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Everything posted by ipiratemedia

  1. I did mention last Video, and I don't make it a habit to come to this thread, except for what I have already stated above... I love the poem, and I wish it were your own - But does words, mean nothing to me. You don't feel the need to guess thoughts second or measure words. Love comes in wholes, not halves, not thirds. We may not have been best friends, But that is a title for the kind of friendship; we did share mostly active than it is idle. You're a grateful man to feel this way, and I wish you all the luck, I have out welcome my stay. Joey
  2. Funny! The only time, anyone will find me here is to voice my opinion on some dissatisfied troll or member. I don't pretend to know everything; I only speak on matters I know I'll win. The love of conflict is most evident when opposing forces join sides to defeat the peacemaker. Get what you can with words, because words are free, but the words of an armed man ring that much sweeter. If you don't agree with me, I have two words for you: move on...Peace Joey
  3. Why would he surrender, he has done nothing wrong? Two years away from elections, and still the Dem politicians have nothing to run on. So, let's destroy a mans reputation without conscious. This is NOT the party that I want to represent America. Pure Evil! (IMHO)
  4. LMAO! She should press charges, for Battery.
  5. Please thank your son for his service! I appreciate everything he does for our Nation. Like my brothers before him, we have fought to keep our colors free. With every battle that we have won, your son is there to show who is number one. To the American Flag this promise your son will give, to hold you high and let you live. His words to the flag are profound, and he will keep your colors off the ground. He will guard and protect your stars and stripes, with all his power, and his might. So be very proud because of what he has become, a Marine now, and always your son!
  6. My dad taught me to show respect to those with higher education, rank, and who are older. (I try my best to honor his words.) If I can't say it in person, I better know how to express myself in words. The wrong words can be taken out of context. And believe me, we all know!
  7. LMAO! I do day trading, So, I'm fortunate to tune in once in a while. I have to focus when it comes time to do the deed. (trading) And I know Howard is around. Lol. Is because of you Mic, I decided to look into these Apartments, rather than debate a fellow Marine. There's No room in my heart for hate when it comes to you n' other Veterans. We all suffer ours loses. And I lost the only thing that matters to me here. I'll leave it at that.Joey
  8. This is all about Leora NOT Pavel! (so I was told by Howard back in 17) I cannot understand why people keep bringing up News as old as the crust in their underwear's. OK, I'm jumping ahead of myself. We have Newbies, and they want to love Leora wildly. They don't want words, but inarticulate cries, meaningless, from the bottom of Leora's most first being. They want Leora to splayed out on the table for their own feast and taste Leora to see what she's all about. They want to liberate her heart and each vacant need. They search the depths of Leora, Like oceans, emotions whirl shades of affection. So, Leora can't be overbooked, only under-read. She is delicate as a lily, flawless like a pearl in sea blur threads of tapestry which colors my world.
  9. Good for you Harley. There was no bet. Only Humor!
  10. LMAO! I remember that in the old days a hippy walking down the street with his mobile was practically advertising that he was a drug dealer. At the time, people thought beepers were the cool thing, the communication buzzers that added bulge to your jeans pocket. However they soon switched from risking testicular cancer to the more fashionable perils of brain tumors and there was no looking back. As for the hairy pussies, you've must of cough up a lot of hair. I was fingering my girlfriend when she was on her period...and then her dad walked in on us and caught me red-handed. Yeah, my dick has a sad life. His hair is always a mess, his family is nuts, his neighbor's an asshole, his best friend's a pussy and his owner beats him. Like my dad always said, "A vagina is just like the weather? When it's wet, it's time to go inside." Peace Joey
  11. I thought about you all day yesterday day and I just wanted to let you know. (Image Content No Longer Available)
  12. LMAO! Not surprising nowadays TBG. Women might be able to fake orgasms. But men can fake whole relationships. Sebastian inlet, great place to fish. I'm sure you already knew that...Peace Joey
  13. Over the years, I have learned that what is important in a dress is the woman who is wearing it. Enjoy yourself, Talk soon!
  14. On me! Showtime! - http://123tv.live/watch/showtime/ - FRIDAY NIGHT FIGHTS! STARZ - http://123tv.live/watch/starz/ - John Wick 2 is playing right now. HBO - http://123tv.live/watch/hbo/
  15. I have always wondered what women think or know exactly what George was implying. I didn't start watching the show until the sixth season. Like many, my channels consists of Bloomberg, Sports, History an Educational. The rest, I'm oblivious to it. When we tend to think of water as the only source of shrinkage, which is a common idea underlying the meaning of the reduction in the effects of sampling variation. Cold weather also can affect a man's awakening. I did not know this. A friend of mind, yes, I do have a friend, shared with me an embarrassing moment in his life. He told me, She ran her gaze over his chest with sincere appreciation. Then he shivered, realizing he hadn't considered the weather. (that part I did not understand) It was forty-five degrees max, but Chloe (not her real name) was giving him a go on gesture with her hand. "All I have left is my pants," he said. "Yes, please." "It's cold, Chloe." She tilted her head. "Are you worried about shrinkage?" Well, he was now. Chloe and Sawyer. Lol, I never had a problem rolling in the snow. If I remember correctly, it melted because of the steam that radiated through pure unadulterated sex.
  16. Sad, indeed. But looking at the picture, he seems more interested in Tits. Good for him.
  17. Lol... I agree Curious, considering or assuming the videos you're referring to are mine. Dana and Mittsy1 post - Back then, I used to time stamp my Videos...Not that anyone here is obligated to say or share why the old Videos post? "Well," because the Apt. Has been vacated for a while now, and you're the one person venting you're dissatisfaction which is perfectly fine. Understand, visitors and Newbies are "Curious." too. A good conversation always involves a certain amount of complaining. I like to bond over mutual hatreds and petty grievances.(nothing personal) Good day to you all, got to catch a plane.
  18. Hello Sexy! I don't think you will ever envisage how you've touched my life and made me who I am. I don't think you could ever know, just how truly special you are to all of us, that even on the darkest nights you are our brightest Star. You've allowed us to experience something hard to find, The unconditional love that exists In your body, soul, and mind. I don't think you could ever feel all the love we all have to give, and I'm sure you'll never realize you've been "my" will to live. You are a fantastic person! I love the tee-shirt, reminds me of home...Joey LES MISéRABLES - Would you realize what Revolution is, call it Progress; and would you realize what Progress is, call it Tomorrow. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1F3USmWX-Urwm-jU8bz5ofBXfAogEBnDx/view?usp=sharing
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