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Everything posted by Newark52

  1. Oh what a conversation we have at times on CC. I noticed when she got out of bed she was checking her fanny, knickers on straight away then into the shower for tampon time, and the face she was wearing was not a happy one, so I don't think this was a precautionary measure, bless her. Whichever way you look at it her followers will be (me include) fairly quiet for the next 4 or 5 days
  2. That probably accounts for her appearing to be slightly unhappy to say the least, her Aunties arrived early
  3. I'm not going to arue, and I'm not going to correct my statement either
  4. To set the records straight, it was nothing to do with comments about Paul or RLC that drove her away from this forum, but some vicious Trolls that attacked her to the point of reducing the girl to tears, one even threatened to hurt her so she closed all her social media account never to join us again, that we know of I agree she doesn't like derogatory comments about Paul but they don't have the same effect on her as the Trolls did
  5. Under normal circumstances you would be right, but with The Shadow being around circumstances are far from normal
  6. I agree, most women are just before Aunty calls, but in my humble opinion I think this was in some way compensation for the one finger salute, (yes I could be wrong) and the pathetic performance in the bedroom that followed, which was not up to her usual standards by a long way.
  7. pepe, the cold shoulder didn't last long as she been in action already today
  8. jimbo, I think one or both of them look at this Forum more often than we think, take this morning when they got Paul after looking at his phone was walking round like a bull with a sore head, and after she got up and had a look at her phone she joined the sore head brigade before going out Just now she was on her own legs akimbo and she didn't appear to be too happy to see the clowns, sorry the clouds return. Whether the message is getting across to her remains to be seen
  9. I hope she takes on board all you've said, because I'd hate to see her go all for the sake of that lazy clown she lives with, and as for their finances as someone has already mentioned 20 somethings (which they are) don't seem to have an interest in saving for their future, I know from experience I've had to help out two of my own. I'm actually surprised that he's managed to drag her down to his level as I alway thought she had stronger character than what it seems
  10. Unfortunately the breads starting to get a bit stale and the butter is getting close to becoming rancid
  11. That never crossed my mind, as long as a good time was had by all
  12. My friend I've had a keen interest in women for too many years to mention, and in all that time even with being married as well I still can't work out when a woman is having a real orgasm or faking it
  13. They've been together numerous years and there's never been any improvement so why should he when she does all the work
  14. I've often thought he was watching her at play even when he was at work
  15. In her defence she's making the best of a bad job, gone are the day's of her suddenly deeming it necessary to have a bit of fun where and whenever she felt like, now as you quite rightly say, she almost has to book a time and place where she can make room to fit looking after her followers in, albeit repetitive, in my opinion something from her is better than nothing. We can also live in hope that as the weather is getting better and he's got his bike as far as the hall, she may just have a little more time to herself.
  16. jimbo, you have to ask the question does Paul really want to work, because with a little bit of effort (sorry I used the word effort) he should by now be getting regular supply of phones to repair, also while on the subject of work the last time I looked there was 2.8 vacancies for every unemployed person in Russia so finding that elusive job can't be that hard, unless you're Paul that is,
  17. He sneezed twice yesterday and he's probably just remembered he needs mothering while he can work out what he can claim is wrong with him, hence the cloud turned darker
  18. A guy by the name of Blaramberg in 1888 wrote a piece of music for the piano entitled "The Water Maiden" I think it sum up your Little One quite nicely
  19. It wasn't that hard to work out he hadn't had his first fead of the day
  20. I don't like Paul either, but in his defence no matter how much we go on about his lack of prowess in the bedroom he's never going to become a super stud, and somewhere along the line he must be doing something right considering the length of time they've been together, or has it something to do with the cronic man shortage in Russia? As for him following her around it's not as bad as the last time he was out of work YET
  21. jimbo, I agree, but some people will never change and jump to conclusions without taking a bit of time to read through the archives where they just may LEARN something about her and what she's really like, OK they would have to filter out some of the conjecture (crap) about her, but it makes for interesting reading then they would realise how wrong they are about her.
  22. Nothing personal it was just backing up your statement about not leaving her Auntie's visit alone, just like a dog with a bone
  23. All you garden lovers out there brace yourselves she shaved her cute little patch OFF
  24. Dog with a bone springs to mind, sorry scutus it's not aimed at you
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