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Everything posted by Newark52

  1. Pepe I thought you of all skunks would be up to speed, he's managed the front door once and mouth a few times
  2. Yes he has quite a few times, including at least once this month
  3. PORN, that's blown it, she is human after all, and not a Goddess from another dimension
  4. Someone said she wasn't religious, but I wouldn't be surprised that when Aunty arrives, off cam in the bathroom she looks to the heavens, and says "THANK YOU"
  5. Call me sad if you like but even her Aunty is unpredictable arriving anywhere between 24 and 35 days, so we just have to keep guessing
  6. As just about everything with this girl is unpredictable we've just got to hope Aunty stays away
  7. Or at least stay up wind of him, downwind spells disaster
  8. She may get round to that if and when you change your aroma
  9. I don't mind, I live on a narrow boat on the UK canals. Before anyone asks, it's NOT cold in winter
  10. Believe me I'm looking forward to it 8 weeks (longer if I want) of wall to wall sunshine.
  11. Well done you've just created the fourth Brass Monkey "Deluded"
  12. My Friend, I know exactly where it is, an old mate of mine lives in Forster that's where I'm spending Xmas subject to the Doctors letting me travel.
  13. It's not that bad just down the road at Forster/Tuncurry either
  14. Everyone said Nora was the shining light of RLC and they would wax lyrical about her attributes, yet RLC wouldn't let her have a place on her own, now Leora is in a different league altogether, and as jimbo has quite rightly said would RLC want to lose the "golden goose" I don't think so, as for her character, personally I think she's strong enough to carry the flag for RLC on her own once she gets over the shock of being free. As a footnote if she was on her own she wouldn't have to keep dodging all the discarded boogers on the floor
  15. I don't think so, she looked at the weather forecast and found it wasn't going to get cloudy as early as she thought.
  16. Seeing how this was by the looks of it a large food delivery I think it's going to turn cloudy soon
  17. My friend that's not really that difficult as long as it doesn't affect his ego
  18. While I agree with you most men would, but we are talking about Paul and he's unlike most men
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