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Everything posted by Newark52

  1. I bet that was a struggle working that one out, but you still need to earn/have MONEY to use a Debit card, nothings free in the real world
  2. Seeing as you are so observant work out how much cash they'd have needed to take with them, to pay for everything they brought home, also in Europe (in case you've forgotten Prague's in Europe) stores are very reluctant to take cash with many stores actually refusing cash transactions because of this virus.
  3. There's always the possibility thinks may liven up when the Credit Card bill comes in for their shopping trip to Westfield (Chodov) Shopping Centre a few days ago, and for the doubters of which I can think of at least two, Malia bought something from Pull&Bear and Westfield's the only place in Prague where they have a store
  4. I have to agree with just about everyone's postings, and all I'm going to add is Leora needs to take back control of her life, because from what I can see since Malia arrived she's graddualy taken it over. I'll probably get lambasted from all Malia's followers, but do I care NO
  5. I agree Leora has let her standards slip, and by having Malia around all this time is not helping her cause. I suspect Malia arrived on a 90 day visitors visa and because of the virus lockdowns, it's the reason she's still there. While the Czech government has started lifting some travel restrictions, Russian airports are still closed to international passenger flights, also I won't be surprised should Leora choose not to go back to Russia with Malia, when travel restrictions are lifted, her next visitor could well be Paul.
  6. Spot on, just goes to show the old grey matter's still working
  7. Nick, there's no need to apologise as it's made for interesting reading, although the language you used may confuse a few.
  8. Why can't you see that times have moved on, get out of the dark ages, open your eyes and you'll see before you a very astute business woman, and while you're at it stop trying to be so damm clever it's not impressing anyone.
  9. jimbo, There's a few who post on here could well do with taking note of some it not all of your comment
  10. Pepe that's so old news the world has moved on since the days you and the rest of us were in touch with her, because IF you were still in contact, you wouldn't be able to contain yourself if she told you about what I've seen. Please don't bother asking because it's down to you to find out, sometimes it pays to look at the whole picture and not focusing on one thing
  11. Nick before you go letting off steam, from this posting I'd have to agree with Albert1 about you being disillusioned with events (personally it's the best we've seen for quite a while) as for the emoji I would look again carefully.
  12. Nick I don't think he's disillusioned with you, but himself or the situation, it's the way the French language translates in to English, that may have given you the wrong idea.
  13. It's a different slant on Beta Blockers which are used to slow down the heart rate, Malia's having the same effect on us and Leora, hence Bata Blocker as she put a halt to Leora doing what Leora does so well
  14. I've just been informed from a reliable source why Malia's there, she's there to control Leora's high blood pressure as a "Bata Blocker"
  15. Nick, you've got that right I posted on 18th Feb the dynamics of this apartment was changing, I wasn't wrong, so now it's up to Leora to take control of the situation, assuming she wants to return to the top, thus stopping some of her followers leaving.
  16. It's now such a regular occurrence, that it's beginning to ruin Leora's reputation
  17. Pepe when are you going to realise there's people on this Forum who may just know more than you, by that I mean speak or understand the Russian language so it just may not be pure bullshit as you call it. A little while ago someone posted a transcript of a conversation between the two girls, and you amongst others had a go at the person for posting a private conversation, when you like the rest of us who've been around a long time know full well that if she's got anything to say that she doesn't want to risk us finding out about would take place either on the balcony, or outside the apartment, and not the LR sofa.
  18. She's already sneaked in a couple of hours sleep on the LR sofa, that's probably why she looks fresh and wide awake and Leora looks knackered
  19. Don't bother already done it for you Real Life = "life as it is lived in reality, involving unwelcome as well as welcome experiences, as distinct from a fictional or idealized world" so technically all those on the project are living 'REAL LIVES' albeit with fictional names
  20. Firstly define your perception of real life, as it will differ from everyone else's, as there is no International Standard (ISO) for Real Life
  21. May I suggest a good place to start, in Leora's case would be to learn Russian, then all the other languages spoken in the other apartments.
  22. You're obviously an expert on the fake female orgasm, so would you kindly let me know how to tell the difference between a real and a fake orgasm, because after over 50 years of bedding women while I know women fake orgasms I've never been able to positively tell the difference. So go on be a sport and let every man who posts on this Forum know the secret.
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