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Everything posted by Newark52

  1. I would not be surprised if Aunty hasn't already arrived, today is day 28 although with her Aunty being so unpredictable, anyone else want to have a guess?
  2. My friend there's nothing wrong with me other than obviously doing a few too many crosswords, the posting was a cryptic winge at their present situation
  3. That was the dream I had last night, but it wasn't Paul, and at my age the old ticker can't handle too much excitement like that in a week, watching her sessions now I'm OK with.
  4. pepe, know need to think about it, he WILL be the downfall, and I have a feeling she's beginning to get the message although whether she acts on it is a different matter altogether
  5. The solution is simple, she needs the space to look after her followers as she has done so well in the past, but getting the message through to Paul who's your typical arrogant, bloody minded "I can do no wrong" Russian male will prove a lot more of a challenge for her.
  6. With her going out, he's probably sent her a text "HELP I can't find my way out"
  7. She's got plenty of time he's still trying to find his way out of the lift, then his next challenge is to get out of the apartment block.
  8. "Hell Hath No Fury", and all that especially when her Aunty is due to pay a visit, he's either got to be very brave or very stupid, I'll let you work that out.
  9. I was being as generous and slightly sarcastic and non critical of him as I could muster, obviously I wasted my time...😹 In future I shall carry on being my normal critical ( but I believe honest ) obnoxious self..... Yes! He’s a lazy self centred person, who in my opinion is dragging a good woman down. That’s better, I’m much too old to change now....Please or offend, I say it as I see it....Not everyone agrees with me, but I can live with that. Thanks for reminding me Newark ...😸👍 That's better we can understand where you're coming from when you are your normal obnoxious self, also as they say the truth hurts
  10. jimbo, with just 2-3 repairs a week he's never going to make a living out of phone repairs, because he can only charge the going rate if not slightly less, so unless he goes out and looks for business by advertising his services he's going to continue bumbling along with what little he does do, maybe he's happy just doing that and controlling what she can get up to by just being there annoying us in the process. One day he may realise, hopefully not before it's not too late, that it's not his charmingly dull personality that's keeping a roof over their heads and the copious amount of food on the table, he regularly enjoys stuffing his face with.
  11. The earliest I can find "Beat the Clock" being televised was in 1951 and THAT was before my time.
  12. jimbo you're showing your age if you remember "Beat the Clock" game show. Just to put the damper on anyone's expectations for next weekend her Aunty should be around.
  13. My friend if you'd said this in the first instance you wouldn't have had her loyal followers posting comments about your original posting. If you do decide to follow Leora a word of WARNING not only is she unpredictable, but she's like a drug once you're hooked, you are hooked, there's really no going back, also there's no Rehab that I know of.
  14. Good grief Nick, I'm glad I'm on the same side of the fence as you
  15. As she's gone back to sleep, the canals of England are calling so I'm out of here
  16. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, you'll probably get anthologies about the attributes of this young lady, I'll keep mine simple, I agree with a few points you've made, but disagree with most, and that's my opinion
  17. If that's called warming up, I better phone my cardiologist
  18. jimbo I'll go with you on that one, she can take her time and enjoy herself
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