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Everything posted by Newark52

  1. I agree Paul must know what's going on, while he's very clever, he'll never be the sharpest knife in the drawer, although he's not completely lacking, so if he can't see what she's up to via RLC, he can easily find out by looking at the postings about her on CC. I have to ask about dreams is it in her dreams or ours????
  2. Unfortunately this Halloween her drinking partner will be missing, and it won't be the same via Skype.
  3. I agree jimbo, I too think she's got a grand finale planned, but I also won't be at all surprised if one day in the not too distant future I logged onto RLC and found she'd quietly disappeared if only to keep us wanting, if and when she returns.
  4. Personally I think she's put the right amount of bait on the hook, enough to reel in new subscribers for RLC, and keep the rest of us all hanging on regardless.
  5. jimbo, as you know she's very astute, by not doing all the little things people like, she knows they'll keep watching just in case she does again.
  6. If I've read the Government web site correctly, and assuming she is on a 90 day visa she's got to be out of the country a few days before the expiry date then she'll be able to return after 180 days, so at least we now know there is going to be an end to her wonderful presence As for closing the Russian projects, and knowing how ruthless RLC can be I don't think any of the tenants knew until the plug was actually pulled, also if anyone remembers she was enjoying her birthday and literally just before the shut down she sat on the GR sofa to take phone call. Leora having some foresight knowing all good things come to an end eventually had already found a new nest long before the end and I think it's safe to assume that's where Paul went at weekends while she looked after us.
  7. Obviously nobody's noticed, Aunty arrived yesterday afternoon, so everyone's now got around four days to catch up on all those outstanding little jobs you've been putting off.
  8. Only a few days out so I was close enough for Government work
  9. IF she's on a visitor 90 day visa she'll only be around for another 10 to 14 days, but looking at the way she's been stocking up with toiletries, buying new clothes not forgetting her new toy, and the little plant on the coffee table, one has to wonder just how long she's going to be around, has she got a work permit?
  10. Probably no one has a more open (you call it dirty) mind than me, and one day you may come to realise regardless of what they do ALL women deserve respect unless they shit on your parade.
  11. She won't need them soon Aunties due to visit her any day soon, and I think if she can go into a shop and buy a vibrator, buying her own contraceptives is not going to be that much of a challenge for her
  12. I've come to the conclusion rightly or wrongly that she's in a no win situation. In the old apartment she used to try and get as close as she could to the Cams especially at the end of the LR sofa, Cams 9/10 in the bedroom or Cam 12 in the GR without any adverse comments, yet there's comments when she bates on a coffee table so she's nearer a cam, also looking at said cam while going for it, forgetting that's exactly what she used to do in the old apartment, or have I got this completely wrong I agree this is only a temporary arrangement, jimbo4 mentioned she not nest building, whether she goes back to Russia or as some have mentioned Spain remains to be seen, and knowing how unpredictable she can be she probably doesn't know for certain.
  13. It's like a ticking clock after all this time she'll probably only notice it when it stops chirping, it's annoying us because we only hear it when we log on, but I agree RLC should have done something about for her, and us
  14. My friend she knows exactly were all the cams are and the areas they cover, also that they are all premium as well
  15. All I can say is make the most of what you've got, because one day in the not too distant future you'll log on and she won't be there.
  16. No Roger1, it was people like you that upset her with their crass comments that caused her to close down all her social media accounts as well.
  17. I think she does look in at her Forum, when you look at all the adverse comments about her in the old apartment when she shaved her little landing strip off, then let it grow again Seeing how no one has asked, how are you keeping these days
  18. I don't think he'll join her not while the dogs looking after him, sorry while he's looking after the dog, or was I right the first time?
  19. Krasnoyarsk to Prague is over 6000k and it's around a nine hour flight, and it's over 8000k by road.
  20. I'm not going to argue, except to say after all these years I must have been wasting my time as I was obviously following the wrong Leora, Oh silly me.
  21. The absence of her little friends is probably down to Airport Security with all bags being X-rayed
  22. It would be interesting to know who you are watching, because in Leora's apartment Cam 2 is in the LR, Cam 7 bedroom, and she's not wearing stockings
  23. I think that's all she brought with her, but nothing a few courses of retail therapy can't sort out
  24. OK now we've got the GOOD (she's back) NEWS out of the way, now for the BAD NEWS she's shaved off her little landing strip
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