't think it was Paul going by her reaction with the Koala, (he's never made her that happy) also it didn't sound like him when she was on the LR sofa talking on the phone
  2. So now you're saying they are not actors, but they could be actors, once and for all make your mind up and stop contradicting yourself
  3. Do we have to, with no Leora around there'll be no fun left in life if we do that
  4. May I ask how all these people be called actors, I haven't seen anyone with a script, Director, Wardrobe Depart, Make-up girls, Gaffers, Editors or a producer
  5. She stopped being a slave when she moved to Prague away from Paul
  6. Leora's doing the same in Prague as she did in Russia, keeping as much of her social life private, and away from us, someone's bound to say this is wrong, to which I'll ask the question WHY?
  7. I worked in Prague 12 years ago, and went back on holiday there 4 years ago, and looking at going back sometime next year, as it's a fantastic place so as you're obviously the travel expert where can I find these girls because I've always wanted to meet a "Prague tricky city girl" and before you say anything I know where all the Brothels are, but not the "tricky city girls"
  8. Oh how wrong you are, she's got feeling just like any woman, also I would have thought you may have noticed before now
  9. Obviously I have different values in life to some it appears, so may I ask, are you speaking because you know, or are you just assuming you're right?
  10. Something no one's mentioned and I personally find it totally disrespectful, friends or not, while Leora's out Malia finds necessary to go through Leora's bedside draws, when Leora very rarely goes into Malia's bedroom let alone goes snooping around in there.
  11. Harley, the problem we have here is no one knows what's in any of their contracts.
  12. Harley, a few weeks ago someone translated part of a conversation she was having with who we can only assume to be her boyfriend, and she was hoping for weekend in the country for her birthday, but Aunty put a stop to that last weekend, so this weekend could well be that weekend in the country, hence she took a bag with her
  13. If Lora bores then I along with quite a few others like being bored, it's better than your drivel
  14. Mon ami la plupart de ce bronzage qui ne se détache pas dans le lit ira à l'égout quand elle se douchera
  15. I put it to you, you're not even German and I wouldn't be surprised if you're not the Troll returning in a different guise. If you using Google Translate take this statement convert it in to Russian then into English it makes more sense, it's just the same if you messed about with the Trolls derogatory comment from earlier.
  16. Juste pour mémoire, les filles russes n'ont pas la gueule de bois
  17. On a very happy note that no one's mentioned, other than yesterday being Leora's birthday RLC didn't take her apartment down like last year
  18. My friend I never mentioned anything about her not wanting to leave the apartment, Leora has a life outside the apartment, take the new man in her life for instance, who makes her happy, but Leora's a woman and as such gets upset about being insulted or receiving particularly nasty comments, especially when she does her very best to please, then even that's not enough for some people.
  19. I've following Leora longer than I''ve been posting on CC, and I think this may well (I've seen this before) have something to with the derogatory statement a Troll posted earlier in the week, so unless someone's got something nice to say about Leora (if you haven't keep it to yourself for now) there'll be no change in the situation as it stands until she gets over it, which has been known to take weeks. People forget Leora's a woman, not a performing seal, and as such has feelings that can be hurt just the same as any other woman's.
  20. I'd read your little anthology again if I was you, because the way I read it it's aimed at the lady in question
  21. Nick, yet another nice anthology, I don't suppose for one minute this is really to compound the fact that people have pissed off, or is it?
  22. My friend this is what I was saying be nice to Leora, and she'll eventually reciplicate
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