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Everything posted by Newark52

  1. jimbo, As you know I've alway been a big longtime fan of Leora's, always appreciated her although I've not always been very suttle with some of my postings, but never disrespectful towards her, I'm pleased for her now to she's got someone outside (I think his name's Lucky if it isn't it damn well should be) who I hope makes her happy, everyone's life has to move on, and Leora's life is no different Regarding her freedom (I know I've said this before) Leora's made a life outside the apartment for herself doing whatever she wants that's her business, she's now really got to take Malia to one side and explain to her that she needs reclaim some space inside the apartment, not to keep walking into her bedroom whenever she feels like it as if she owned the place, and stop following her around all the time, to start with. Like jimbo I've witnessed it as well over the years be nice and respectful towards her, and you'll eventually see a different Leora come to the fore, but give her time
  2. She's better than a cold shower, at killing the mood
  3. The only time Leora will ever be able to go solo again is if it's prearranged with Malia to stop her following her everywhere, even when Leora's getting ready to go out Malia's there sat on the bed watching her, also if the bathroom doors not closed Malia's in there while Leora showers. Leora's not a rude person, (she's got a temper though) but Malia can't get the message when Leora's busy texting on the bed that she just may want some "me" time, also the new man in her life has given Leora the escape she needs, and deserves, so could it be his gain our loss, I hope not Being close friends is admirable, but it's time they got together and put some "do not cross" friendship boundaries in place before the cracks start which they will surely do eventually.
  4. I quite understand your way of thinking but Matzing is a German not Russian name, and as far as I know you can say you're from anywhere (watch the Mods correct me) as for a timeline please don't hold your breath
  5. Nick at times I've been liken to a dog with a bone, Matzig (it's a village in Germany) has never been to Russia, taking what he's posted I had to use Google Translate as my Russians useless to the point of none existent, translated into German, I didn't need to, but if you then translate German into English it's makes word perfect yet unnecessarily derogatory and abusive reading.
  6. Matzig, Juni Letztes Jahr waren Sie alle süß und leicht über Leora und Paul, als Sie in Deutschland waren, da dies Ihre Muttersprache ist. Warum sollten Sie jetzt missbräuchlich werden oder hat jemand Ihr Lieblingsspielzeug weggenommen
  7. I agree, but why attempt to post in Russian when you're obviously not as "I studied there". I speak French and German (also Rubbish at times) but unless I'm replying, I post in my mother tongue English
  8. I agree it looks like the Dream Machine has been working overtime yet again
  9. I've had this discussion with someone before, but "favourite" is the spelt English way not the American way. If you look at an English Dictionary then compare it with an American English Dictionary thousands of words are spelt differently.
  10. If some of those who have this fascination about what get they up to outside the apartment should really take a closer look at Prague it's an amazing place, there's something of interest for all ages. I worked there 12 years ago, and returned for a holiday 4 years ago, only ill health is stopping me going again.
  11. I agree he's the lucky one, because he doesn't have to put up with Malia following Leora around like a little lap dog like we have to, also if Malia was to give Leora some space of her own instead of being frightened of missing something I believe things could possibly improve.
  12. I agree, but what amazes me that after nearly 6 months in Prague, Malia doesn't appear to have made any contacts outside the apartment (I could obviously be wrong) as just about every Town and City in Europe has its own East European community, and I would suspect Leora has shown her around.
  13. Don't worry she knows only to well Malia's there, as she has been nearly every night this week so far.
  14. jimbo that is a big ASK, and probably for some who post on this Forum it's going to need some explaining what decorum means
  15. Je ne pense pas que cela arrivera jusqu'à ce que Malia déménage, mais je peux me tromper
  16. I don't think it's so much her new man as her old flatmate that's curtailed Leora's enthusiasm
  17. It won't happen anytime soon but as soon as the Russian airports open for international flights and Malia goes home, Leora will be truly free to express herself, because at the moment she can't take a phone call, get ready to go out or have a meal at the kitchen table without company
  18. I'm not going to argue, except on their bank notes it's Korun which is Czech curency, and Kronen is Austrian
  19. Prague is not as expensive as one would think, yes you pay a lot of Koruna for things, but there again you get quite a few Koruna for your $/£
  20. My friend a woman once told me "men will never understand women, while women don't understand themselves"
  21. She was rather upset when Paul lifted her up off the floor by the throat in the old apartment
  22. So why say everything is Fact just because one sees only what one wants to see, that's how magicians make their money I must admit all this supposedly factual conjecture slightly amusing
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