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Everything posted by Newark52

  1. Do you mind if I don't hold my breath on that one, it would almost be like winning the lottery without buying a ticket if it was to happen
  2. I see she's working on Paul's face, doesn't she realise you can't make a silk purse out of a sows ear
  3. Knowing Paul he must have got the idea from somewhere, then with a little practice, perfection
  4. Knowing Dublin quite well and the drinking habits of the Irish, (I married an Irish girl), all I can say is someone's got more money than sense
  5. I've been there, done that, didn't buy a T-shirt though, I'll admit going to bed with the Mona Lisa on many occasion, but it was definitely not an oil painting I woke up with the next morning, did I ever learn from my mistakes NO is the answer Thankfully this sort of thing is but a distant memory, I'm too old to take part in the chase.
  6. jimbo, there's been more than a few close calls, but thankfully never that close
  7. The good old beer goggles have been responsible for many a disastrous morning after.
  8. You're not wrong, the explanation is simple though, she gets more out of it with less effort than the real thing
  9. I like quite a few others were disappointed when Alma left, then up popped Leora, and I have to admit she's reigned supreme ever since probably gathering the biggest following of any apartment RLC have ever seen, and probably ever see again, but as always all good things come to an end eventually, she'll be forgotten by some, but remembered by many. Yes I have someone lined up as 1st reserve, but at the moment she's not anywhere near another Leora (thankfully there's only the one), so SPYING 1 I have to somewhat agree with you.
  10. jimbo, I can answer Q1 from experience after working in Omsk for three months a few years ago there is a dire shortage of men in Russia, and before anyone asks NO I can't speak Russian. As for Q2, Russian women, I'm saying nothing.
  11. Don't worry my friend she knows we're here, and I wouldn't think she'll miss the opportunity as sickly is not around
  12. If it does result in some sensual activity it may well be of her own doing, as sickly doesn't seem interested
  13. It's just got to be, as you mentioned some time ago he enjoys messing up her plans, it's the only thing he's in total control of
  14. I see Paul's gone back to bed with a possible serious illness, well he did sneeze 5 times.
  15. Unfortunately I did have work to do so I would have missed joining her on the days adventure had mother nature not intervened, and now having looked at Replay I totally agree with jimbo she also was so obvious disappointed with the interruption to her plans.
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