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Everything posted by ipiratemedia

  1. Thank you" "I appreciate your support." There are some people here, I also find myself supporting. The funny thing is their Liberals. No different than you and I. Personally, IMHO, Liberals have NO clue about Politics, other than what they watch, read, and hear. But when it comes to everything else, "you just might not be able to hang in the same room."
  2. THUG LIFE TRUMP https://drive.google.com/file/d/19LrbNMrDZ4pyNaxequglZu_795mGH8R9/view?usp=sharing
  3. You forgot to mention the Multi-Billion Dollar Legal Marijuana Industry. COMING SOON! I'm not sure on the date, but it's close. "what say you? I believe your correct in saying, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, only interest is the legalization of 4:20 - I think, out of the Billions Canada stands to Smoke, I mean Roll in. A percentage of it is going into The Prime Ministers pockets. After all, It seems to me and others, his only interest is with Canopy Growth Corp. (NYSE: CGC) Number one STOCK in the world for the cultivation of Creepy Northern Lights... A Canadian base company. (STOCK ALERT) (NYSE: CGC)
  4. LMAO! Alladino, both parties are guilty of lies, cheat, and deceiving the public. I don't choose a particular party because one Mascot happens to be a Jackass and the other an overweight lover of an Elephant. I'm sure a lot of people are passionate about what Democrats and Republicans represent. The bottom line, I'm happy with the way things are at the Veterans Clinic, and I'm content with my economic values. A Democrats and a Republican are walking down the street together when they happen across a homeless man. The Republican reaches into his pocket and pulls out $20 and his business card. He gives the $20 to the homeless man and then gives him his business card and instructs the homeless man to call him for a job. Democrat: “Why did you do that.” Republican: “Because it feels good to help people. You should try it.” Democrat: “I think I will.” As the Democrat and Republican continue walking, they happen across another homeless man. This time the Democrat reaches into the pocket of the Republican and pulls out $100. He then reaches into his own pocket and pulls out three business cards. He gives the homeless man the $100 and hands him the three business cards. He tells the homeless man, “Here’s $100. This first business card is an attorney who will help you sue the people who put you on the street. This second business card is the head of a TV station, I’m sure they would be very interested in your story of suing those responsible for your condition. This third business card is mine, in case you need more help. The Democrat and the Republican continue walking. The Democrat turns to the Republican and says, “You’re right! That felt pretty good!” The Republican just shakes his head.
  5. The U.S. Health Care System is unique among advanced industrialized countries. ... Rather than operating a national health service, a single-payer national health insurance system, or a multipayer universal health insurance fund, the U.S. health Care System can best be described as a Hybrid System.
  6. As a disabled Marine, and a successful business owner of Five Restaurants, which I sold due to my Military injuries. I also have Degrees, Two and Three Certifications, and Ridgerunner is correct. College today is a Joke because most colleges are tainted with Teachers who enjoy executing their beliefs. As an independent, I vote for the candidate who generally cares for Veterans, Law Enforcement, and First responders, and doesn't bleed our country dry, (like Obama) I grew up with the Trump family, who resided across the Hudson River. So, we Metropolitan s, know him a lot better than you will ever know him, and I don't waste my time watching TV - When we have the Internet. Having those degrees and certifications doesn't make me smarter or a better person. It's just a piece of paper, and is up to the individual to decide, what to do with that piece of paper...Here, we have Doctors, Nurses, Business owners, Physicist, "Writer's on the storm" and most importantly PERVERTS! So excuse us if we feel your spanking your manhood with the tweezers Obama used to pluck his nose hairs from, while engaging in conversation about your Liberal understanding. One of my passion in life is reading, educating myself whether it be a Conservative or Liberal publication. I can't imagine, how many young minds had too or force too, listen to your rederic, while teaching. A person who is proud, to display HATE, not only to the President, but to his own Grand Kids. Sorry, no respect from me!!! I hate a lot things, but I won't fill a young mind, with opinions, like my Dad did me. If it wasn't for the Military, I would have never known about the opposition. What is the definition of “Liberal accountant”? Someone who solves a problem you didn’t know you had in a way you don’t understand. "Typical!" This Videos shows how naive people can be.... They might even be one or more of your students. Peace Joey
  7. For CPA, you would think by now, you would have an inkling of how things work in the USA, instead of waiting for someone to educate you in spending. And the reason for that is, you have no clue. To ask such a question that only pertains to your fictional or Liberal thinking would be obscured. "Rain man," Share with us Americans and disabled Veterans and Minority like myself, who has nothing better, but to go around badmouthing the President. And educating his Grand kids, about hate... Who teaches that? LIBERALS! A great attribute to have and share with your grand kids, how to Hate and be Prejudice, and Racist. Those lines are as old as the Crust in your underwear's. How about Obama's historic high spending, did it not affect the American Taxpayer and the economy? Nevertheless, the spending Trump inherited was so high that even modest increases keep it at a level that is extraordinarily lofty by historical standards. The System works. The same way we paid for Obama Care, The same way we Bailout Banks and Corporations. The same way, Obama Administration-Funded Soros’ Left-Wing Activities. More than a year after the Obama administration slammed American taxpayers with a record-high tab to provide an unprecedented number of people with food stamps. This fraud continues full-throttle in the bloated welfare program. In Florida alone, they arrested nearly 200 people for operating a sophisticated ring in which millions of TAXPAYERS MONEY in food stamps were fraudulently exchanged for cash and drugs. Keep in mind that food stamps, renamed by the Obama (LMAO) administration Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) to eliminate stigma, are designed to help nourish the nation’s most needy pockets. Not surprisingly, the food stamp program became a hotbed of fraud and corruption. Before you open your mouth about how things are going to be paid, use your TI-Nspire CX EZ Calculator and do the math. OBAMA ADMINISTRATION TRAVEL COST $114 MILLION, and TRUMP'S SO FAR IS $10 MILLION. Contrary Liberals, are going to give you negative answers to every question. After all, that's what they are about being Negative...Peace Joey .
  8. LMAO! Your relentless Alladino, I give you that! And thank you for expanding your sentences. You might be a liberal if think that conservatives, like preservatives, ought to be federally regulated. You might be a liberal if you think OJ is out looking for the real killers. You believe that the words "to promote the general welfare" in the Constitution mean to promote welfare generally. Liberals are very intolerant of people who don't agree with their ideas of what constitutes tolerance. You might be a liberal if you spent Columbus Day reading "Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee." Have you ever wondered out loud, "Why can't we all get along?"
  9. I'm lying in the sand with my friend holding hands while having a "Pina Colada and getting caught in the Rain," A cloudy day at the beach is still a day at the… Beach! Girls want to have SUN! Me, I'm all about the palm trees & 80 degrees. Once again Mr.Trump has found himself at the center of all talking points. While his approval rating is rising at an alarming rate. Why? The genius of impeachment lay in the fact that it could punish the man without punishing the office. (meaning, he's NOT going anywhere) Ex-Presidents Bill Clinton in 1998 and Andrew Johnson 1868 are prime examples... The only removal from office was Watergate Nixon and Judges. IMO, impeachment must not be a raw exercise of political power in which the House impeaches whoever it wishes for any reason it deems sufficient. (in this case Mr. Trump) Indeed, it is the solemn duty of all of the members of the House in any impeachment case to exercise their judgment faithfully within the confines established by our Constitution. Life is more than thought: what a man feels, and what his senses awaken in him, are more indispensable to his life’s fullness than a subsequent reflection on their significance. The “high crimes and misdemeanors of the "Media's" language remains controversial. But what might fall into the category of ‘other high Crimes and Misdemeanors’ is still entirely unclear. Conditions may, and are not unlikely to arise, someday, when the exercise of the power to impeach and remove the President may be quite as essential to the preservation of our political system as it threatened to become in this instance destructive of that system. Should that day ever come, it is to be hoped that the remedy of impeachment, as established by the Constitution, may be as patriotically, as fearlessly, and as unselfishly applied as it will be rejected.
  10. I’m sorry if my nose isn’t accustomed to B/S like you liberals are use too. ( knee deep.) Tell me, what has changed? Tell me, what you hate about his policies, and what policy you would recommend or implement, and Why you hate Trump in general. Please, don’t tell me because he’s a Republican, and he’s for the rich. Because if that’s the case, I would suggest you stay out of this conversation. If not, at least use more than one syllable...Peace
  11. Lol.. WAKE UP... SNAP OUT OF IT! TRUMP WILL NEVER BE IMPEACHED! ITS A MYSTERY.. Good Night all, keep dreaming for that one perfect night of TRUMP...
  12. LMAO! (In a good way my friend) - In the words of the great Martin Luther King Jr. "Free at last, free at last. Thank God almighty we are free at last." Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. Without massive Republican defections, Democrats will not be in a position to impeach Trump, let alone achieve the two-thirds majority required in the Senate to actually remove him from the Oval Office. The 2018 elections will not change this reality. Trump won his first term despite record low approval ratings, triumphing over the marginally less unpopular Hillary. He will probably be able to repeat this feat if necessary. IMO - Trump is most likely to win if he runs as an independent candidate himself. I think he’s positioned himself from the beginning to run outside the Republican Party, and frankly I think that’s his best option. (what say you?) A few Republicans might distance themselves from Trump after he costs them dearly in the midterms. “Path number two is that the country moves along for three years and continues to create jobs, and there’s no new war that breaks out, and he wins the Republican nomination without contest, and the Democrats have a long and bitter fight.
  13. "Kool-aid." I take it you watch Fox News since Sean Hannity likes to implement that noun into his sentences ... Jersey boy or not. I know first hand how the system works. Political Science is what my Dad instilled in me at "an early age. Grooming me for future endeavors to represent the Liberal party. Well, that all change, when my world came tumbling down for God and Country. Thanks to my Politician Father, who was a Democrat, I was forced into a world of deception, make people believe that the Rich are there for a purpose and NOT for our purpose. To make Americans bow down to liberalism. Etc. I personally don't care for either party. What we have to remember, Politicians are their for there own interest and the interest of the party, not the people...
  14. Com'on FOLKS! I can understand your disappointments, knowing your hopes are not realized. If you are disappointed, it generally leads to frustration, because you feel that you are unable to change the situation you are in, so the ONLY words you can come with, it's words used nowadays by Liberals in a sentence that makes one's Vocabulary sound limited. As much as I disagree with Obama's views, when in office. I still show him respect... Though he will go down in history as the worst EVER! Why the hate? Whats in it for you all? (Are you an outsider looking In?) Mr.Trump is a man, who decided enough was enough. Like me, and other Americans, and Veterans alike, we needed "change," a quote from the mouth of a man who couldn't practice what he preached. Except for the bill he passed to support the Sexual Assault Survivors Bill of Rights. What part did you enjoy the most about Obama - The Free Cell Phones, The Food Stamp, Welfare, The Open Borders, Obama Care? I know, The Bailouts. Those corporations needed to collapse and put away those responsible. Well, we all know what happen, and were that Money ended, and NO one from the Liberal media is talking about it. Why? It's ONLY Eight years Mr. Trump will be employed. Just maybe, when all the Madness has passed. Your Visions that was once impaired will open a new beginning with the understanding how American Democracy works. Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you'll start having positive results. Change your thoughts, and you change your world. As an independent, I view the world in a humane state of mind. We Americans, have given up on our neighbors in the name of GREED, HATE, CONFUSION, LIES and UNFORGIVING. People are illogical, unreasonable, and self-centered, and I Love them anyway. The weak can never forgive, because forgiveness is the attribute of the strong....Peace Joey
  15. Well, the latest polling is A disaster for the Democrats. CNN just came out with a poll on general Congress, and they have Democrats only in front by three. That means no Blue Tidal Wave. Middle America is going to hurt the Democrats. Look at the numbers even in the recent primaries like Ohio who outnumbered Democrats by 160,000 votes cast in a Statewide race. That is terrible news for Democrats. Now the poll is skewed because it includes the East and West Coast where there are a higher number of Democrats. That means big trouble for Democrats. In fact, Democrats Nelson is losing in Florida according to the latest poll to Republican Scott by four. There's not going to be an impeachment. Even Pelosi is saying to stop talking about impeachment. As far as the Russian Collusion is going, it seems to be backfiring on the Democrats. Personally, I hope they keep talking about it. Democrats Polster Nate Silver stated that Blankenship was surging in West Virginia in hopes that Manchin would have a race he could win. So much for Nate Silvers prediction. Blankenship finished a distant third. By the way the last time CNN did a generic poll in 2016 it showed Democrats by four points, and they got killed.
  16. "Wow" so that's, what a crowd full of Welfare recipient look-like. I mean the inaugural conception, Reception. Progressivism only progresses the march to poverty and tyranny. These Leftists can't wrap their heads around the fact that just because they can be the loudest, they're not the majority, and most people DESPERATELY did not want these Democrats or Socialists to have any power. And we VOICED that opinion in 2016 that enough was enough. I never knew of a crowd to win an election Alladino, Don't trust everything you see. Even salt looks like sugar.
  17. Good point Blue! But I'm confused, are we talking about Police Enforcer or the other? Reason being, Police have nothing to do with Policy when it comes to Guns or Alcohol, to be fair to them. Young people, at eighteen, will have the responsibility of learning and excising their rights on Gun control, before they start to drink at 21... Lol...Yeah Right! Age doesn't matter, does it? Many youths under age 21 still drink, despite the current legal drinking age. Doesn’t that prove the policy is ineffective? Should we lower the minimum legal drinking age to 18? Youth in other countries are exposed to alcohol at earlier generations and engage in less alcohol abuse and have healthier attitudes toward alcohol. Don't those countries have fewer alcohol-related problems than we do? I've read that if we educate teens about using Weapons and alcohol safely starting at age 18, will encourage responsibility. Is that true? IMO - More than the One Percent of Law - Enforcement, do Harass like you adequately stated.
  18. Does not matter if it's a quote or not, your RIGHT... I just added the part that you left out...
  19. "The police are the enforcers of the thievery practiced by the One Percent,"( that statement only pertains to "Black Uncle Tom Cops") (meaning the one percent of Black Cops, are taunted, for standing alongside white Cops.) I agree to a certain point, my Canadian friend... Enforcers, yes! Thievery of what? To take it upon themselves to force people into odd situations? There are two complaints, one that the cops are brutal and rude and the other that they don’t do enough to stop crime. Like any job, we are at there mercy. (meaning management) The functions of the American Police are providing essential social services, maintaining order, and controlling crime...(In short) Their job is to catch criminals and keep order. That, at least, is what their role should be. But they don’t seem to have grasped such an essential point themselves. The remodeling of the police as social workers means that when real people suffer real crimes, the police force (I’m sorry, police service, which says it all) don't give a damn! At one percent, I have to agree with you there. So, it’s crucial that those one percent keep the community fractured by distracting them with emotional issues, so the people never stop to wonder how they got so screwed over for so long... Balancing a more compassionate policing with more effective law enforcement is one of the enormous challenges facing our nation, who is traumatized and divided by multiple deadly episodes between the police and it's community. The function of the police is to investigate the act and to pin it on someone, innocent or guilty. If an American is so scared by crime, he/she can exercise the 2nd Amendment, the law to bear arms. So, in essence, we are at the beginning of a Police State, contributing to the World Order, where the policing of the States, is becoming a reality... Good Topic! Peace Joey
  20. This is true, of Amy being the only REAL significant certified Voyeur in the world. I mean, who else would look through a scope from thousands of miles away to witness such lust? AMY! LOL..
  21. First of all Rammer, I bet on Horses, and I do not ride them, and I don't care for heights. I complimented you several times... What I'm politely saying is, you do not practice what you preach - IMHO. And I never used or even imply anything that suggested that you were or are Evil. (Politician can be EVIL) I'm sorry. But I feel like you get off on this stuff. Maybe it's your intellect or curiosity, of other's, it's all good. I genuinely apologize, it was not my attention to upset you. As I said, it was fun in the beginning. Peace to you Rammer. I am spent with Politics and this thread.
  22. Why PM? I'm not going to school you or embarrass you. It's your right to believe in something. I'm just sorry we do not share the same views or attitude toward a situation or event; an opinion. If I can't comprehend or a better word, not understand you, then Educate me... Sometimes I feel your motives here, is nothing more than being a referee or a ploy to get people pissed off with each other. What once was fun, it's becoming irritable to say the least. Believe me, I value every word you utter, "but don't piss down my back and tell me is raining." Peace Joey The Video below is the main REASON Mr. Trump won the election and a insight into his personal life. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MQ5oQw2DbF8Lhm-AHcFMEUJsRLN2mTC5/view?usp=sharing
  23. Writing is my life, when it comes to Romance, Politics, and Sports. So, don't get offended, if I decide not to push or move on this insane issue, at your request. I do have a life and it's NOT here. I've read Mr. Will's article, is nothing new about a Conservative not agreeing with Mr.Trump. Most reporters and editors are based bias. A now-dated Pew Research poll found that liberals outnumber conservatives in the media by some 5 to 1, and that comports with my own anecdotal experience listening to National Public Radio. When you are liberal, and everyone else around you is as well, it is easy to fall into groupthink on what stories are important, what sources are legitimate and what the narrative of the day will be. So, take your pick on what's Bias and what's not, you decide.
  24. Every media is bias and fake, regardless of status Rammer. One's outlook on one's opinion can make one believe otherwise. In the endless search for the magic key that Democrats can use to unlock the hearts of people who vote Republican, the hot new candidate is “respect.” If only Democrats can cast off their snooty liberal elitism and show respect to people who voted for Donald Trump, just maybe, Democrats can win them over and take back Congress and the White House. One of the things I don’t get about the Democratic Party or the news media is the lack of respect they give to people who work hard all of their lives to get themselves out of the hole. I know, it sounds surreal. But I will encourage you to tune into TV News and listen to Conservative or Liberal talk radio for a week. When you do, you’ll find that, again and again, you’re told stories of some excess of campus political correctness, some obscure professor who said something offensive, some Celebrity who said something crude about rednecks or some politician who displayed a lack of knowledge of a cultural marker. The message is pounded home over and over: They hate you and everything you stand for. Both Parties are guilty of this, and one of many reason the country is divided today. Right now, the Politicians Gravy train is at a halt, because of Mr. Trump, and for the next Eight years, I will be a happy camper...
  25. Sounds like a Car Dealership to me. Where the managers corner the buyer or buyer's, and they have to obey their rules. If this is the case, then the promoters of VHTV are allowing this to happen. Now, I can understand why a few here are frustrated. Thanks, most appreciated. IMO, I will never let Management make those decisions without my consent. (anywhere in the world) They are being paid to manage and if that's not the case. I'm moving to RUSSIA and build me an EMPIRE or Hire a Hot Savvy Business related Women to run things. Women to me IMO make the BEST managers. I know, they made me a lot of money operating my ventures.
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