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Everything posted by Newark52

  1. It's beginning to look like your yard work will have to wait
  2. My friend you only have to look at him he hardly leaves her alone for long, for example if she's in the GR reading a book or doing some needlework he's in and out of the room to see what she's doing, also he's now started going into the bathroom if he thinks she's in there to long, as I've mentioned before it's not as bad as the last time he was out of work YET. Personally I think she's doing alright getting rid of the cloud at weekends then making up for lost time.
  3. Because the love of her life is a arrogant control freak
  4. He's your typical arrogant Russian male, who's been known to use violence in the past
  5. I see his rucksack has appeared on the LR sofa could she/we be so lucky
  6. We're doing better than the last time he was out of work, she was not allowed to be naked other than in the shower, and if he thought she was in there to long he'd go and see what she was doing, any sexual activity between them took place outside the LR window, and we had to wait almost a couple of months before she took a chance and knocked out a session in the bathroom early one morning while he was asleep.
  7. While Paul's in lapdog mode, I think this is all she can do.
  8. That's Pepe for you a skunk of few words, but he's not wrong
  9. I'm with you, if she was going for it while Paul was asleep she'd have started advertising by now, but who knows I've been wrong before
  10. Environ 14 heures mais elle continuait à se réveiller parce que Paul se sentait seul, alors en réalité seulement 8 heures
  11. I could be wrong, but I don't think that's going to happen somehow, who'd look after him, he struggles in the apartment how would he cope in a strange place
  12. Don't worry about those of us that have been around for a while, some a lot longer than me, just be yourself say what you want to say, it's individuality that keeps this Forum hopefully from becoming boring, the trouble is it doesn't alway work like that.
  13. Very good, I won't ask you for the rest of the words to the song.
  14. Don't forget she's got that cloud around nearly all the time, and recently he's gone back to following her around just like he did the last time he was unemployed
  15. I'd have struggled if she'd not been laid on a light coloured mat/rug. I'm out, as she's on holiday and my first reserve is still asleep with her partner, I think it's time to go and find something to do like watch the grass grow or something equally interesting.
  16. She's still there sleeping on the door mat in the hall
  17. That's why I retracted the Clown bit, and I must unreservedly apologise to all the real "Clowns" who visit this forum for my mistake.
  18. I retract the "clown" bit, although Clowns are depicted as buffoons they served a purpose as funny entertainers (Court Jesters) and still do, so Paul I duly apologise you are definitely not a clown
  19. After around a year of living with a cloud (or should that be clown) she needs a break from him, but will he move enough to make a mess between now and when she gets back on Wednesday or will he stay rooted to the sofa?
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