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Everything posted by Newark52

  1. Do you have to resort to violence, but there again you're not wrong
  2. I've noticed the one who really needs to get into shape has given up with exercise, and is now relying solely on nose digging to get fit.
  3. Stop trying you know you can't get past Eva, even if Leora was to say yes
  4. Contrived or not it's got to be one of her better sessions of late, but it's still a shame there's no sound in the bathroom, but there again do we want to hear Paul having a dump
  5. I'll go with that there's not enough chaos within RLC, so the doors open girl so go for it.
  6. I've never wanted to dethrone her, but for her to wake up to what Paul's doing to her, that once charming sparkling personality she used to have, has been almost completely eroded along with her entertainment value by him, but her love for the man (if true) may be stronger than we think. OK it's easier for us to see as we're on the outside looking in, than for her on being on the inside looking inside. Admittedly I don't like Paul, but that goes for any man who, when he gets frustrated and doesn't know how to handle a situation resorts to violence again a woman as a way out.
  7. Has anybody noticed the T-shirt he's wearing, "new balance ATHLETICS" as he never buys any clothes it must be down to Leora's sense of humour
  8. I still have Lana down as 1st reserve, especially with four sessions and sex in one day
  9. jimbo, while he's not been working (sorry for referring to Paul and Work in the same sentence) if you've noticed he's nearly always appeared like the Grim Reaper when she's finished her session. As for his limp that'll return shortly, he's probably still so excited by her session putting more food on the table for him
  10. My Friend there's only one stupid person around this forum and it's none of us that do the posting. Whoever said every cloud has a silver lining obviously had met Paul
  11. I have to say this session was refreshingly almost back to the Learo standards we've come to know and love
  12. Watch this space, watch this space you say, you must be joking when she's laid out on the sofa
  13. What a sham Paul is until Leora got up he was walking round without a limp, as soon as she was around back came the bad leg, who's he taking for idiots it's not us, and I'm sure she's not having it either.
  14. I think she does care enough, because it's not only looking after her followers that's suffering, she's having to put up with Paul 24/7, and that can't be healthy for anyone, but I agree time will tell
  15. I still have my doubts about his retirement, where he worked his nickname must have been "Sick Note" going on the amount of time he had off work. If and it will be a real struggle for her to get that clown she lives with to understand what he's doing or not doing, and she gets the room she requires personally I don't think it should take her that long for her to put a shine back on that tarnished Crown of hers
  16. he still didn't get a rise out of it, but I think she gave him a short lecture, I can't speak Russian but I know the tone of a woman's voice when she's pissed because he's now keeping his hands to himself
  17. She hasn't got a cloud hanging over her, but she's well worth the position of first reserve
  18. The most unemployment benefit you can get in Russia is 8000rb, $123 or £94 a month, but this is due to be doubled soon
  19. I did say place your bets on how long he would last with this exercise malarkey 2 day's, surprised me it lasted that long, as for the leg injury it only incapacitates him when he remembers.
  20. As she looked happy even with Paul with her she must be going for another retail therapy session.
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