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Everything posted by Newark52

  1. Only COWARDS attack women. While I agree this wasn't very nice I don't think it's quite as bad as when he attacked her in the GR
  2. As usual RLC haven't missed a trick by charging in Euros they've already put the price up by $2.66 due to the exchange rate.
  3. I agree it had to be preplanned possibly from when they found out about Russia closing the internet down in favour of an intranet, as a good percentage of their revenue must have come via those apartments, what surprises me is they didn't have other apartments ready to switch on as soon as they closed the Russian link.
  4. I wonder did RLC lower themselves to actually say Goodbye to their employees, they certainly don't want to talk to their Clients the people who made them rich. I'm assuming Leora (along with all the others) were informed in advance if not, what a lovely birthday present she got from RLC. Was it only me or did anyone else notice yesterday they were charging in Euros not Dollars, so the next question with the silence from RLC has the company already been sold?
  5. One only has to hope that after treating their Clients like S, H, 1, T, the tenants or should that be employees as they were paid by RLC fared a lot better
  6. I said I was not renewing my CC subscription, I'm not closing the door completely you never know what's round the next corner, and if I see something here that lights my fuse I'll be back, and I agree $20 is not a lot for a year of fun and frolics
  7. Unfortunately along with my subscription to RLC without Leora and the rest of the Russian apartments I'll not be renewing my subscription to CC either, my thanks goes out to the Mods for putting up with me, and everyone that's posted on this Forum for making life interesting to say the least.
  8. With what money/credit I had in the pot, as I was not expecting anything to happen so soon, RLC have given me by way of compensation Premium and Replay until the 25th September so I'll be sticking around until then because I'm not going to get any money back, and something exciting may just happen in one of the apartments, but they're out of luck after then because I've already cancelled my card payment.
  9. This is typical of US companies and I've worked for a few in my time, they'll happily spend $50,000 to save $5 just so they can write it off against Tax, as they will with all the compensation that gets paid out, it's now the same in the UK. I agree Leora was a big asset, and no doubt brought in plenty of new premium subscribers, but knowing how ruthless RLC are, one has to ask do they really care now about her, or any of the others?
  10. Unless my geography is wrong there's still one Russian apartment left, Sasha's, I'm assuming it's in St Petersburg because Eva/Sam, and Nelly/Bogden are visitors and it is the smallest of all the Russian apartments RLC had, so by the looks of it this brings us back to a cost cutting exercise.
  11. This is typical of RLC, it's called mushroom syndrome 'Fed Shit, Kept In The Dark"
  12. To make money they're trying to find the perfect cure for insomnia, then put it on the market
  13. To me this is all about a cost cutting exercise if you look at what's left compared to what was on offer all the larger probably more expensive apartment have been removed regardless of who lives there, this looks like a company that's either in financial trouble or one that's cut overheads to make it attractive to a possible buyer. I'm with you should she reappear elsewhere she's got a ready made band of followers ready to watch her as you say "stroke that fine pussy of hers"
  14. Everyone was jumping up and down about all her cams going subscription only, and the amount of money RLC will lose because of it, that's nothing compared to how much revenue they'll lose if they don't get her back on line, as there must be a lot people who's RLC world rotates around watching her, not forgetting the occasional visitors. As for November, I wonder if RLC have thought about putting in place a contingency plan, assuming they are using Russian servers as most of their apartments are in Russia.
  15. It looks like RLC has lost the 'link' to Krasnoyarsk
  16. She's caught hypochondria from Paul, but there again living with Paul is enough to give any woman a sore head, let alone having sex with him
  17. That mean the UK should get it in around 5 to 6 days time depending on how fast it crosses the Atlantic, Oh joy.
  18. There's just no pleasing this Skunk at times, especially if she did wait for him
  19. It's beginning to look like your yard work will have to wait
  20. My friend you only have to look at him he hardly leaves her alone for long, for example if she's in the GR reading a book or doing some needlework he's in and out of the room to see what she's doing, also he's now started going into the bathroom if he thinks she's in there to long, as I've mentioned before it's not as bad as the last time he was out of work YET. Personally I think she's doing alright getting rid of the cloud at weekends then making up for lost time.
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