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Everything posted by Newark52

  1. If we were wrong about her Aunty visiting earlier this week she's just proved she is definitely around now
  2. I was going on the day count as well, and after watching today's session where she paid more attention to her back door than the front it's possible we're right
  3. You can't argue when her Aunties related to Mother Nature
  4. Two great minds but a single thought, going on her mood yesterday it's more than likely
  5. C'est très proche de sa tante faisant sa visite mensuelle
  6. If you were Paul you could, nothing but nothing comes between Paul and his sleep except maybe at a push food
  7. I would have thought by now after all their time together she should realise sleep tops the list of Paul's priorities, closely followed by food.
  8. It's commonly known as a bullet, and you're right about it being a pocket rocket.
  9. Any of the translation softwares translates near enough word for word, basically what "Wichstviel" is saying is stop complaining about not being able to get videos, and record them yourselves
  10. It's easy to work just count the days, most women go 28 days, Leora as we know is somewhat special so her Aunty takes around 32 day's to arrive
  11. Before the Trolls gave her some real shit reducing her to tears on many occasions, before quite a few of the us oldies went on the attack in her defence, with your current circumstances there's a good chance you may have had a PM from her, she was fun in those day's, not saying she isn't now.

    1. Aussie_oi_oi


      Thanks, Newark52 it would mean the world to me to receive an "All the best" message from Leora. I love watching and supporting her to bits. Bloody Trolls. Leora can trust me never to reveal any message she sent. I've been watching her for 5 years and haven't missed many days and will hopefully continue for as long as she is on RLC.

    2. Newark52


      I understand where you're coming, but unfortunately she doesn't trust anyone on CC, I'm in contact away from CC with a few who like me used to have a PM conversation with her and I know of at least two that had her personal email address, but even they've had nothing from her.

      As for the temperature where you are go over to the Gold Coast it's only around a comfortable 26 - 29C there, well it is in Forest anyway, before you ask I live in England I have a friend who lives in Forest.

      If you need someone to talk to in confidence you can always PM me, but remember I don't have the answer's, but I do have a thick skin

    3. Aussie_oi_oi


      Thank-you your message of goodwill and friendship means the world to me. Mum's big operation is on the 23rd Jan the same day I met my surgeon to discuss my issues. Next week is going to be very hard for our family. I really hope Leora could see she would be doing something very nice to message her best wishes to me. Thank you for being there for me. It doesn't go unnoticed.

  12. Whether she earns money or not, she's the one keeping a roof over their heads, as someone posted RLC are ruthless with couple who don't provide any action
  13. I think the jury is out on that one, considering the number of time she's offered herself to him and he's turned his back on her, alternatively his labido is next to none existant
  14. As usual he couldn't be bothered to look after her needs, and I think he may have told her to go and sort herself out, so he doesn't have to move and use up valuable energy better put to use sleeping
  15. I could be wrong, but I don't think I am it looks like her Auntie has arrived for her monthly visit, also it looks like she's letting her little garden grow again
  16. Do you really want people to tell you where you're going wrong?
  17. It would have to be quick drying paint, he's like a car ferry at times Roll on Roll off
  18. When he remembers, he has two different types of limp one for the cams, and the one hoping for the sympathy vote from Leora which doesn't seem to be forthcoming probably because like the rest of us she's seen it all before
  19. It seems Paul's memory is not so good this morning as it took him quite a while to remember he's supposed to have a bad foot/leg and start limping again, at least he remembered to limp with the same leg as yesterday
  20. Thankfully she hasn't gone for suspenders, I'm to young to die and apart from that my subscription to CC still has a long time to go before it needs renewing
  21. When It's dark outside and the room lights are on any window becomes like a mirror, and what happens when you put a woman and mirror together ? Further to what "pepe" posted if you look at cam 8 and the light outside is right from the reflection in the bedroom mirrors all you can see are mountains, not buildings
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