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Everything posted by itsme

  1. I've been busy the last couple of days, did Ary and her friend play at all?
  2. Things are off to a good start.
  3. Well you were right, I was hoping for a little action but it was a relatively quiet night. I suppose it's good to have a non-sexual girls night once and a while.
  4. I have renewed my subscription to see more of Ary.
  5. VHTV I will be happily renewing my subscription in a few days! I thoroughly enjoy the service that you provide.
  6. I agree. There is no reason to be negative towards them. Technical issues occur in every industry. Give'em a break!
  7. When is Misty most active? I never seem to catch her doing anything.
  8. Wow.... This guy failed hard. Trump is in a world of trouble.
  9. Anyone know what's going on here tonight? I've seen some rather strange events.
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