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Everything posted by ipiratemedia

  1. "Well," here at last dear friend, on the shores of the Florida coast comes the end of our fellowship. We all take different paths in life, but no matter where we go, we take a little of each other everywhere. It doesn’t matter how many times you leave, it will always hurt to come back and remember what you once had and who you once were and who you once spoke with. Then it will hurt just as much to leave again, and so it goes over and over again. Go in peace! Joey
  2. I'm sure Ary, is grateful for what she was born with. She should be. It's an awesome face, a perfect face, an ethereal face. The kind people write songs and poems and suicide notes about. It's that exotic kind of beauty that men in romance novels obsess over, even if they have no idea who you are because they must possess you, that kind of beauty.
  5. Thanks, for the effort BB and for pointing things out... Simplicity and Interesting.
  6. Yes! "Their appeal invested in themselves." You mean they invested in their Doctrine? Populisms’ appeal is largely based upon its doctrine of care for ordinary people. Therefore, the interests and conceptions such as fear and hope that the general population holds are placed in contrast to the prevailing social and political interests. (I believe that is why there is chaos in France) The existing status quo is challenged, and predominant politicians and parties are put on the defense during a crisis of indifference. But there is a fix to a cracked Mirror; it's called the truth, meaning or replace it with other Mirrors...Anything or anyone can be replaced now. Of course, every country is going to have their problems. Here in America the leftist looneys are mostly the blame and believe me; they don't give a dame circulating dilutional messages to their minions around the world. When you use the word Tories, are you referring to a member or supporter of the Conservative Party or an American colonist who supported the British side during the American Revolution? Dumber-crates, have already changed 3/4 of our system and ignore our rights for there own personal agenda or gain! And trying their hardest to remove our President. I which you guys did have a Churchill. We are grateful to have our Churchill in office whether people like him or not.
  7. I have always been interested in listening to people and reading their post from all over the world, even from a few people here on CC about there sexual adventures. (even if it were faulty, one's imagination can run wild.) One big reason, I enjoy watching you n' Stats! I swing with the best of them when we are both in the mood. Rule number one, never fall in love. As someone who is in a short-term relationship; I'm always looking for new ways to spice up my sex life with my new partners. Over the year, we've tried it all role-playing, dirty talk, new positions, you name it. But my new favorite turn on is reading sex scenes from books. When I was younger, I tried watching erotic movies with female college friends, but the acting was so bad, and the quality of the video was so low, I found myself laughing out loud and critiquing the film instead of being aroused. Watching it with my few friends made me feel awkward and strangely detached, and I knew there had to be a better way to indulge in sexual fantasies. I have 11 Books we enjoy reading and role-playing... These are my top-five... I might be able to get them in your language, if I do, I will forward you the PDF file and you or Stas can print them out - And start the Role-Playing... It will be fun... I can already picture Stats, as you run up the steps toward Stats, a tremendous flash of desire went through your body. On the landing, Stats grabs your hand and pulled you down the hall into an empty bedroom. Her legs went weak as the door closed behind them. She felt Stats mouth on hers, his lips tasting of burnt tobacco, bitter. She opened her mouth. At that moment she felt his hand come up beneath her gown, heard the rustle of material giving way, she felt his large warm hand between her legs, ripping aside the satin panties to caress her vulva. She put her arms around his neck and hung there as he opened his trousers. Then he placed both hands beneath her bare buttocks and lifted her. As he Starts to insert every inch of his manhood, She cries out with such passion, while Stats feels the warmth of her juices sipping down his legs. As for Clara, her smiles welcomes their new adventure. 1. A Sport and a Pastime: A Novel by James Salter Let me set the scene for you. 1960s Paris, where a Yale dropout and a young French girl carry on a passionate, steamy love affair which includes role-playing, teasing, and a whole lot of foreplay. 2. Addicted to You by Bethany Kane Speaking of foreplay, if you want not just minutes but hours of it, help yourself to addicted to you, by romance and erotica author Beth Kery (writing as Bethany Kane). Full of sexual tension and tortured lovers, this one is so much more fun read aloud. 3. The Godfather by Mario Puzo Because chances are either you or your partner love The Godfather movie, it's time you shared the book, together. Action packed, violent, and sexy, this scene from early on in the novel is a taste of what's to come. 4. Fingersmith by Sarah Waters It starts with an innocent kiss, but it gets much sweeter (and hotter) from there. The rush of abandonment, impropriety, and deceit are all too much. If you like to imagine sexy Jane Austen or Charles Dickens novels, read Sarah Waters glorious Fingersmith. 5. Night Secrets by Kat Martin There's usually some pretty hot sex in historical romance novels, and Night Secrets is no different. Reading these intense, pleasure-filled sex scenes with your partner is like erotic role-playing, book nerd style. Give me a few days to see if I can produce a PDF copy. After all, I am known as Ipiratemedia...lol
  8. By far, IMO. The Greatest female Artist, known to man. Some say, Linda has a beautiful voice, some say, she doesn't. It is a matter of opinion. All I can tell, those who never heard Linda sing, should listen to her. This is my favorite track of her singing in her first language and mine...I use to play these songs in my convertible, blasting the songs for the whole world to hear. Yes, I was told by law enforcement to tune it down. Thanks for the post, Harley... Floods of great memories of my Mom...
  9. I want you splayed out on the table like my own personal feast Clara, especially while your reading to me... I crave your mouth, your hair, ass and I'm staving. I'm not in the business of denying myself the simple pleasure of saying true things. I know that love is just a shout into the void, and that oblivion is inevitable, and that we're all doomed and that there will come a day when all our labor has been returned to dust, and I know the sun will swallow the only earth we'll ever have - a word echoed, a world filled with mystery and promise and hope and a future.. Like most issues in my life, I found the answer to this predicament in a book, an erotic book, to be exact. When I realized how much of a turn on reading sex scenes in books was solo, I knew it was something I needed to try with my Girlfriend, and not just because we're both book nerds, but because it was that titillating. And you can take it from me, it's fun for both you and your partner. Joey
  10. Yes, one might say, I'm obsessed with Climate Change, Global Warming, at the moment...I have spent more than a day researching 1/3 of every fucking thing to do with Climate Change. Videos, reading articles from renowned scientists essays, Global Warming Thesis Statement Ideas etc... A high percentage of scientist from other countries don't believe in the B/S...The Brits, by far have the best perspective. A few known countries don't give a shit about it... They know, the stupidy of the western world... "31,000 scientists reject global warming and say "no convincing evidence" that humans can or will cause global warming"? The list, is to fucking LOOOONG!
  12. A great scientist named Roger Revelle had Al Gore in his class at Harvard and the Global Warming campaign was born. Revelle tried to calm things down years later, but Gore said Revelle was Senile and refused to debate. John Coleman documents the entire story and shows how our tax dollars are perpetuating the Global Warming alarmist campaign even though temperatures have not risen in years and years.
  14. What is Climate Change? Does it affect everyone? A lot of unsavory characters in this world of lies and deception, wants us to think differently...Climate change has been happening since a tyrannosaur babe, ask me out to lunch to have Tea with Rex... Everybody needs to quit farting; it warms up the world! Okay, enough of the silly jokes. Who profits the most from the "global warming" bullshit? I won't take it seriously until these rich assholes do. I'm so tired of politicians and celebrities telling people they have to pay for these carbon taxes when their footprint is miles longer than ours... Talk is cheap, and the double standard is breathtaking. 33 years ago Al Gore said that in 3 decades we'd be out of fossil fuels and California would be underwater. Climate Change is perfectly natural and unavoidable. The left is a bunch of hypocrites. They talk about open borders and allowing all illegals in and none stop immigration, but complain about Global Warming. When you bring a bunch of people into the Country who reproduces much more than Europeans and then complain about Carbon footprints, you might be a Democrat. If your left eye is larger than your right... you might be a Democrat.
  15. Clara! I've got you flowers and lots of hours to spend time watching you... Go and powder your cute little nose. And make up your big beautiful eyes. One can only imagine how delicious you're Pussy must taste, So sweet and tasty, the freshest, without doubt, It turns me on considerably, and if my wishes can all come true, I'll soon be kissing your sweet pussy lips too...Stats your alright, I would party with you both all night - If you let me be with her for an hour, I promise you, she won't be devoured...Joey 😘
  16. As always EuroMike, you always manage to find interesting humorous topics. I believe much trouble and blood would be saved if we flicked each other, more often.
  17. I was hoping to pluck their feathers. Then I have to deal with Ashley! HeHe
  19. I'll tell you this Harley: Nothing remains as it was on RLC. If you feel you know this, you can begin again, with pure joy at VHTV...and with that in mind, why do the most interesting people always leave? It’s not the days in life we remember you, rather the moments. Hope to see you on VHTV, the most comprehensive site available to man...Joey lol
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