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Everything posted by Newark52

  1. This might sound like a silly question I've worked Siberia and it was -38C although very cold you can live with it because it's a dry cold is it the same in Alaska ? In the UK -7 to -10C is unbearable because of the moisture in the atmosphere, and just for the record where she is it's only -29C today
  2. Like all the tenants she probably does, but before the Trolls started on her you could see her openly laughing at some of the comments posted on this Forum, and she was even known to post response's
  3. Don't worry you'll get used to it, they have. I see the Xmas tree is out in its usual place, as Paul's into electronice I wonder if his knowledge of electronics has improved, last year someone came round to get the tree lights working for him
  4. She has to be good with money otherwise Paul wouldn't be able to keep stuffing his face with food, and afford all the little luxuries she keeps buying
  5. You are probably right, but I suspect it might be they've bought a place to rent out otherwise Paul will have to get a job
  6. jimbo, Honestly it's about time you came clean about your stamina, and pepe you can stop laughing your no better
  7. Especially to those that's lost everything in the wildfires, someone on this Forum's family, that's son and grand children and great great grand children escaped, but have lost everything when the fire devastated Paradise
  8. The way she has to get him dressed I struggle how to understand how to survive in the Russian Army.
  9. I think the last time the apartment was going under maintenance for change of camera she was away for the night Looking at the view from Cam 8 (they've changed numbers around 8 and 9 around) and the reflection from the mirrors (when the light changes outside) should be disproved once and for all she's not overlooked by a voyeur's, except for us lot
  10. jimbo, you of all people should know Paul never misses the chance of something to eat
  11. I'm surprised as well, I also learned how to spell did you know there's three F's in "go away and don't be so silly"
  12. jimbo,Thanks for the update, I learned to count at school it was Government Approved, (that'll be wasted on a few) now we have a few day's to catch up on all those chores
  13. I do like it when I get things wrong, she was certainly Hot and Excited today
  14. I'm just about to make myself one of the most unpopular subscribers on this forum, as anybody been counting today is day 30 since Aunties last visit, I could be so very wrong, but work it out
  15. She used to quite openly join in conversations on this forum, and she was in touch with a few people via PM on CC until the TROLL's some time ago viciously started on her, she stopped everything, and from what I can gather she closed all her accounts. No doubt she's opened other accounts, but that's her business.
  16. ashley, It's good to have you back, no messing straight to the point with a sense of humour to boot
  17. Anything is possible, she's a woman, I learnt early on in life NEVER piss of a woman just before Aunty visits, because a woman with PMT as got to rank amongst one of the most dangerous creatures on this planet.
  18. My friend, i've just looked at his outburst in the hall, and he almost did hit her with the hat he was so desperate to find, that in the end he didn't wear, but from the look on Leora's face, I would put good money on him getting a mouthful when she got him outside, and if he carries on like that, if I was Paul I'd be doing an audit of my body parts every morning because one day somethings going to be missing, as they say "Hell Hath No Fury As A Woman Scorned"
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