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Everything posted by Newark52

  1. He's taken the weight bar outside the LR window, so place your bets as which part of his body he's going to pretend he's knackered/injured this time
  2. I go away for a few hours because of the maintenance issue, and what happens when I come back the weather's changed and it's gone all cloudy
  3. Personally I hope they are doing something about the refresh rates of the camera's and all the buffering.
  4. I wouldn't like to guess, but I think someone may be rather upset if her performance wasn't clearly witnessed by all
  5. Going on what you've just said, you don't want to know what horror went through my mind just now concerning Paul losing weight, I really must get some help, unless I'm beyond help
  6. I'm pleased to see everyone has got their priorities right, no comments while jimbo's Little One was looking after us.
  7. I live on a narrow boat so I use three different weather apps to try and get close as possible to what the weather is really going to be like, even then sometimes it's completely wrong
  8. scutus I hate to contradict I use the same weather app as she does, and it's 16C, 61F and windy, and it's forecasting snow for tomorrow with a high of 7C and -3C tomorrow night
  9. You need help, seriously you do need help, on saying that I think I do as well
  10. Stockings I can handle, but if she ever puts on suspenders as well, I'll be off to the cardiologist again if I live that long
  11. He'll buy food in, and he's been known to eat leftover pizza for breakfast, but that's just about the limit of his abilities
  12. Don't worry he probably wanted feeding, he gets like that
  13. Some of us resemble that remark, and while on the subject of nuts are you trying to get round that squirrel?
  14. Ah but distant memory, unfortunately we must give her some credit she is doing her best although mostly contrived to show her followers they're not forgotten, and believe she's taken some of our comments on board but is struggling to fully comply with that cloud hanging over her.
  15. jimbo the day is yet young, we don't know how knackered he'll be after he's been chasing after her as she goes round the shops as she moves a lot quicker than he does, on saying that most people do
  16. I'm surprised he's still got one the way he keeps waking her up numerous times a night, and I'm not talking about his brain either
  17. A true HERO, he still can't remember he's supposed to have a limp
  18. If what I saw was correct someone gave him a 1000rb note (£12 or $15) and he gave the person some change so he can't be charging a lot for his work.
  19. jimbo as the saying goes, "women have many faults, men have only two, everything we say and everything we do", so the perfect woman will have no faults and let us men get away with everything, I'm going back to taking the pills
  20. My Friend you forgot the two most important things in Paul's life and that's FOOD and SLEEP
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