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Everything posted by Newark52

  1. You back again, even your German is not grammaticaly correct, and if anyone wants to make sence of this using Google Translate, first translate it into Russian then into English
  2. What, Irma the love of your life closed her legs for once so you come onto this forum trying to stir up shit yet again
  3. Can't argue with that, although I can think of few who will
  4. Mike, if we were paying just to view one apartment, like you I'd be one of the first one to complain directly to RLC, about the lack of action, but unfortunately we are paying for the privilege, of looking into 11 apartments. Now I don't know how long you've been with RLC, but I can assure you it has been known in the past, when people have posted derogatory remarks on here that's upset her, Leora has closed those lovely legs of hers and they've stayed that way for weeks, so as she's still here RLC can't really have been that concerned by her actions
  5. Chris, with Philo making statements like these, you can put good money of the fact he hasn't a clue himself
  6. Go on give us all clue, what's meant by this statement????
  7. Nick can you PM me I've tried to PM you but the system won't let me
  8. Don't worry Oz the time will soon pass although at the moment the end seems a long way off, I've just had 14 weeks of being what they called shielded (isolation) as I'm classed high risk probably like yourself, because I've had a stroke which has left the right side of my body basically useless I also suffer with COPD and possible heart condition. I wouldn't be at all surprised if there's not more than a few Leora followers in the same situation around the world, and I don't mean just those of us who post on this Forum.
  9. Bad news Nick even with a statement like that you still don't qualify as a liar, sorry
  10. scutus, you show me a man that says he understands women I'll show you a liar.
  11. I would look again, I've just looked at Replay only to make sure I knew what I was talking about unlike some, 4 finger right hand shadows from 3 fingers, I'm not going to insult your intelligence so I'll let you work out what the other finger with no shadow was doing
  12. Pepe, there's another way of looking at this, having looked at the number of daily hits RLC are getting (this can be found on the net) they need to look at the product they are selling, this goes across all the apartments (Leora's as well) as what they are delivering is not good enough to entice new subscribers. Since they closed the Russian apartments there's been no new investment (Leora's apartment was already in their portfolio) by upgrading the apartments and/or changing the format, instead they have stuck with the same as, and must now must be really concerned about the loss of revenue, not helped by the virus as you quite rightly said.
  13. I have to ask why are you here when the love of your life Irma is naked in the shower, or have you just come to this Forum to try and stir up some shit.
  14. I don't think Nick believes that either because he posted about Leora meeting someone in the lobby which is probably a long way from the roof. You really should read all that's been posted before making a comment
  15. That's what I should have said instead of saying hiding behind her phone, it's quite obvious that she's left a lot of friends back in Russia that she wants to keep in touch with
  16. I respect your point of view, and I know you're a big fan of Marlia's, but I think sitting in the bathroom while someone cleans their teeth, then supervise them getting dressed to go out is taking friendship a bit too far, all I can add is I hope there's a lock on the toilet door or that could be next.
  17. Nick, a few months ago I posted that Marlia was controlling Leora's life by not giving her any space, and a few people objected to that comment, I wonder if those same people are of the same opinion now, as it's now no better if not worse, personally I think that's why Leora's out so much and spends so much time with her phone. Marlia is cramping Leora's style so much so that since January there must be new subscribers that's never seen the "REAL" Leora who's bating sessions were a joy to behold often copied, but never bettered, then the 2 or 3 hour afternoon dance routines, some of the music was questionable, but one put up with that because of dance moves. Now the BIG question will the "REAL" Leora ever return who knows, but I hope so
  18. So Leora's only second best, shame on you, Oh yes Irma she's one of the girls that never stops bating how boring.
  19. No I don't and for that matter I'm not that really interested, well not as interested as you are considering you don't follow Leora now do you, or is that just another sham
  20. Thank you I would never have known about her music as if we don't hear enough of it, if you hadn't told me, also why do you think everyone's thick and stupid?
  21. There's nothing wrong with admiring the best looking behind of all the RLC girls, I could sit and watch it all day except the behinds owner keeps moving
  22. Like I said it didn't sound like Paul, so you could be right it may well have been good old Elmer.
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